123Pari Member


  • Whats the problem with the higher fat? Fat is GOOD! the higher fat meats will keep you satiated for longer. but if you want to go lean protein stop eating sardines and have chicken breast/turkey/egg whites instead....:smile:
  • I just wanted to say was that to be in ketosis you should have a low carb/moderate protein/ high fat diet. If you eat too much protein then your body will make glucose out of the protein through something called gluconeogenesis-thus spiking insulin level. I personally wouldn't recommend it for building muscle or…
  • :wink: Dont understand when people started to think that a 400 calorie breakfast was a lot????!!!! my breakfast is often half my calories for the day. Either that or i do a fast until lunch, either way, when i eat, i EAT!!!!!
  • I wouldn't, if i ate high-carb There will be exceptions of course....a lot of exercise is one. If you use MCT oil for the BP coffee, your body will still think its in a fasted state and will not raise insulin, this is why it keeps you full for so long. If you eat it with carbs then you will have the insulin spike, and you…
  • I wouldn't, if i ate high-carb There will be exceptions of course....a lot of exercise is one. If you use MCT oil for the BP coffee, your body will still think its in a fasted state and will not raise insulin, this is why it keeps you full for so long. If you eat it with carbs then you will have the insulin spike, and you…
  • http://the21daysugardetox.com/ Try it see how you feel Also look into cutting out gluten, there are studies that show that gluten trigger the same brain receptors as heroine. I cut it out and never have food cravings any more 'Willpower' will not help you, if your body is craving something then its basically impossible to…
  • 400 calories is hardly a lot for breakfast (100 calories per tablespoon of fat-average) Especially when it keeps you full for hours...unlike a bowl of crappy wheat filled cereal/ bagel/low fat option....that will spike you blood sugar and make you hungry again in 90 mins. Not to mention how uniquely beneficial MCTs are If…
  • Bulletproof coffee is aaaamazing! Some people will never understand! :grumble: Have you looked at prices of MCT oil on Amazon? coconut oil is good for flavour, but its the Medium Chain Triglyceride's that you need to produce keytones.... MCT is much more effective for this You only need a tablespoon of the stuff so it…
  • im slightly confused about these....surely something that produces keytones is only helpful if you are in ketosis Are you doing low carb/high fat/med protein? this is the only way i see these working.....
  • defo more like sugar....
  • Oh my goodness, the quality of the food you eat is by far the most important thing when it comes to health and weight loss.... If you want to message me i would be happy to help you :smile: Just as a tip i would cut the cardio to 2x per week and add in some heavy lifting instead...
  • Hi In some cases it depends on the person. Do you do a lot of cardio? When we do cardio our body releases a stress hormone-cortisol. doing a lot of cardio will release a lot of cortisol. If you do cardio everyday, maybe reduce it to 2-3 times week and add in a day of yoga or heavy lifting. If you want to give me some more…
  • Hi I would say that if its gluten you want to cut out then your roti & chapathi should be cut out too. To get the full effects of a no gluten diet, any exposure will put you back to square 1. Is there anything that you could substitute? rice flour? Are chapathis not made from chickpea flour???-this would be gluten free if…
  • I just wanted to say that since the 'calorie' was invented/used as a tool to manage food obesity has risen. Now correlation is not causation but you must realise that since the beginning of time, people ate when food was plentiful, stopped when they were full and fasted during either droughts/lack of food. All animals…
  • If you want to talk to me on a one to one basis let me know and i will be happy to go further in depth on the subject of PCOS.
  • Hi PCOS is a hormone imbalance. Severely cutting calories and fat may have an undesired effect on your metabolism and weight. This includes a 5:2 type diet, which i would only recommend for someone with a health functioning metabolism. Healthy fats are very important to regulate a healthy hormone balance. Low carb is also…