Weight Loss Help

Hey there!
I'm Female
20 yrs old
180 pounds and 5'8

I'm looking to lose about 2 pounds a week or more.
I eat 1300 calories a day or less.
I work out every day for 30 minutes on the treadmill jogging and lose an average of 360 calories and I do eat them back

However, I have a question. Does the food I eat matter as long as I'm staying in the 1300 calorie range? I sometimes snack on things with high sugar count, chocolates, cookies or grains and I seem to always go over (or double) the suggest sugars. Will eating to much sugar and junk food refrain me from losing weight even though I'm exercising daily and eating 1300 or less calories a day? Should I be watching what I eat aswell as calories to lose 2 pounds a week or does it not really matter?
I've been doing this for a week straight now and I have yet to weigh myself to see if I have gotten any results, (I don't want to look and feel discouraged) but I want to make sure my routine is still going to allow me to lose weight or if I should be more strict.

The thing is I've done so many fad diets, no bread, only gluten free, no dairy and they never seem to work, or I find myself starving and give up. I just want to lose weight and be happy at the same time. I'm fairly content with my routine now, but it's pointless if I'm not going to lose weight.

I'm really hoping to drop 40 pounds by June. Is this possible with my current eating habits?


  • kiwitechgirl
    kiwitechgirl Posts: 145 Member
    If you eat less than you burn you will lose weight. Unless you have diabetes, don't worry about the sugar - I can go over MFP's recommended limit by eating an apple and a banana...you may find you feel better with less junk food, but you don't have to cut it out! I have found that by eating better I can eat more within my calorie allowance, but I haven't stopped eating chocolate or cheesecake, I'm just eating less of them than I used to.
  • 123Pari
    123Pari Posts: 16 Member
    Oh my goodness, the quality of the food you eat is by far the most important thing when it comes to health and weight loss....

    If you want to message me i would be happy to help you :smile:

    Just as a tip i would cut the cardio to 2x per week and add in some heavy lifting instead...
  • ElliottTN
    ElliottTN Posts: 1,614 Member
    In terms of just plain weight loss, it really doesn't matter as long as its not an extreme.

    In terms of body composition when you are done with your weight loss.....that is a different story.
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    2 pounds per week (or more) is a really aggressive weight loss goal for your size. You and I have very similar stats (5'8" 177 pounds and I'm 31 years old). I lose weight on 1600 calories per day while sedentary and can go as high as 1900 calories when I'm working out. But I'm also a bit paranoid about losing muscle mass at this stage.

    You have to ask yourself what your end goal is. If the number on the scale is all you care about then no, it doesn't matter what you eat as long as your calories are below your maintenance.

    If, however, you have certain health, fitness, or body composition goals in mind then you may need to take a closer look at your macronutrients. Protein and fat both help keep you feeling fuller and more satisfied. Protein helps to rebuild and retain your lean muscle mass. Fat is good for you and helps with everything from hormone control, vitamin absorption, cell growth, etc. And carbs give you energy. Your goals will determine how you want to set your macros.
  • MrBryGuy
    MrBryGuy Posts: 115
    I am in the same boat as you. 30 yrs old, 5'8" and 180 lbs. I am looking to lose 30 lbs by June and going for at least 2 lbs a week. It really does matter what you eat no matter the caloric intake. Believe it or not, it is much more important that exercise. I take in about 1700-1800 calories a day and work out at least 30-60 minutes a day. But stay away from processed foods, anything high in fat and sugar. I stick to a 50% protein, 30% carb and 20% fat diet and it has worked for me in the past. Really try to eat veggies, fruits, nuts and protein based foods like chicken, fish, eggs, etc. Try to stay away from dairy. But if you do, keep it to a minimum. And eat small meals throughout the day.

    Everyone is different but this has worked for me. Good luck to you! :)