meaglesjb Member


  • I'm feeling extremely weak reading this. I've been using 2's and 4's. Generally, use 4s the first time through the circuit and 2s the second time. I also found that last circuit in week one too hard to ever get to the 4s - In addition to the challenge of the exercises themselves, I think the muscles are just fatigued by…
    in Weights Comment by meaglesjb July 2013
  • Hi All, Meghan here from Toronto. I'm the proud mom of a very active 2-year old who keeps my very busy. I work full time and my husband works shifts, so I'm on my own in the evenings with my little girl. Love the 30 minute, intense workouts that JM has to offer. As I can't get out to the gym, this is something I can do in…
  • Just finished Week 1... managed to complete 6 full days this week. Feeling great and ready for a new challenge. Honestly, doing the same workout 5 days in a row (followed by one day off, then the final day), it did start to get a bit boring at the end... but, let's see what week 2 brings!
  • Just finished Week 1; Day 5. I started week 1 a couple of weeks ago, and didn't stick with it, but I'm going to do it this time! I was pretty sore after day 1 (but not as sore as I was the first time thru). Hoping I can "do" week 2 - I took a sneak peak at the workout and there's some tough stuff that I'm not sure I have…
  • Starting weight: 147
  • I'm in! Meghan from Toronto - 35; mother of a 13 month old little girl. Lost my baby-weight, but still have some "post-wedding; pre-baby" weight to lose. Looking forward to getting to know you all over the next couple of months! Thanks for the motivation!
  • Hey there.. My little girl is also 13 months. Add me if you like! I'm now below my pre-preg weight, but still have a ways to go to my ultimate goal