Ripped in 30

AliM_77 Posts: 11 Member
Have just done my first Ripped in 30 workout. Seems a little easier (so far!) than 30 Day Shred so going to try & stick with it this time! Anyone else doing this?


  • laurie62ann
    laurie62ann Posts: 433 Member
    Morning, I did my first "Ripped in 30" on Sunday and then again on Monday! Yesterday I was SO sore, could not lift my arms over my head. I did manage to get in a 3 mile run! However today I just could not drag myself out of bed.. I'm looking forward to a run later today..

    Can't wait to hear how you feel after day two or three!!! Good Luck, she's mean but I believe she effective. There are some amazing before and after stories on here!
  • JakeBrownVB
    JakeBrownVB Posts: 399 Member
    nah.. i always stay away from workout called "ripped in (dumb number)".. recipe for become a skinny fat phaggot most of them
  • cj2k2006
    cj2k2006 Posts: 9
    have u ever heard off jim stoppani? well he has a 6 week program called shortcut to shred and it helped me drop 17lbs and from 15%bf to 8%bf in that time period....worth considering
  • totem12
    totem12 Posts: 194 Member
    nah.. i always stay away from workout called "ripped in (dumb number)".. recipe for become a skinny fat phaggot most of them

  • AliM_77
    AliM_77 Posts: 11 Member
    nah.. i always stay away from workout called "ripped in (dumb number)".. recipe for become a skinny fat phaggot most of them

    Helpful!! Thanks
  • AliM_77
    AliM_77 Posts: 11 Member
    Hoping to stick with it. Have never got past Day 4 of shred so need some motivation....
  • reach4thestar
    reach4thestar Posts: 174 Member
    I am on week 2 day 3 ...its awesome may not give ripped look in 30 days....but it definitely burns fat, tones....I finished 30 DS and started with ripped.....dont give will be surprised with the results....:) I have lost many inches so far....
  • k150237
    k150237 Posts: 16 Member
    I started Ripped in 30 on Monday. So far loving the workout.
  • maybeazure
    maybeazure Posts: 301 Member
    I love it. I like it even better than 30 Day Shred, and I liked it. The first workout did seem easier than Shred, but I can't really tell if it is *really* easier, or if I'm just in a little better shape. I like to think the latter. It is definitely lower impact though (the first week), so I got my husband to do it with me (he's got more joint issues than I do). Luckily he is more secure in his masculinity than some people, so he isn't threatened by Jillian.
  • meaglesjb
    meaglesjb Posts: 7 Member
    Just finished Week 1; Day 5. I started week 1 a couple of weeks ago, and didn't stick with it, but I'm going to do it this time! I was pretty sore after day 1 (but not as sore as I was the first time thru). Hoping I can "do" week 2 - I took a sneak peak at the workout and there's some tough stuff that I'm not sure I have the co-ordination to do (can't believe I'm saying that after spending my teenage years as a competitive dancer - but that was a lifetime ago). I feel like I should have taken measurements before I started (but I didn't). Perhaps I'll start measurements at the end of week 1 and see how I progress.

    Also, feel like after I get through the first 4 weeks, this is a workout I can keep making harder by removing the modifiers (where I'm using them) and/or adding heavier weights to keep challenging myself. Also, love that it's 30 minutes, I can do it each evening after putting my toddler to bed!

    If anyone wants to "friend" me and go through this journey together, I could use all the support I can get to keep me stuck to it this time!
  • grizziegriz
    grizziegriz Posts: 281 Member
    I plan on starting this workout in 8 days. I'm currently doing 30 Day Shred. I'm on L3 D3.
    I can't wait to start and have heard good things about it. I don't expect to be ripped in 30 but would like to see some weight and inches lost by the end. Good luck!
  • meaglesjb
    meaglesjb Posts: 7 Member
    Just finished Week 1... managed to complete 6 full days this week. Feeling great and ready for a new challenge. Honestly, doing the same workout 5 days in a row (followed by one day off, then the final day), it did start to get a bit boring at the end... but, let's see what week 2 brings!