PTIdgie Member


  • I would LOVE to be your friend - Please feel free to add me! Sincerely, Laurie
  • Congratulations and Keep Up the Good Work! A couple of years ago I decided to rid myself of the "this is a chore" mindset and started viewing my new, healthy way of eating and working out as "I owe this to myself". Everything changed for me after that. Life is Good! :-) Sincerely, Laurie
  • Me too and even though I KNOW how many calories I burned that are going to go against what I consumed it still bugs me when I look at my Home Profile and see a BIG FAT ZERO under exercise calories.
  • Please don't beat yourself up first of all - Just get proactive! :-) 2 pounds per week is a safe amount of weight to lose and a realistic goal. In order to achieve this you need to burn approximately 1,000 calories per day more than you eat. So, if you are eating 1200 -1400 calories per day, you need to burn 2200 - 2400.…
    in i'm sad! Comment by PTIdgie June 2013
  • Get rid of them asap - Donate them to a women's shelter - They are always looking for presentable work clothes! Sincerely, PT Idgie
  • Congratualtions - The change is obvious to those of us viewing your before/after shots. Your hard work is paying off - I hope you are patting yourself on the back...Smiles... Sincerely, PT Idgie
  • Congratulations - You Look Amazing! Sincerely, PTIdgie