Fat Clothes - Toss or Pack Away?



  • Donate them, get rid of them --- don't go back. I found that if they were in the closet still or accessible I gained weight every time. This time around I got rid of everything - my closet might not be as full but I am not going to have big clothes to fall back into.
  • wldlndcpt
    wldlndcpt Posts: 25
    Pick your favorites that you dont want to live without, find a taylor and have them altered to your new size. Donate the rest and enjoy building your new closet for your new body.

  • keeponkickin
    keeponkickin Posts: 1,520 Member
    Give them to charity. Someone could use them. I only kept my largest pair of pants to put on for a picture after I finished losing the weight. I did save my old jeans and I'm cutting them up into quilt squares to make jean quilts (fat quilts).
  • jedigrover
    jedigrover Posts: 21 Member
    I say donate them to charity or sell them. Reasons:

    1) As many have pointed out--don't leave yourself an 'out' for getting bigger. If your new clothes start fitting tightly, then get back on the wagon and take the inches off rather than pulling the big clothes out of the closet. I know from experience that keeping those around allows one to easily say "I'll just wear these today & start the fitness program again tomorrow"...before you know it, those old 'big' clothes are feeling snug. Don't leave the door open for this!

    2) Let's suppose you keep your weight off until you age to the point that you can't really work out like you can now. Let's further suppose that you then don't adjust your diet to your new activity level, so you get big again. Do you really think those old clothes will be in style then?

    Letting them hang around provides you with an excuse to get big again. Either have them tailored, as someone has suggested, or find a productive use for them (friends, family, charity thrift shops, yard sale, ebay, etc.).

    Not only this, but if your life is anywhere as cluttered as mine tends to be, can you really afford the space to store your "just in case I let myself go" clothes?
  • Dont make excuses, keep telling your self that you will NEVER fit in those outfits again. Donate them to the local godwill or like place.
  • lils81
    lils81 Posts: 1
    I would say toss it. Dont look back and look forward to a new healthy and smaller sized you :) If you keep the clothes there it will only allow you to know at least you will always have clothes that will fit. Eventually you wont even notice your back to your bigger sizes.
  • PTIdgie
    PTIdgie Posts: 7 Member
    Get rid of them asap - Donate them to a women's shelter - They are always looking for presentable work clothes!
    PT Idgie
  • crazy_indeed
    crazy_indeed Posts: 138 Member
    Donate, donate, donate......or burn! Don't even think about going backwards!
  • CrueChix
    CrueChix Posts: 47
    Get rid of them so you don't have the option to go back!!
  • ndnmomma
    ndnmomma Posts: 466 Member
    Oh hell throw those things away, well give em away! Keep a pair of pants or something but hell why hang on to those things!
  • acstansell
    acstansell Posts: 567 Member
    I kept some just in case my husband and I choose to have a kid, I have a wardrobe for when I gain pregnancy weight. But I've given away 5 bags of clothes to date.
  • Jules2Be
    Jules2Be Posts: 2,238 Member
    I had some drinks with the neighbors recently around the fire pit and they were YAAAAAYing about my weight loss. I suddenly had a thought to go get my pool cover up that i hid under every day and burn that MOTHER. It was fabulous.
  • My first inclination was to say, "Burn 'em!" Anyway, that's MY plan.

    There is no guarantee that you'll be that size again. Too many people use aging as an excuse for weight gain. Most of the weight people gain as they age is really because their life styles changed as they got older, not because their bodies changed. Granted, if you're sedentary, your body does change, but it's not a change caused by age, per se. It's only appropriate to gain about 5-10 pounds due to age OVER A LIFETIME. Anything beyond that is the result of life style, not age.

    Having said that, there is another consideration. Those clothes might be nice now, but by the time you get heavy again (IF you get heavy again), they very well might look too dated for you to be comfortable wearing them to work. I know part of my professional look is to be at least mostly contemporary. Retro is cute, but only in small doses, such as a single item for an outfit that otherwise is up to date.

    Yet another consideration . . . your body's shape changes as you age. Even if you don't gain very much weight, your body might change enough that the sames styles no longer look flattering on you. If you do become a size 12 again, you may still be unable to wear those clothes because your body won't be shaped as it was before.

    Just a little food for thought for you while you're making this decision.
  • fivehartbeats
    fivehartbeats Posts: 16 Member
    I have the same dilemma. I always had the habit of buying clothes i liked of my favorite designers for Plus sizes (CK, Jones, Michael Kors, RL), especially if it was on sale but I always keep the tags on. I don't take tags off until i wear it and I also keep my receipts as well, lol. Most stores will return stuff even if the receipts are old and you can get store credit which will work for me! I have tons of 1x's and 16W's that are now too big. I have decided to return some items, alter the pieces i can't live without and donate the rest. What i don't do now is buy new stuff. I won't do that until i get to my ideal weight!
  • mmarlow61
    mmarlow61 Posts: 112 Member

    1. Do you PLAN on adding the weight back on?

    2. IF you do, will they still be in style?
  • evajg
    evajg Posts: 38 Member
    Sometimes it's hard letting go......I think it's less about the money or admiring the clothes and more about fear of failure and our past mistakes. Consider it clutter and let them go to someone that can get some use out of them....buy inexpensive but nice replacements to get you through until you reach the size you are comfortable with. We plan for our futures in many ways but not clothing!!
    Let it go.....you'll feel much better for it. It's another step in commitment. Grace and Peace, Eva
  • l33th4ll
    l33th4ll Posts: 1
    keep some then when you try them on again you get motivation from seeing how much smaller you now are
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    Toss (Donate actually).

    Unless you are female and plan to get pregnant sometime in the near future. I gave all mine to Goodwill after kid #2. I had to buy all new "fat clothes" after kid #3.
  • Zalitharia
    Zalitharia Posts: 34 Member
    I put all mine in boxes in the garage as soon as they are too big. I'll get rid of them all at the same time when I reach my goal weight. I know there is a pair of pants in there that fit me when I was at my heaviest. When I reach my goal I want to find those pants, try them on, take a photo, then give all the clothes away.
  • JaeDBMe
    JaeDBMe Posts: 18 Member
    Donate to a women's shelter. Let someone less fortunate enjoy your digs, you don't want to fit in to them EVER AGAIN!!