

  • Oh sweetheart I am in the SAME boat. I am just now getting back on track and realizing how much I have been hurting myself by not staying on top of things. I think we all go through a point where we get off, but the difference is, those that succeed find a way to get back on track and struggle through to feeling better. It…
  • Welcome! I really love this site and think that it is the best thing you could do to watch the pounds drop away! Just remember that there is always someone on here that is ready to give some adivce and support you! Good luck with your weight lose girlie!
  • Welcome! I have suggested this site to many friends and family. I started using it and then got off the wagon...hoping to get back on it again and lose the weight I gained back. Stick with it and know that it will always be here if you lose your way!
  • Well, I am hoping that I can jump in this group as well. I know that this thread has been going on for a bit....but after reading everything everyone has put down.....wow. :happy: I am having trouble myself finding the time to actually exercise. I am a teacher that gets up at 3:45...leaves the house at 4:40....drives and…
  • You also have to take into account that muscle weighs more than fat....so you still may be losing INCHES and not weight. Make sure that you are eating enough so that your body doesn't start storing the fat because it thinks you are starving it. :wink: hopes this helped some...
  • :wink: GO FOR IT. I believe that if this is something you believe you should and WANT to do....then by all means jump on it honey!
  • :tongue: I just started myself and I know how you are feeling. I can say one thing though, I think that if we just keep doing this and working toward it, we will reach our goals.