

  • It's not quite as good for you (but only a little naughtier) but I love Fage greek yoghurt with a bit of fat reduced cocoa powder and some stevia. Sometimes I make a sort of base with slightly wet crushed weetabix or all bran and stevia (and cocoa too sometimes) pack it down and put it in the freezer for a little bit, then…
  • Yeah pitrock... or pitroc or something. It's like an odourless mineral block thing, you use it when you're still wet from the shower or splash water on the end, it's really good!
  • Mine is the opposite and says that I have burned half of what the gym machines do, but it also puts my MHR at 220+ when I'm doing insanity, but I haven't died yet and it still says that I burn only like 300 cals an hour, I guess because it takes it from the average HR and the stretching sections of the workout bring that…
  • Dividing your calories into 6 equal meals, every 3 hours or so (no more than 4 hours and I find 2 hours between meals in the morning) really helps keep binges away. It keeps your blood sugar levels more stable, and the less hungry you get the less likely you are to overeat. For the emotional side keeping a food diary,…
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