bohonomad Member


  • I'm an hourglass (42-31-43). You don't lose weight faster than other people based off what shape you are. One thing I will say though is its much easier to gain weight and not notice because you still look proportional, this is what happened to me. My hips and limbs are sticking to the weight more, a lot has come off my…
  • I'm not under 150 but I'm 156 right now and still losing. I have ALWAYS been overweight since elementary school. I remember going on a diet when I was 13 and being happy to weight 161, that was my lowest weight I can remember and now I'm 156!! I started off my diet a year and a half ago at 223, you can do it, slower is…
  • It took 30 pounds before people noticed I had lost weight and then all of a sudden I was getting a ton of compliments. It took my coworkers and family longer to notice, when people see you all the time it's hard to notice a change. My boyfriend didn't even mention it until he saw me swimming in a dress that used to be…
  • I was an 20/22 and now generally a 10/12
  • I'll add you. I stopped counting calories and eating horribly.. it started out as resetting my metabolism but now there's no excuse (I hit up a bakery and ate 3(!) pastries today). Starting Monday I'm eating healthy and hitting the gym, lets motivate each other cause I'm gonna need the motivation!
  • My thighs rub together and there is no way in hell you';ll ever catch me exercising in shorts. It is sooo much more comfortable to wear capris even if its a little hotter, it's better than chafing.
  • I've been thinking about having my boyfriend join MFP so he can track calories and gain weight. Hes tiny (5'10, 120 lb) and no matter how much I lose I still look fat i pictures with him!
  • I'm 23, already lost 50. Now going from 166 to 120. Add me! :)
  • This is really inspiring, you look like you lost way more inches than you did! I am doing 30DS and think I look different but have been discouraged by lack of major inch loss. This totally makes me feel better, you look great!
  • French fries and donuts, I guess. I never ate them though I just know I will probably only have them once or twice a year now.
  • One day it just hit me that I don't have a double chin. Just last weekend my dad (don't see him that often since I don't live with him) just randomly interrupted me to tell me how pretty my face is and how prominent my jaw line is now. It felt really great to hear that
  • Just the thing I needed to see! I'm on my first week of increasing my calories since I've stayed the same for the past month. I am so freaked out but seeing stories/photos like this makes me feel better about it. Hope my results are as good as yours!
  • I think it's a good thing. Someone posted on here a while ago that as we exercise our fat gets more jiggly and dimply because it gets more oxygen, so I think this is a sign it's starting to come off!
  • I'm doing 30DS since I can't afford my gym membership anymore. I do the video (20 mins) every single day, sometimes twice a day. I also go to a zumba class or walk a few miles a couple times a week. I have cut back a lot on my exercise time but I feel the exercise I'm doing is higher intensity.
  • omg I am getting that too! I finished day 10, I've noticed an indent on the sides of my stomach I'm happy about but then my stomach comes straight out from it. It's not really noticeable to anyone but me since I'm constantly eyeballing my body. I've also noticed dents on the front of my stomach which I'm a little freaked…
  • Totally agree, if I eat badly or don't exercise as much as I was planning I just make up for it the next day. No use beating yourself up about it, its a gradual change and one set back wont ruin all the other successes.
  • Your arms are so much smaller! You look great
  • Eat back your excercise calories, you don't need to eat them all back but you need to at least net 1200. so if you eat 1400 and work out 300 you can get away with only eating back 100 cals. I made the mistake of eating too little calories and have gained a pound and not lost anything for almost a month :(
  • youtube!! they have all 3 levels on there for the full length as well as ripped in 30.
  • 5'1 (Maybe 5'2, I need to look into that) 170 bust: 43/34F waist:32 hips:43 thigh: 24L/25R calf:15 arm:13L/14R HATE my arms!
  • I put it as aerobic dancing, I wear a HRM so I know what I'm burning. For an hour I burn 400 cals and am jumping around/giving it my all
    in zumba Comment by bohonomad August 2012
  • Totally agree! I lost a lot of weight on WW but realised it was only because I was starving mysekf and avoiding good foods like almonds and avocado because they were high in points plus values. No diet should make you avoid healthy food!
  • You shuld eat more even if you dont feel like it. The averge overweight person should'nt have more thn a 1000 calorie deficit. For your height and weight you can do more than that but you're at or near 2,000! That's crazy, I would say maybe create a 1000-1500 deficit at the most. I was only netting abbout 900-1000 most…
  • This ^^ jr levis are great, I wear a size 13 in them (although now they are too big) and am normally a 12 in womens so I think they run pretty close to womens sizes.
  • Actually looking at and following the servings on things. It makes it a lot easier to pass up the cookies when I realize its 8 g of fat for only 2 cookies! Before I'd eat like 10 and say it was 8 grams of, no.
  • anything can be as hard or easy as you make it, if you need a break then take one. But honestly you should push through it unless you're having a heart attack or actual pain in your joints or anything. You'd be surprised how much you can do if you actually DO it.
  • hahaha I love this!! I feel so bad for leaving my cats in the apartment all the time, I might have to buy a cat stroller..
  • I weight daily, sometimes twice (morning and night) but I just do it to get to know my own body weight fluctuation. I mainly rely on my tape measure, that's what I really care about. You can tell yourself all you want the pound you gained is muscle and not be sure but the tape measure never lies.
  • I have stretch marks on my hips and stomach from adolescence.. and then again from when I gained 50 lbs in a year. They're all white now and you can't see them from far away but it's still a little annoying. I have pretty much embraced them for now, finally wearing bikinis since I;m proud of my weight loss, those who don't…
  • My boyfriend is anti-exercise too so I just exercise without him. I can get him to go hiking with my but that's about it. So long as he's not stopping me from exercising I don't care. He;s extremely supportive where he can be though, he looks up restaurant menus ahead of time to make sure I can make healthy choices, etc.…