

  • I eat light carbs w/ sugar (like fruit) yypically because carbs offer your body the most amount of energy. I eat an hour to an hour and a half before a workout. You never want to workout too soon after eating because your body is expending energy digesting the food you just ate and it'll be harder for you to finish the…
  • Alright, I'm going to be the one saying the opposite of everyone else. So not eating after a certain hour is called "intermittent fasting" (IF) or "dietary restriction" (DR). Although it is true that many fitness experts say it is a method to reduce late night snacking/binging, there have been studies done on rats that…
  • I LOVE Insanity. I love that I can work out at home in just a sports bra & shorts and not feel self-conscious, I don't have to commute to the gym, it's literally 5 min to get ready and then I'm working. And I love that you can do the workouts whenever you want to (this week it's been so hot and I have been pushing it off…
  • woo!! I'm about to start week 3, is that where you are too? Or are you 1 week ahead of me and about to start week 4?? I swear this week I was set on not doing the workout but then last minute decided to do it so I've been working out really late lol.
  • Wooo!! LA ftw :) It is soo hot right now though... HAHA I just looked up the weather and it is actually 90's... Which I'm sure all other areas are scoffing at... But it's considered hot here! I want to dieeee.
  • Are you kidding? I usually have my entire DAY filled out haha. I just leave a few hundred calories for wiggle room in case I get hungry and want to indulge in a sweet potato, fruit, jerky, etc. I find that if I don't fill it out in advance, I overestimate my carb intake in the morning and then I hate trying to compensate…
  • These are the different training zones my HRM (Omron) came up with. 60%-70%: weight management zone -has the lowest training intensity. This zone is good for beginners and those who want to strengthen their cardiovascular systems. 70%-80%: aerobic zone -increases strength and endurance. It works within the body's oxygen…
  • Hey! That's great to heart that you lost 12 lbs in the first month! Unfortunately, that's the question that I struggle with a lot too. To eat as much as Insanity tells me to eat (1740) or not... A friend of mine who is a certified trainer at National Academy of Sports Medicine had recommended to me for ~1300-1500 so I've…
  • sweet potatoes are my saving grace. they are very filling, very sweet, creamy, and absolutely guilt-less. I generally eat 100g (for ~90 cal) of it every morning w/ a glass of fat free milk (90 cal) and ~90 cal worth of egg whites and about ~30 cal of some kind of fruit. gotta say the sweet potatoes is the lynch pin to my…
  • I also wanted to ask you, are you sure you are burning 800 calories? I use a heart rate monitor and calculate my calories burned using this site http://www.calculatorpro.com/calculator/calories-burned-by-heart-rate-calculator/. I'm sure if it isn't accurate, someone will enlighten me about that as well lol. But let's just…
  • That's true, she won't be like those men that only weight train that end up running quarter of a mile breaking down wheezing. But I think that everything about a good lifestyle is balance..The last part was a bit exaggerated purely to cover my *kitten* about possible complications in the rare case that her cardio is…
  • For a simple answer: Muscle burns fat. So the more muscles you build, the faster you will lose fat. For the politically correct answer: Muscle requires more energy from your body than fat. The more muscles you have, the more calories your body needs to keep working. Now, when you eat an excess of calories, your body stores…
  • #1: How long have you been exercising regularly & counting calories? It typically took me about 2 weeks of Insanity & stringent eating habits to start showing results. If you lose anything drastic before that, it is usually water weight and not permanent. #2: If you undereat, you WILL NOT GAIN WEIGHT. Your body does NOT go…