Eating before workout?

jecka93 Posts: 415 Member
Who eats before they work out?
I haven't been for the past 15 weeks I've been exercising,
But recently I've been thinking if I eat 30-60 minutes before working out I'll have more energy!
I was thinking just a few eggs!
What do you guys do?
Eat before workout or afterwards?
If you eat before, what do you eat?


  • Doesntplaynice82
    Doesntplaynice82 Posts: 119 Member
    I eat before my workout...I work the night shift and eat around 2am, get to bed around 7am and get up around 2pm and hit the gym around if i didn't eat i would go over 12 hours without food and i feel sick and dizzy. I usually eat a piece of bread with some peanut butter or a small protien shake.

    I just read something on another website that says just eat half a piece of fruit instead but fruit just doesnt fill me up. then again I havent lost any weight yet but I kinda went on vacation and off my diet/routine for a week.
    UNTOLDSMILE Posts: 150 Member
    I eat before my workout. I do it about an hour before. I have a wheat bagel. oatmeal and a protein shake. Afterwards I have a shake and cottage cheese or an apple.
  • jawheb
    jawheb Posts: 295 Member
    I eat before and after workouts. I wait about a half hour before and after. Bananas are a great preworkout food. It's gentle on the stomach.
  • jamifaith
    I am still trying to figure out the balance between how long I can eat before I work out. If i eat within a hour of working out it seriously hinders my workout (side stitches and jostling my stomach and stuff) but I think its important to have enough fuel to get you through your workout.
    I would start experimenting but be careful about making yourself sick. Puking in the gym is generally considered bad. lol
    Maybe start with eating an hour before your workout, and if that works good for you move it up to 30 minutes before. :)
  • danni_l
    danni_l Posts: 144 Member
    I always eat before a workout, I would pass out if I didnt! It just varies as to when I last ate, what exercise Im doing etc.

    For example if I was doing yoga or pilates I wouldnt worry as much, but doing high energy cardio or weights I always will. For me it gives me a better workout.

    Depending on when I last ate ill just have nuts or a banana, but I do a 90 minute boxing class on Mondays and ill usually have a slice of toast with peanut butter or something similar before.

    So long as you make sure its low calories, healthy etc I think its very beneficial.
  • mccbabe1
    mccbabe1 Posts: 737 Member
    i always have "SOMETHING'.. about an hour before.. protein /carb mix.. since carbs is the 'energy'... ill have like a fiber one bar... low cal lots of nutrition.. and easy/fast on the go-ish.. and doesnt make you full of course so your not hating it for like the whole workout.. !! lol.. full shoot whats that??? i havent been full since mfp! haha.. about a month now... satisfied.. but not full.. but all good.. :wink:
  • bohonomad
    bohonomad Posts: 171 Member
    I eat half a banana on my way to the gym. Anything else/more than that and I have to wait hours before I can excercise and not feel sick.
  • laurie571
    laurie571 Posts: 152 Member
    carbs before, protein after. this is what i always hear
  • stupidpotatocracker
    i eat before i workout in the afternoons if i'm starving. i usually eat a small helping of whatever seems appealing (fruit, vegetables, yogurt) and wait an hour.
  • keeponkickin
    keeponkickin Posts: 1,520 Member
    I eat before I workout and what I eat depends on what type of workout I'm going to do. Always some carbs and protein and how much and what type of carb depends on the intensity of the upcoming exercise.
  • yoobie
    yoobie Posts: 16
    I eat light carbs w/ sugar (like fruit) yypically because carbs offer your body the most amount of energy. I eat an hour to an hour and a half before a workout. You never want to workout too soon after eating because your body is expending energy digesting the food you just ate and it'll be harder for you to finish the workout. Not to mention cramps, burps, etc. And I drink a shake or chocolate milk (a pretty great non-expensive recovery drink!) right after and then eat 2 or 3 hours later.
  • InvidiaXII
    InvidiaXII Posts: 315 Member
    I usually don't eat right before workouts-- it makes me feel sluggish and heavy. If it's more than an hour before the workout, and not a big meal, I'm usually fine. I always eat after workouts though.
  • XxSarahKatexX
    Who eats before they work out?
    I haven't been for the past 15 weeks I've been exercising,
    But recently I've been thinking if I eat 30-60 minutes before working out I'll have more energy!
    I was thinking just a few eggs!
    What do you guys do?
    Eat before workout or afterwards?
    If you eat before, what do you eat?
    I eat a bowl of oatmeal or something when i wake up, then wait until i'm sure I wont barf if i move a ton haha. then afterwards i'm starving again so i eat more 8D; maybe a sandwich or something. I just eat what i'm in the mood for.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    preworkout meal isn't exactly required but it's something that you should experiment with to see what works best.

    I personally have a big bowl of cottage cheese mixed with pudding mix & some fruit. No particular reason, just because it tastes good & fits the daily macros.
  • shorty35565
    shorty35565 Posts: 1,425 Member
    I eat breakfast and then ab an hour later, I workout. Make sure to let ur food settle b4 jumpin n2 a workout. U might b different, but if I get RIGHT before, it makes me sick. That's why I wait an hour.
  • billyh333
    billyh333 Posts: 213
    Who eats before they work out?
    I haven't been for the past 15 weeks I've been exercising,
    But recently I've been thinking if I eat 30-60 minutes before working out I'll have more energy!
    I was thinking just a few eggs!
    What do you guys do?
    Eat before workout or afterwards?
    If you eat before, what do you eat?
    your skinny so it does not matter then only didfrence is that if you work out on empty stomach your body is using that energy to burn fat when you eat then your body uses its energy to burn the meal off
  • jessiethe3rd
    jessiethe3rd Posts: 239 Member
    billyh333 wrote: »
    Who eats before they work out?
    I haven't been for the past 15 weeks I've been exercising,
    But recently I've been thinking if I eat 30-60 minutes before working out I'll have more energy!
    I was thinking just a few eggs!
    What do you guys do?
    Eat before workout or afterwards?
    If you eat before, what do you eat?
    your skinny so it does not matter then only didfrence is that if you work out on empty stomach your body is using that energy to burn fat when you eat then your body uses its energy to burn the meal off

    You obviously have never bonked before...
  • VitaSh
    VitaSh Posts: 113 Member
    Almost always have a meal (not like the second before I work out!) but it helps me with strength and energy, I absolutely hate working out on an empty stomach but everyone is different. Try it!
  • ConicalFern
    ConicalFern Posts: 121 Member
    If it's morning and I want to push myself I'll have a proper breakfast - either shredded wheat with banana, or more recently a PB&J bagel. I will wait around 2h before starting (often I will go back to sleep during that time). If it's after work I normally go for a pittabread banana sandwich, again 2h before.

    If it's something a bit lighter I typically go for an apple and a banana >30 mins or so before.

    Works for me and my cardio workouts.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Depends. I usually can't eat until an hour or so after I wake up. When I was workout out first thing, I'd just do it on an empty stomach. Now, I can't.

    Absolutely can't do oatmeal before any impact exercise though, or I get sick.