

  • There aren't too many veggies I don't like.. the ones I don't like are zucchini and brussel sprouts.. The ones I do like: peppers, carrots, celery, cucumber, tomato (grape and regular), broccoli, cauliflower, beans.. and that's just to name a few... For raw veggies I just cut them up and then have hummus on the side. I…
  • People can be so cruel. Please ignore those ignorant teenagers. They had no idea how their actions can impact someone, they are disrespectful. Karma can be cruel too, so they will get what is coming to them. Feel free to add me if you want, I am always looking for new friends and motivation! :smile:
  • I really enjoy Red River cereal, you can get it in the grocery store it comes in a red box. It's flaxseed and a bunch of other grains. It's basically bird food, LOL, but it's really healthy and super filling. You can make it in the microwave or on the stove. If you are feeling something sweet you can even add a bit of milk…
  • I just read this article online and was about to post it into a new discussion topic:
  • I am really picky with water, too. I don't like tap (city) water. I only like well water or filtered water. I also don't like room temperature water. Only cold. So I often drink water with lots of ice in it. If I go out to a restaurant I'll get water with lemon in it to mask the gross additives that city water contains…
  • haha, i've never really thought about it like that before.. I am Canadian though, not sure if it's the same problem :P
  • Do they have a website? Sometimes their website will offer nutritional information. If not I would just ask them when you get there. They have to release that info to you, it's the law.
  • I mean it makes sense..... if all you ate was McDonalds you're going to gain weight versus if you ate the exact same amount of calories but ate spinach, carrotts, grains, etc. Even if you didn't work out you'd still lose weight eating healthier foods. It has to do with processed foods and the amount of sodium/sugar in them…
  • I'm so glad you posted this. I am so glad to see that I'm not the only one who has this problem. Mind you, I have only been on my health kick for about a week, but still, I have witnessed this go on in my workplace for the last 3 years that I have been here, mostly to others in the work place though as this is new to me. I…
  • Wow, thank you so much! You are very knowledgeable. I felt defeated after seeing the price of the boxed stuff at my local grocery store, but after reading everyone's replies and especially seeing how supportive everyone is of this stuff, I think I might give it another go. I really want to eat healthier and this seems like…
    in Quinoa? Comment by adrushe July 2012
  • Don't beat yourself up over it. It's one day, and now it's over and you can't change it. Move forward. Forgive yourself. We all make mistakes. Like you said, it was your cheat day. Allow yourself that. Today is a new day, you can start fresh. Don't worry about it so much!! It will be okay. Now, if you were doing this every…
  • everyone feel free to add me, i am new to this whole weight loss thing and would love some motivation.
  • Good for you. Thank you for sharing your story. That is very brave of you to come on here and post in a public forum about something so private. I am so happy to hear that you have overcome your tendancies. If you eat healthy I think you have nothing to worry about. Please keep up the good work.
  • I have a Kitchenaid blender, it's awesome. I've had it for over a year so far and no problems (knock on wood). If you're looking for something small/light that will only make 1-2 servings at a time, you could look into a Magic bullet. I also have one of those and i love it for making a smoothie to go or a soup for 1 since…
  • I agree, I think soup is a little extreme. I think the whole "don't drink your calories" applies more to things with a lot of sugar such as pop, lattes, etc etc. Plus you need to remember all in moderation. ONE pop a day isn't going to hurt you but if you're drinking an entire 12-pack then there's a problem. I think as…
  • Me! I'm Canadian and proud of it! Glad to see so many others on here :)
  • Please add me too! I am new to this app (about 5 days!) and could really use some people to motivate me!
  • Good for you, for being proactive! I'm sure many kids your age wouldn't have the same motivation as you! Together we can support each other and all reach our goals!
  • Feel free to add me too! I just downloaded the app and am looking for some motivation to lose weight. I have never been motivated but the time has come! Together we can do this! :smile: