buzzcockgirl Member


  • Yup ^^ what 'Quliter' said! It's best to do the research beforehand, makes it easier for everyone!! You can make an educated choice, not feel pressured on the spot to hurry and then end up making a bad choice. Plus, you dont want the poor employees running around looking all over for the info, getting behind, getting mad,…
  • This shouldn't be shocking, but I took my son to Krispy Kreme the other day -- they give out free donuts for every A or 'Excellent' on your report card! Up to 6 max! So I went to get him a donut (or 3- to share with his sister!) ... mind you-- this is my 8 year old who has the waist of a 5 year old! haha! Anyhow- as usual,…
  • Turkey patty with a touch of XXXHot BBQ sauce, and a pile of my 'veggie mix' stir-fried with 1/2 tbs ea. of soy vey and spicy peanut sauce. Just over 200 calories!! Time to get my grub on!! ps- grill up turkey patties and keep in fridge, always have a tupperware of mixed veggies all chopped up in there, too. Makes for…
  • I agree- Sprouts has some great prices on produce and different meats (usually their boneless, skinless chicken breasts or tenders go on sale every 3rd week- $1.99/lb... pretty inexpensive!) I stock up then-- it freezes well. Also, if you have any 'Mexican' markets or Asian markets in your area-- they have SUPER…
  • Did you reset the profile on his HRM to yours? Age, weight, female, etc? That could certainly make a difference- if it thought you were a 45 year old, 250lb male as opposed to a 40 year old 175lb. female (just making up random numbers!)
  • I used to use the numbers on here (under cardio, aerobics, swimming, strength training etc)... but people always say it estimates high, or.... whatever?! I never knew how accurate it truly was (was I working out 'vigorously, or just moderately)?! So I got a Heart Rate Monitor for Xmas and now I use it all the time. Get one…
  • Yes to both of you!! I may be biased, living in California (and in the San Francisco Bay Area, one of the most culturally diverse cities in our country or world!) but we have so many good foods that aren't 'yellow or beige', that aren't fried or processed-- things you pick up at the market that are locally grown, fresh and…
  • YES! I was successful with swimming! I started swimming in the early summer last year, and it really kicked my weight loss into gear. At the time, I was just walking, and doing an aerobics class 2-3 times a week. When i added swimming in the other 2-3 days a week, the pounds starting coming off! I swam straight thru the…
  • yes- I have a few things my son always tries to eat-- that are 'mine'. For the first several months of my 'journey' I was using meal replacements thru Kaiser. He had no interest in the 5 shakes a day I drank-- but he LOVED my peppermint cocoa crunch bars (think girl scout cookie flavor, in a bar!) -- my only real FOOD each…
  • Mine is super basic- but it's yummy! In fact, I did this for lunch yesterday-- you can check my diary and see the nutrition (was about a 5oz potato) I just poke it a few times and microwave for about 2-3 minutes. Then I cube it up, toss it on a cookie sheet, rub a little olive oil around (coat them lightly) and throw it in…
  • ^^ But anyone can add an exercise and share it on the database - just like adding a food. I'm not trying to argue the point-...add in the housecleaning if you want, or gardening, or raking some leaves, or food prep... you only have yourself to answer to. Who cares what we think - but you know if you're truly going above…
  • I'd say no. I mean-- have you had this job for a bit? If so-- you were doing those same things, and still gaining weight (I suppose?!) So unless this is a brand new thing, I'd say it's a great physical activity, but not a workout. I only count 'exercise for the sake of exercising' ... meaning, if I change into exercise…
  • Great job-- you must be SUPER PROUD!! And only 43lbs... I'd have thought more- you look awesome! Keep up the great work!!
  • Great job, and great outlook on things! You are right, now you have a goal to work toward.... a faster time! AWESOME!!! Keep up the great work!
  • ^^Ditto^^ - love your answer, and am sending you a friend request! Cheers!
  • I'm a huge proponent of swimming! I owe a large part of my overall (80lb) weight loss to swimming. I started last June, and swam almost everyday, just regular freestyle laps, at a moderate steady pace. I was only able to do 20 mins at a time, then upped to 30... and I was training for a swim-a-mile benefit in October. I…
  • Cap Barbell workout bars... I got a couple for Mom's Day as well. I've been focusing on doing more lifting - these bars are great for just 'free lifting' but also press one up when doing squats, put one behind your neck (across shoulders) when doing lunges... they come in all different weights (from 5lb to 20lb)…
  • My new favorite soup is homemade Potato Leek Soup. I make this about every other week. An 8oz. bowl is only about 150 calories or so... and it's thick and yummy, and stays well in the fridge for about 5 days or so. I make mine w/o cream or milk, and it's plenty tasty, plenty thick! This recipe below makes a huge pot! It's…
  • You are correct, a larger person, older person, male vs. female...whatever, will burn more cals than a smaller, younger, more fit person. BUt that is all figured in when you enter your age, weight, sex, activity level , etc. So if I was 300 lbs (and we're both 40 yr old women at about 5'5'') but you're only 200lbs, I will…
  • Fantastic!! What a great story- I'm sure you'll get to your ultimate goal--- and then we can all see your FINAL pics! Awesome! Keep up the good work- and happy birthday! ps- I got rid of all my 'big' clothes along the way as well... I will never need them again! NO WAY!
  • Ask for 'sauce on side' (anyone know where that saying is from?!) but really, the sauce is where all the calories (and SOOO much sodium) is. So I'd ask for your chicken and veggies to be cooked up separately, then get the sauce on the side. That way, you can add a little. Steer clear of all the noodles and rices (maybe ask…
  • Treat yourself to a good book, a bubble bath, or download some new songs for your workout playlist. Reward yourself with some new workout gear (leg weights, a heart rate monitor or pedometer, maybe a workout DVD)... If you have kids and want to get way, treat yourself to a sitter! Have them take the kids out so you can…
  • Great job! You will ROCK it in November for your wedding.... way to go!!!
  • Hahaha! Thanks- haven't 'talked' to you for a while- hope you're well! I'll msg ya sooon!
  • Thank you so much for this- and to EVERYONE for all the great comments/compliments. That is why I love this site (as well as the ease of logging food and exercise-- I truly believe this is SOOO important in meeting your goals! LOG that FOOD!) @ slimrubybird and chrisbrown197 -- re: Xmas and seeing people, most of my family…
  • Thanks to both of you... I'm hoping to be able to embrace my cuteness, retro-stye once again... it was hard to maintain at my previous weight! haha!
  • bump
  • So... you're saying the heaping teaspoonfuls of sugar added in the kids milk, and the sugar in soda and cereal and bread and peanut butter and ketchup and just about EVERYTHING ... is good for us? Consuming 150+ lbs of sugar a year is good? That must be why we're all so lean, and fit, and healthy and not overweight. And on…
  • Watch the documentary 'Hungry for Change'... then let me know what you think about sugar. I JUST watched it yesterday - so it's fresh in my mind. Very eye opening. Sugar, in it's natural state (such as in corn, fruit, etc) is fine. But the refined, white sugar that is added into almost everything we eat and drink-- not so…