broke but want to do it.......

I really want to try living clean green and lean as they say... but I'm sooo broke it's so hard to afford clean eating, why is healthy so expensive? I"m not even really sure where to start with all this..... any and all help is appreciated!!!!!


  • dgoradia
    dgoradia Posts: 109 Member
    What's expensive for you?

    Fruits and vegetables are fairly cheap IMO. Staples like milk and bread are also cheap. Protein is generally more expensive, particularly high quality meats.

    Define what's expensive for you.
  • PippiNe
    PippiNe Posts: 283 Member
    One thing I noticed when I started to buy healthier was, yes, buying lots of produce for a family adds up quickly. However, not buying ice cream, chips, cookies, prepackaged snacks, juice drinks, sodas and processed foods saved just as much. Watch your sales through your local newspaper circulars or online. Buy extra chicken, lean meat, yogurt, eggs, etc. when they are on sale. Try to buy up to 8 weeks worth if you can. (Yes, eggs and yogurt can be safely eaten past their "expiration date" as long as they have remained refrigerated. That should last you until the next good sale on those items. Buyer beware: Just because a store advertises an item in its weekly flyer does not mean it is a low price. If you don't know what is a good price, keep track of sales in a notebook until you recognize a good sale. Good luck :o)
  • poohpoohpeapod
    poohpoohpeapod Posts: 776 Member
    fruits and veggies are dirt cheap at farmers market. Large packages of fish and chicken are not too bad. Beans and legumes cheap.
  • neweuquol
    neweuquol Posts: 62 Member
    I agree with everyone above. It's amazing how much money you may be spending in vending machines, Starbucks, etc. I switched to a paleo diet 3 months ago and I now spend less than I did when I was eating all the processed foods and junk.

    There are some things you do not necessarily have to buy "organic" and there are some things that you probably would want to do organic. I believe there is a"clean" and "dirty" list on the whole30 website.
  • HollisGrant
    HollisGrant Posts: 2,022 Member
    My diet is mostly clean food. My diet base is brown rice (short or medium grain) and dried lentils. The protein in one cup of lentils = the protein in 3 eggs. Lentils cost about $1.20 a bag in the grocery store, less than that if you buy in bulk. You don't have to soak them and they cook in about 30 minutes. Rice is less than $5.00 a bag. I add steamed, blanched, or stir fried fresh vegetables and use apples or an occasional boiled egg for a snack. Condiments: Tamari and toasted/dry roasted sesame seeds. Drinks: water with sliced lemon and black coffee. Very inexpensive. I did buy a water filter because I don't want to drink tap water. Other than that, my food budget has taken a nose dive since I stopped eating out and buying junk food.
  • rosebarnalice
    rosebarnalice Posts: 3,488 Member
    Stock up on dried beans, and watch for sales in the produce department. Usually, when produce is cheap it's because it's in season and not being shipped from too terribly far away. When asparagus is $3.99/lb, it probably came from a hothouse in godknowswhere. But when it's $0.99/lb, that means it's growing like crazy some place close to home!

    Also, get to learn your local supermarket's produce stocking days, and if/when they mark down "scratch and dent" veggies. I found out my local Meijer gets its produce shipments on Tuesdays. That means Tuesday afternoon is a GREAT time to check the mark-down rack for great deals on staple veggies.

    Just last week I scored nearly 3 lbs of japanese eggplant for $1.25, and 2 lbs of tomatillos for less than $1. Guess what was for dinner THAT night?!
  • krisjohnson121
    krisjohnson121 Posts: 87 Member
    Try to find some farmers markets in your area. Near me we have Produce Junction - so cheap for fresh veggies and fruits.
  • seventwenty
    seventwenty Posts: 565 Member
    Do you have a Sprouts? Also cheap for fruits and veggies. Also, if you cut out **** food, you'll save money.
  • buzzcockgirl
    buzzcockgirl Posts: 260 Member
    I agree- Sprouts has some great prices on produce and different meats (usually their boneless, skinless chicken breasts or tenders go on sale every 3rd week- $1.99/lb... pretty inexpensive!) I stock up then-- it freezes well.
    Also, if you have any 'Mexican' markets or Asian markets in your area-- they have SUPER inexpensive produce. Waaaaaay cheaper than any Safeway or Luckys or Raleys.... WAAAAAY! Like, a large basket of strawberries for 99cents vs. $2.99 at the store. Baby bok choy is 3lbs./dollar... instead of $2.00/lb - things like that!

    So when I find a good deal, I stock up, and I know to shop at the smaller markets-- great deals!