

  • Congratulations on your weight loss you've done amazing and you look great. Just wanted to know how long it took you to get down to the weight you are now? You're weight is a little under my goal :)
  • I started at 254lbs, my first goal was to reach 200. I'm now 188lbs and a size 16 (although I can fit into some size 14 jeans but I have a really big bust!), and my next goal is 164lbs, where I will only just be in my 'ideal weight range' for my bmi. No doubt I'll have more goals there on after, I'd like to be a size 10-12.
  • First of all well done on losing your weight you look amazing! You inspire people like me to keep on going! I started out at 250lbs and I am now 210, I haven't even changed my dress size for some reason, I am still an 18 as I was before the weight loss. And sometimes even size 18s can be too small! I am also 5'7. I'm…
  • happened to me the other week and I also felt really down. The week after I mixed up my exercise routine completely and introduced new foods in place of old ones in my diet, the following week I lost 5lbs! Try it!
  • In the same boat here! Fairly new, started up with fitness pal at the start of my diet ten weeks ago and not used it since. But now I'm lacking motivation so I have decided to come back on!