mountain_dog Member


  • rooshie1 - Just look for the videos that have the biggest calorie burn - the HIIT ones are great for this. 16 lbs in 10 weeks sounds too aggressive if your photo is accurate.
  • has an awesome assortment of free videos (all on YouTube) to tone specific body areas.
  • If you download her free app you can get the calorie burn for all her DVD workouts based on your own body weight.
  • I've become a big fan of the Tabata - 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off - method. 20 seconds is over before you know it. Have you been doing Fitness Blender videos for long? I discovered them last fall when i did a YouTube search for Tabata workouts.
  • I LOVE Fitness Blender and Daniel and Kelli. I'm in the middle of Round 2 of the boot camp - it's an incredible value. I would like to participate in a Fitness Blender thread but I'll probably keep doing Round 2. I hope you find people to do this one with you. It's great for people who don't like the in your face-ness of…
  • YouTube is great! I love the Tabata-style workouts I've found there. You can do anything for 20 seconds. :-)
  • Fitness Blender has a wide variety of FREE videos. They do a great job of explaining each move and preview the next move while you are finishing up the last move. I think they do each move in slow motion first so you can make sure to do it correctly. They also give you the calories burned for most workouts. I'm trying all…
  • That's a great point. I usually wear: Shorts if 50 and above Capris if 40-50 Tights 30-40 Lined tights or layer under tights 30 and below On top it depends on conditions (windy, rainy, snowy, etc.)
  • Some things I do in addition to what's been mentioned: Keep my head and hands covered. I put toe warmers on the tops of my feet when it's 30 or under. Don't put them under your feet like you would if you were walking - they get too hot! I dress like Brian - layers is the way to go - and yes, you definitely want to be a…