Fitness Blender's 8 Week Program Starting April 1

Anyone want to join me in this? It's only 5.99, they put all the videos together for you, tips, and other goals that you don't get from just the videos.:bigsmile:’s-8-week-fat-loss-program-to-lose-weight-tone-up-fast/ebook/product-20134918.html


  • mountain_dog
    mountain_dog Posts: 10 Member
    I LOVE Fitness Blender and Daniel and Kelli. I'm in the middle of Round 2 of the boot camp - it's an incredible value. I would like to participate in a Fitness Blender thread but I'll probably keep doing Round 2.

    I hope you find people to do this one with you. It's great for people who don't like the in your face-ness of Jillian, Insanity or some of the other programs.
  • Dayquasar
    Dayquasar Posts: 182 Member
    I LOVE Fitness Blender and Daniel and Kelli. I'm in the middle of Round 2 of the boot camp - it's an incredible value. I would like to participate in a Fitness Blender thread but I'll probably keep doing Round 2.

    I hope you find people to do this one with you. It's great for people who don't like the in your face-ness of Jillian, Insanity or some of the other programs.

    That's awesome! Yeah I just really like the variety, I get tired of doing the same videos and things.
  • mountain_dog
    mountain_dog Posts: 10 Member
    I've become a big fan of the Tabata - 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off - method. 20 seconds is over before you know it. Have you been doing Fitness Blender videos for long? I discovered them last fall when i did a YouTube search for Tabata workouts.
  • Dayquasar
    Dayquasar Posts: 182 Member
    I've become a big fan of the Tabata - 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off - method. 20 seconds is over before you know it. Have you been doing Fitness Blender videos for long? I discovered them last fall when i did a YouTube search for Tabata workouts.

    I did them a while back but stopped and a couple months ago I got into Tabata and HIIT also so I started doing more of the workouts they have on there and I thought it would be a good idea to get the program so I already know what to do everyday :)