britt8808 Member


  • My before and after, about a 30 pound weight loss. Same outfit and same pose!
  • I went to put on my workout pants and had to tie the draw string off in order to keep them up!!!! (They used to be tight)
  • 11/1 - 5.5 miles 11/2- 4.1 miles 11/3- 3.4 miles 11/4- 4 miles 11/6- .5 miles 11/7- .75 miles 11/8- 3.6 miles 11/9- 5 miles 11/10- skip 11/11- 3.1 miles It helps that I have my two walking buddies aka my dogs who need the fresh air
  • I get the same way, I can be fine all day long and then come 7-8 at night I want to eat everything. I would try to have plans set for after you eat (like a class of some sort, for example I take a dog training class in the pms) so that you don't have access to the foods when you are feeling like that.
  • Sw:184 CW: 170 GW: 155 5'7''
  • Any exercise will take time, its the nature of the beast. However, some exercise burn more then others. For example weight lifting usually won't have you burn in the workout more then 300 calories per hour (for all the lifters I know it depends on reps/weight/rest time etc) where as running at a 10 min mile pace for an…
  • When it comes to running you have to pick speed or distance and work on one at a time. Rule of thumb is no more than a 10% increase to distance at a time. So if you can do 2.25 now than next week try to increase the distance to around 2.4 miles for the next week. It will take you longer since the pace won't change, but in…
  • Fact, as long as you are moving you are running!!!!!
  • MY goal is similar. I want to get back to what I was in high school (4 years can make such a difference). I also want to throw away my size 12 pants, all of them!
  • Also once you are going a little further sign yourself up for a 5k race. It will motivate you to keep running (since you are committed to the race) and will make you want to get better every day so you preform well!
  • I run quite a bit (like 25 miles a week) and I find that the biggest motivator to keep myself running and reward myself is new running clothing. Yoga pants and spandex shorts will save your life as you get the milage up and you start to discover the "chub rub" from your thighs touching. Plus nothing feels better than…
  • Honestly the progress motivates you. When I started dropping weight I hated life (food=my best friend) but as you get used to smaller portion sizes you start to discover it is not that terrible. Then once you pants start fitting looser and you start to see the positive results you are motivated to keep it up. I know you…