LoveMyLife_NYC Member


  • I'd definitely get a second opinion. I know everyone's body is different, but I can tell you when I had a major accident 6 years ago, my spine curved the wrong way, my muscles spasmed, and my hips rotated out of alignment. The doctor told me to remain on a couch, take muscle relaxers, and hope I don't get arthritis. He…
  • Thanks, everyone for the advice! Seems I need to learn to be more assertive when working out at that gym. And Slacker80, I love your time response so he's not standing there counting my sets. Thanks, all!
  • Tagging for later, as this is my biggest problem too!
  • I have two little piggies, and I :heart: this thread so much. :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • Great advice in here! My trainer also had me do wall squats to help with my form. Take a kettle bell or dumb bell and place it about 3-4 inches from the wall. Face the wall, with toes about an inch or two from the wall and legs spread a little more than shoulder width apart. Squat down slowly, keeping your butt back and…
  • I had issues with hypoglycemia, and found that I was just eating too many carbs in general. I ate every few hours, increased my protein intake, and always ate protein when I ate a carb (ex. cheese and apple slices).You can't just cut the carbs to fix the problem. Your body is looking for energy and you need to replace the…
  • I'm strong, determined, and positive. Once I set a goal for myself, I WILL surpass it.
  • I am mad at Dunkin Donuts because I ordered the Oreo Creme donut and they gave me the regular Oreo donut instead. It wasn't the same. :angry: Log the Munchkins and move on. Everyone deserves a treat now and then.
  • ^^This. You are a 6 foot tall male and have a goal weight of 110 pounds. I'm a 5'5" female and I would be severely underweight with a goal like that. Please talk to a healthcare professional about your relationship with food.
  • Hi! I'm 5'5" and started at 163 lbs. I lost 35 lbs in about 7-8 months by eating at a caloric deficit, making healthier food choices, and doing cardio 4-5 days a week for about an hour. 2 years later, I weigh the same but lost 3 more pants sizes by adding weight lifting to my routine. I lift 3-4 days a week now (one of…
  • LOL. In for gifs and chuckles.
  • Sometimes water doesn't cut it for me. It has to do with the electrolyte balance in your body. What's your diet like? Plenty of fruits and veggies? Try drinking Gatorade pre-run. They have low-cal options too.
  • Feetures socks are the best invention ever. Seriously. I stopped getting blisters as soon as I switched to those socks, and I won't do a long run or race in anything else.
  • No worries. Even seasoned runners have trouble sometimes completing runs when they start a new program. It gets easier. Just keep at it, and in a few weeks you'll look back at all the progress you've made and be super proud of yourself for not giving up!
  • Although I've been running as a form of exercise for years, I never felt like a "runner" until I stepped it up a notch. I started running more and more frequently, paying attention to form, reading about how to improve, racing, and hitting PRs I never thought I could achieve. There was more of a methodology involved. I've…
  • MFP automatically recommends 1200 to most women, which is too low for the majority of us. I can't give you a different goal without knowing your stats, but the link below is a much better and more detailed calculator. Give this a try: And then go back to your goals and set…
  • I know it seems overwhelming, but the weight will come off! Slowly, but it will come off. Try not to focus on the 280 pounds. That's intimidating for anyone. As others have said, start by setting small goals. "i'm going to eat fruits and veggies as a snack instead f sweets." "I'm going to go for a walk today." Log…
  • According to another one of your recent posts, you've only been at this for a month. Unless you only have one or two pounds to lose, no one hits their goal in a month. After reading some of your recent posts, you seem to have a really negative self-image. Until you work on that, you're probably going to be unhappy no…
  • I agree with the people telling you to slow down. I never had issues with energy levels in running until I started following one of Hal Higdon's training plans. My races are much stronger as a result of following these programs, BUT it took a long time for me to be ok with having slower runs. If you read his descriptions…
  • Where you feel the squat depends on your foot positioning. Closer together tends to really hit the quads, whereas a wider stance will help the inner thighs and booty. Plus, always make sure you keep good form, no matter how your feet are positioned. Chest up and sit back on your heels with your legs muscles and core…
  • If these foods have negative calories, then do they also not contribute towards your macros and micros for the day? These foods contain carbs, protein, sugar, vitamins, fiber, and sodium. Why would you log some food, but not others?
  • Body image issues aside, you do not "need" to lose weight, as you already look like you are at a healthy body fat percentage. If you're unhappy with the way your body looks, make some strength gains. Eat at a slight deficit and lift heavy in order to do a recomp. Or try making fitness goals that have nothing to do with…
  • Click the food tab, then settings. You can customize it there.