Need a new fitness routine
I used to train with a power lifter. I used to do yoga several times a week. I used to run for miles. I ran the NYC marathon last year. I used to work out for 1-2 hours a day, 6 days a week. I got really sick this past spring with a mystery illness that impacted my breathing terribly. It caused me a lot of stress and I was…
Gym Etiquette Question
I go to a serious lifters gym and am one of the few women who go there. There are 2 cages and a squat rack. Tonight, I went over to the rack to do squats and stiff leg deadlifts. One cage was being used by a group of guys doing bench presses. The other cage was unused, but a guy was in front of it doing deadlifts and hung…
Knee pain when squatting
I'm not sure if you guys can help, but I'd certainly appreciate any advice you can offer! A little background: I hurt my back 2 years ago in an accident, and while the injury is largely healed, I do find the left side of my back, hip flexor, and hamstring to be tighter and require more stretching during my workouts. I…
Tips To Achieve the Perfect Thigh Gap!
No dieting necessary! http://www.upworthy.com/if-you-need-an-example-of-how-silly-our-standards-have-gotten-for-how-women-look-ta-da-2?c=ufb1 :laugh:
Question about protein
Ever since I started going to the gym and lifting with a trainer, I have become my dad's "go-to" person for nutrition and health advice. But he asked me a question today, and I'm not sure of the answer. He was asking about protein sources and adding more protein into his diet. I could help him that far, but his reasoning…
Lifting heavy things and putting them back down...
is actually really fun for me! But I do have a question about it. A little background: I have an 8 month old injury that affects the joint where my hip meets my spine, accompanied by spasming muscles that pull the natural curve out of my spine. I work with a trainer on a weekly basis who is awesome and helps tremendously.…
Yoga Help?
Hi all! I'm working with a trainer (and soon, a chiropractor and masseuse) to pull through a major back injury. Things are going great with my trainer, and I'm able to lift really heavy weights. I see a big difference in my body and look a lot more toned and defined than before. BUT, my back injury caused all my muscles to…
Dear Me
I was feeling sorry for myself the past couple of weeks. The scale wasn't budging, life was stressful, there was a lot of junk food around the house... you know how it goes. So, I decided to write myself a little letter to remind myself of how far I've come. I hope next time I'm feeling a little down, I can look at this…
What are YOUR fitness goals?
With my scale barely moving, I decided to take my focus off my weight and set goals for things I can actually measure right now. I want to do an unassisted pull up by Christmas and run a 10K in the spring. What are some of your goals?
Is it safe to work out?
I went to the doc today for a double ear infection. He took my vitals 4 times and asked if I'd ever been diagnosed with a heart murmur (I've never had heart problems, but always have low vitals) and how much coffee I drink (maybe a cup a day). He listened to my chest for a good 3-4 minutes, gave me meds for my ears, and…