james1299 Member


  • The belly is the last and toughest part to go. Being a man you hold on this to the bitter end. It's also the reason a lot of us got into fitness. Just keep going and stop focusing on it. Forget about it and keep on living your healthy lifestyle. At some stage you will look at yourself or run your hand over your stomach and…
  • Personally I'd just do hard push ups until you can get a bench, pyramid push ups for example. To bench properly you need the bar to touch your chest and you need to be able to rack the thing if you get in trouble (or the roll of shame) If you are the inventive type and not going heavy you might try laying on a bed with an…
  • If your weights dropping then it's just a matter of time. Go ahead and do some ab work if you like, they'll be there waiting for you once your bf% goes low enough for them to be visible
  • May sound rude but the ONLY tip for a flat stomach is to eat less or exercise more, whatever way you choose to keep in a caloric deficit. Spot reduction simply does not exist, forget the woman's magazines and infomercials. Your body does not work that way. You have to lose fat from all over. Your body uses up fat stores to…
  • Heavy squats are great for a girl 500 cals over maintenance. Take your weight in pounds and eat that many grams of good quality protein everyday. Make sure your program covers all the compound lifts. Barbells are better than machines, they will hit your stabilising muscles where cables wont. Concentrate on good form over…
  • It's impossible to gain weight if you're eating below maintenance, also impossible to maintain your current weight. The energy difference for your daily needs will come directly from your fat stores, there are no two ways about it. The bigger the deficit, the faster it will come off. You can keep your energy up with some…
  • I feel amazing after lifting weights, pumped up, clear and full of test. Rest days I feel down, especially if I skip my cardio
  • Same story here added
  • Franklin here Hey kiwi's
  • Cool and thanks for the reply
  • When I read your post I immediately thought of Dennis from the movie 'teddy Bear' A film about a loveless Danish body builder. It's a must see. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t5ZseyEe0dQ
  • He probably really respects you for knowing what the squat rack is for, most guys think it's for doing 10,000 rep bicep curls. I'm going to LMAO if his name is dennis
  • Go ahead and lift weights. Don't worry about looking like a body builder, you wont. You get big by eating big. Whether that extra weight comes as lean mass or fat depends on what your are doing with yourself. Lifting free weights on a calorie deficit will make you lighter, probably more so than cardio and you will hold…
  • Like everyone has said here, drink away. No sugar though, and no milk if you're still concerned. Caffeine boosts your metabolism. Be warned that some of these trendy cafe beverages are absolutely LOADED with empty calories. I made the switch to green tea last year and haven't looked back.
  • I turn 34 this year. I've had to pull out my drivers licence a few times before because people think I'm lying. Most people guess 24-25.
  • We didn't have 2000 calorie mocha's and a fast food outlet on every corner back then. Everyone is out to make a buck and people have grown to demand convenience. I see it as a failure of our first world system. When you can swallow your daily caloric needs in one go and still feel hungry, well that's not a good thing.
  • I agree that some people aren't active enough but if you were eating at a calorie deficit or at maintenance you wouldn't gain a gram of weight even if you laid in bed all day. On the flip side, you could spend 8 hours running 7 days a week and still gain weight if a caloric excess is present (though this would be very hard…
  • Overall it really is as simple as calories in / calories out. Some people don't understand this or they deny it and make excuses, blaming genetics etc. We live in an age of convenience and calorie dense, processed food with little to no actual nutrition. If you don't read the info on the box, wrapper or whatever, or you…