

  • I grew up in the hardcore/punk scene. Anything by Comeback Kid, With Honor, The Warriors, or Shai Hulud is great for cardio. Its all fast/up beat and none of those bands really "scream" (well Shai Hulud does), the lyrics are more yelled. Not for everybody, but it gets me pumped.
  • My goal is 1500, usually I eat around 16-1800. But my exercise typically adds 400 calories to this so I'm always a few hundred under. Also, my "meals" are spaced out pretty evenly (2-4 hours)
  • How old is your daughter and is she an athlete? I was a multi sport athlete in highschool and I never hurt after workouts. When I was around 20 years old I could spend 2 hours in the gym and not be sore. Now I'm 28 and I feel like a truck hit me after I leave the gym. Maybe that will change in a few months when my body…
  • Doing a little more research and I think this is probably one of the best ways to measure your results in hard numbers (because we all love numbers right?)
  • Should have specified, I've only weighed myself twice, the day I started working out at the gym again, and this morning. Both times in the morning before breakfast and post workout. I'm going to go with water retention, I'm sure within the next few weeks then I'll see weight changes that are actually accurate and not my…