

  • Ephedra was banned in the US a long time ago due to ephedra related deaths. Heart attacks I believe. I would NOT advise you start that!!!
  • Sometimes your brain confuses hunger for thirst so its very possible you are just thirsty! Get a glass of water...good idea :)
  • I notice when I do drink the shakeology everyday I am not as hungry in the early afternoon and my cravings for sweets go waaaay down!!! Its about 4$ a day if you break it up but thats about the same for any other good supplement!
  • I have quite a few friends on facebook that absolutely swear by it! You can make a ton of different flavors some i have heard of are choco peanut butter, cinnamon roll and pumpkin. I guess you really can do a lot with it. Id love to get rid of a meal and have a shake but from what I hear its like 120$ for a month supply.…
  • Oh ya! It more then likely had a high number of calories. I found by looking around at different resturants the salads are usually the highest in calories. Its crazy. A grilled chicken sandwhich (no cheese or mayo) or a veggie burger are more then likely less calories.
  • HAHA your so cute. Can u be more specific about a "stone"??? Us Americans need some explaining. What is that in pounds?
  • Oh yes, You will be full of greasy diarrhea. lol. It does help you loose weight though. I tried it about 5-6 yrs ago but didnt follow through cause I was in school and it was just too high maintenance to have to worry about poopin yourself. lol. Good luck, Id at least give it a try. Just eat whatever you were eating minus…
  • I actually go with my husband to work out. There is a day care in the gym, maybe you can find one with a day care. We go in the afternoon (my husbands laid off right now) or in the AM and my mom watches him (some ppl dont have the luxery of family to help though, I understand that). I also feed the baby (hes 19mo) before…
  • It never matches, I guess it depends on how fast you pedal/walk (or whatever you are doing) and the difficulty on the machine (on an elliptical there are levels 0-easy, 25- can barely move) and on the treadmill I walk at a 15.0 incline which is practically uphill. I dont think MFP calculates all that. After you put your…
  • I have a mild case of rheumatoid arthritis and was on an anti-inflammatory drug every day. Since I started working out I havent takin it at all! My joints feel great, before if I skipped even 1 day i could hardly move. Its great. I looooooove exercising :)
  • wow girl!!! that is seriously a big look good!! For some motivation look at your before and after and invision yourself with 50lbs more ! You will be bikini ready :) GOOD JOB :)
  • Eating four times a day is hard when you have a family and work full time. I barely get a lunch at work, lol. And I know, from experience gorging myself once a week doesnt really help! I wish it did. I then take the next 3 days working off the weight gain and water retension. But if it works for you keep it up! Good luck
  • oh my that is hilarious!!! you should treat yourself and buy some fancy lacey ones!! lol. Good job!!
  • 300-500 cal a day i was told but def drink lots of water! good luck :)
  • Are you working out?? Even lifting weights at all? Muscle weighs more then fat so when you gain muscle and loose fat sometimes you cant see it on the scale. Thats the end goal right? To be less inches? lol. Your doin a pretty good job if you can tell it in your cloths!! Keep up the good work! ps. maybe you can get a pair…
  • You sooo sound just like me! lol. Heres some incentive, I started Sunday on this website and today I lost 1.5lbs! In 3 days :) Its workin so far :) Ya I said that before I was never gonna go over 200lbs then I got pregnant! OH no, I was at 244lbs! It was horrifying what my son did to my body so now my goal is to at least…
  • Dont weigh yourself the day after and increase your water a few glasses after you've had a higher calorie dinner. I cant wait to bakers square but im afraid i'll gain too! lol. Good luck
  • You really are an inspiration! Your gorgous, you can probably stop loosing and start maintaining soon :) Good luck!!
  • Thanks, maybe I will try out curves for a week! I didnt think I would like circuit training but maybe I will ? TTYL!