Any tips for binge eaters?

Hey guys!

Binge eater wanted!

I registered here for the 4th time 5 days ago. The day before I had a binge and I decided to do something about this. Repeating to myself : this time it's for real, girl!

I did OK for the last 4 days. And today....I binged. A lot...I ate 3298 calories. For the first time ever I logged in everything I ate during a binge episode. I think it helped me to stop but I'm not quite sure about that. Usually after a severe binge I would just have delete my account and binged 3 days more.

Today I took the train during 4 hours and during this amount of time I ate a piece of 225g (7.9oz) a french cheesecake-style cake, 70g of almonds, 130g (4.5oz) of chocolate cookies, and a -diet!!!- coke. Back home I did not want to have dinner at first but I finally had it, and a unhealthy one. I feel really sick and bad about myself.

I'll never reach my goals of I keep doing that and even if I don't have that much weight to lose I'm stucked since a year ago. I have a high metabolism and exercice quite a lot that's why I did not gain so much weight (about 8 kilos) during these 2 years of binging. My body not beautiful because of these eating habits and I ate myself to continue that.

Every time I promise to myself I won't do that again ever, and every time I end up binging few days after.

I don't diet hard. Just try to stay between 1200-1800 calories a day and exercice somewhat. So my body isn't deprived or anything.

Do some of you guys recovered from binge eating and have any tips to share? I really want to leave this behind. It's killing me!

I'm really sorry about my weird English...

Thanks to anyone reading this <3


  • bwysocki
    bwysocki Posts: 8
    I would do that alot as well. Last night, for instance. I got MAD munchies, and went into the fridge to raid it.
    But than I stopped for a second, and thought do i REALLY want the extra calories before I go to bed?
    I'm not any expert, im new to this, but I know eating a bunch of junk food before bed is a no-no.
    So, i got a glass of water and drank that and the munchies went away. It was tough but it might work for you.
    Just remember tomorrow is a new day, and always keep working. Were humans, bound to mess up.
    Dont take it to heart and dont give up,.
  • I would do that alot as well. Last night, for instance. I got MAD munchies, and went into the fridge to raid it.
    But than I stopped for a second, and thought do i REALLY want the extra calories before I go to bed?
    I'm not any expert, im new to this, but I know eating a bunch of junk food before bed is a no-no.
    So, i got a glass of water and drank that and the munchies went away. It was tough but it might work for you.
    Just remember tomorrow is a new day, and always keep working. Were humans, bound to mess up.
    Dont take it to heart and dont give up,.

    Thanks for your reply!
    Yes, you're totally wright.
    Problem with me is in cases like this I just can't control myself. As if I HAD TO eat all these, I'm not myself anymore :/
    But anyway, I'll try the glass of water trick next time.
    As you said, tomorrow is a new day :):)
  • Any other tips? :)
  • bwysocki
    bwysocki Posts: 8
    umm lol. Putting pictures of really skinny, hot girls on the fridge to keep you motivated. =)
    My problem is I live with my parents, and two kids and they all like sweets.
    I know if you don't buy the sweets you wont eat them.
    If you know you will be going out, pack some healthy snack foods.
    Don't try to make yourself sick with all the nasty, but good food for you. There are plenty of good choices that taste really good. For breakfast, I have been having an apple with some peanut butter, which is absolutely delicious. And my kids will eat the apples with me, so its good for both of us. And reward yourself for being good. Not with food necessarily, but taking a nice hot bath, or buying a new pair of shoes if you loose 10 pounds. Keep reachable goals, and reward if you get it.
  • jdhoward_101
    jdhoward_101 Posts: 234 Member
    I'm a complete binge eater! The way i try and combat this is eating little and often, even if i'm not hungry at the time, and by trying to plan what i am going to eat throughout the day, even down to unhealthy snacks, and trying my damndest to stick to it! It is difficult to get out of the habit of binge eating, and you will have your 'naughty days', (which hopefully you would deserve after so many good days!), but it is definitely worth it. Good luck!
  • Do you think you might be eating too few of calories? Maybe your body is trying to tell you it needs more. If you're too scared to do that, try eating a meal that lasts at least 20 minutes since that's how long it takes for your brain to process if you're full or not
  • rustyguy
    rustyguy Posts: 51 Member
    I can binge like mad. I find I am more controlled during the week than on weekends. To control it I try to keep busy, finding stuff that needs done around the yard or the house, burn some extra calories in case things get bad. Having nothing to do seems to be a trigger for eating too much and too often.
  • 127ismygoal
    127ismygoal Posts: 40 Member
    Heyyy I'm a binge eater, I obsess over meat mainly lmao, I can't just eat a slice or piece I have to have it all. So for example a chorizo sausage? Can't have it in the house because I will literally eat it all. Packs of sliced ham? Wouldn't dream of buying it in case I ate it all in one sitting!

    So when I get super bad cravings I eat cottage cheese on crackers and carrots. Lots of carrots haha.
  • teelynn35
    teelynn35 Posts: 239 Member
    I allow myself one "cheat" day a week. I try to be good all week, then on Saturday it's on!!! I then usually work out extra on Sunday. Although the last month has been one solid binge, I'm back on the wagon again. Good luck, I know it's really hard. Also, drinking a full glass of water before eating any meal, does help!!!
  • MFPfriend
    MFPfriend Posts: 1,121 Member
    Is there a counselor you can talk to about this? It sounds like it's more of a psychological problem. If you can figure out what is making you binge, then you can work around that. Counselors are really great for that kind of stuff- I recommend seeing one if you can.
  • ohiogirl30
    ohiogirl30 Posts: 141 Member
    bump for later
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    Getting over my eating disorder was a spiritual experience. It wasn't any one thing that I did. I started wanting to be healthy, after years of beating up my body. I did seek therapy. I wanted the way that I feed myself to be an expression of love. That worked for me. I haven't binged, starved, or done anything worse, since I was 19.

    Sometimes I think of my body as a loyal dog that would do anything possible to obey me. I can't mistreat a pet.
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    Totally recovered binge eater here.

    The only thing that eliminated my need to binge was changing WHAT I eat. Really. Changing what I eat also cured depression, anxiety, intestinal disorders, metabolic syndrome (pre-diabetes), chronic joint pain, allergies, frequent illness/infection, sleep apnea, etc, etc, etc. And obesity is being cured as well, but it's taking longer that the others, of course.

    I have discovered that my "binge eating disorder" was NOT a psychological issue, but a physical symptom of poor diet. I was completely malnourished and my body was trying desperately to obtain adequate nutrition. (Yes, one can be obese and malnourished; look around.)

    (Possibly not what you wanted to hear.)
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    Take up a hobby or a project that will get you away from the kitchen; focus on it. That keeps me out of the kitchen more than anything else.
  • BikerGirlElaine
    BikerGirlElaine Posts: 1,631 Member
    Totally recovered binge eater here.

    The only thing that eliminated my need to binge was changing WHAT I eat. Really. Changing what I eat also cured depression, anxiety, intestinal disorders, metabolic syndrome (pre-diabetes), chronic joint pain, allergies, frequent illness/infection, sleep apnea, etc, etc, etc. And obesity is being cured as well, but it's taking longer that the others, of course.

    I have discovered that my "binge eating disorder" was NOT a psychological issue, but a physical symptom of poor diet. I was completely malnourished and my body was trying desperately to obtain adequate nutrition. (Yes, one can be obese and malnourished; look around.)

    (Possibly not what you wanted to hear.)

    ^^This. There is a biochemical reason why people binge. Google 'sugar addiction radiant recovery' and see what comes up
  • Sometimes your brain confuses hunger for thirst so its very possible you are just thirsty! Get a glass of water...good idea :)
  • toaster6
    toaster6 Posts: 703 Member
    Try to stop buying anything you absolutely don't want to eat or things you know you binge on. For example, I stopped buying sodas and those Ben & Jerry's pints because if I have them around, I'll consume them-- and a lot of them. Then, you can replace things you do like with healthier options so you don't feel deprived.
  • iFeelBrandNew
    iFeelBrandNew Posts: 263 Member
    im the queen of binge eating. i find i have to monitor every. single. thing. i put into my mouth. one mess up and im out of commission from a week to a couple months at least. i tell myself its okay, whats one meal? truth is, it turns into much more than that.

    i eat for comfort. i am in love with food. we have a relationship. its mostly one sided. food gives and gives and i keep taking. ive gained almost half the weight back i lost. sad day.

    saw a few skinny pictures of myself the other day. since then ive done wonderfully. i went immediately to the grocery store and bought good for me food.

    i literally just discovered today, that if i eat a small meal every few hours, i dont think about food as much. i also started drinking a ton of water. i must say, i feel a lot better. my face is even skinnier than just last week.

    i want to be skinny again. i dont want to worry about whether or not you can see my backfat through my shirt. or if i sit down do i have that roll. or if the bra's too tight you can see the fat above the bra and under my arm pits.

    i cant fit any of my old clothes, and i refuse to buy bigger. its a frame of mind. food doesnt love you back.
  • jasminetoi
    jasminetoi Posts: 62 Member
    i make sure to go grocery shopping on a full stomach...and have meal plans in mind so that i buy healthy groceries
    i dont have ANY bad food in my house/fridge - espeically no snacks (maybe granola bars or yogurt)

    if i want to eat..i have to cook!

    if i want to binge....i will have to go ALL the way to a fast food place..and by the time i realize that i dont care enough or its not that serious so i stick to my diet

    **if its not there you cant eat it!**
  • I am a binge eater too. Usually it's with sweets. But I keep a pair of sexy clothing that want to fit into and every time I think about about eating the whole house I look at the shirt and helps me stop and think. And I do like the pictures of the women idea. Try to keep yourself busy. Whenever you feel like binging or eating more take a walk or something.. If the weather is nice of course