
lisapooh1 Posts: 90
edited September 22 in Health and Weight Loss
Hi is anyone out there losing weight by inches and not on then scale. I'ts so frustrating to never see the scale move., but my clothes are looser so inches are coming off. I don't understand why the scale doesn't move. Any advice or suggestions......Please!


  • Are you working out?? Even lifting weights at all? Muscle weighs more then fat so when you gain muscle and loose fat sometimes you cant see it on the scale. Thats the end goal right? To be less inches? lol. Your doin a pretty good job if you can tell it in your cloths!! Keep up the good work!

    ps. maybe you can get a pair of jeans that are tight on you and every couple weeks try them on, you may me able to tell weight loss that way!
  • I am in the same boat!! My friend and I have been run/walking approx 40 miles a week and weight lifting 2-3 days a week. We are currently on week 14. She has lost over 20 lbs. I on the other had have only lost 3-5lbs (depending on the day). I have kept on track with eating and am working out 1.5-3hrs a day. The only positive note is that some of my cloths are getting looser. I had read posts on a running website suggesting that females tend to gain weight when they first start a excercise plan due to putting your body in shock. However, I thought that I would be give it two months and then the pounds should start to melt away. Well, so far nothing!! Does anyone have a explanation or suggestion??? THIS IS SO FRUSTRATING!! IT MAKES ME WANT TO GIVE UP!!
  • Don't give up you sound like your doing great! Try to tell your self it has to come off soon...:smile: Good Luck
  • Thank you so much, I will do that.:smile:
  • YeaILift
    YeaILift Posts: 580 Member
    It is almost impossible (re: IMPOSSIBLE) for you to not lose weight if you have a caloric deficiency every day. You either need to set your calorie goal per day lower or exercise more often. Most importantly, be very,very accurate when calculating what food you eat and how many calories you are actually burning during exercise. Also, plan ahead for when you are going to eat and what you are going to eat. Don't leave it up to chance. I would also recommend a kitchen scale for measuring your food. It helps greatly with getting the correct portion sizes. You have all the tools and information you need in front of you; you just need to utilize them.
  • Debtappe
    Debtappe Posts: 164 Member
    Are you eating all your calories every day? If you aren't eating enough you probably won't lose weight.
  • mykaar74
    mykaar74 Posts: 253
    I always lose inches first, it takes me approximately 6 inches before I see a pound come off so try keeping track of your inches, and when you see a pound come off then you'll know approximately how many inches you will lose before a pound drops. hang in there, stay positive
  • firedragon064
    firedragon064 Posts: 1,082 Member
    Congratuation! You are on the right track. You are losing fat but not muscle mass. Don't worry, the scale will show the weight loss sooner or later. I don't trust the scale that much. There are so many factors for the scale to lie. I dropped 7 lbs of water weight overnight so I like my tape measurement better.
  • agdeierl
    agdeierl Posts: 378 Member
    As others have said, there really is so much more to a scale's reading than fat loss (losing water weight, muscle mass, etc.), so I would trust the tape measure and your clothes much, much more. Frankly, I wish I could trade places with you! I've lost about 7 lbs in 5 weeks or so, but seem to have lost only half a pants size or so. I've lost almost 10 lbs according to the scale but I don't think I look any different, and that's a big sadness to me. I would much rather have lost inches than see a smaller number on the scale. I think you need to step back and realize what's really important. The number on the scale is just a number. Your BMI, which is based on this number, doesn't take many other factors into account. What really matters is how you look and how your clothes fit, not some silly number on a scale. Keep up the good work, and be happy! :flowerforyou:
  • Thanks everyone! I needed the encouragement.
  • Lyndzo
    Lyndzo Posts: 142
    I am having the exact same problem. My clothes are starting to get loose and I feel like my body is changing, yet I've only lost 2 pounds. I do cardio and strength training and my calorie/fat/carb/sodium intake has been cut by more than 50% (compared to what I used to eat). It is very frustrating!
  • superwmn
    superwmn Posts: 936
    If someone told me "Your weight will be 200lbs BUT you'll wear a size four", I'd say "where do I sign?".

    Dress size/inches reduction beats the number on the scale ANY day.

  • Slavic_Spice
    Slavic_Spice Posts: 78 Member
    I have this problem too... I weigh in next Monday, so hoping to see a change, but I have already been able to wear clothes in my closet that I hadn't been able to wear. I guess I should focus on that, but I desperately want the pounds to go too!
  • agdeierl
    agdeierl Posts: 378 Member
    If someone told me "Your weight will be 200lbs BUT you'll wear a size four", I'd say "where do I sign?".

    Dress size/inches reduction beats the number on the scale ANY day.


  • Sezmo83
    Sezmo83 Posts: 331 Member
    I've lost inches but apparently gained 6lb :huh: Not sure how that works as I don't work out or anything special, just walk the dog which I've done on an almost daily basis for the past 16 years and do the occasional Wii Fit or Biggest Loser exercise thing on the Wii.
  • Thank you everyone for the needed support!!

    I will comment to the lady who asked if she could be 200 lbs and a size 4. It is not likely possible, but not too far off base. I am 5'2" tall. I am a size 12/14 at 205 lbs. Not very usuall. I amAt my best weight I was 148lbs. So if you look at all the data I was severly overweight. According to the ARMY I should weigh approx. 117 lbs. They almost didn't let me in. So let me explain. At 148 lbs I was a size 5/6 and according to my personal trainer had about 12% body fat. Which is extremely low for a female. They did let me in and I out ran all but 4 males in my platoon, did more push ups then all but 1 male in my platoon and came in about 8th for sit ups on my physical fitness test.

    So that was when I was in good shape. Fast forward a few years and a child later and this is where my problems started. During my pregnancy I only gained 7 lbs (I struggled with hyper-emesis). After I was getting back in shape. Running about 30 miles a week and eating really well. At 5 months post partum my hair started to fall out in clumps, I was exhausted and I gained approx 30 pounds in about 3 weeks with no diet or excercise change. I went to my family practicioner and found that I had developed hypo-thyroidism. So for the last 7 years I have battled that. I have worked out on and off because I am continually frusterated that the scale dosen't seem to move.

    So fast forward to the present and here I am. My thyroid is better controlled (finally) and I am working my butt off. I will say my cloths fit better and I feel better. Although it is frustrating that the scale isnt moving, I do believe it is doing something. I will say that as of summer of last year to Feb of this year I droped 30 lbs. I added the excercise and better eating and have lost 3 lbs in the last 15 weeks.

    So in my opinion it is not always about weight on the scale, but it is nice to see it go down. My goal is 145-150 lbs. I currently have to loose about 25-30 lbs to reach this goal.

    Anyway enough ranting!! I think you are all amazing people and it is wonderful to see everyone supporting everyone!! We can all reach our goals if we continue to work hard and turn to people for support during or rough patches!!!!
  • AlyRoseNYC
    AlyRoseNYC Posts: 1,075 Member
    You are doing great! What's the point of being thin, if you are also super mushy! Your muscles are getting stronger and more toned. Once the fat comes off, you'll have a solid body!
  • howardrw
    howardrw Posts: 80 Member
    Just keep the "FAITH".....

    The scale will start to show your weight loss.

    Right now your body is going thru some changes that may not be notice on the scale.
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    Win one, lose another lol. I'm losing weight and not I wouldn't worry about it, they eventually have to catch up to each other right (or I'll be a 150lb size 22 *eek*) .
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