

  • Yep, it's Tuesday all right.. I finally caught up on all the posts for the last couple of days. WOW, to all with challenges, stay the course and be kind to yourselves. You all are aweome women an all of us learn from each other. They are forcassting snow here tomorrow so will get out and enjoy today. One thing about here,…
  • Today another beautiful sunny warm day in Cottonwood, AZ. Meg take care of that sinus infection!! They only get worse without treatment.. So glad you are going well otherwise... Dee Dee you are an inspiration for sure!!. Thanks again for being there and continuing to offer support on the this journey. Heed the warning…
  • Hello everyone.To those of you who have been so kind relaying your support and prayers through DeeDee, I am so appreciative. It seems like such a long road since I last was here. It has been six months as of the 18th since I lost my husband. While life will never be the same for me without my Lee, it will be different. I…
  • Just marking a spot to find everyone. One day at a time.
  • I'm up. Off to the doctor for a check up. Bad night, no sleep. One foot in front of the other today. Everyone is doing so good. Stay the course as they say. Feels like winter coming sooner then later today. Lots of wind and rain yesterday. More later, Dixie
  • First I would like to thank all of you who expressed their thoughts and prayers on behalf of myself and my husband. While the expected 5-6 months we had planned on having was not to be and he was taken all to soon he was not in pain and for that I am so grateful. Everyday is one foot in front of the other, but only time…
  • Welcome to all the new comers, everyone has some good tips and quotes to get one thinking. Today was weigh in and I'm proud to say 4 pds down in two weeks. I have been packing my breakfast and lunch for our journeys back and forth to radiation. Has helped immensley. Had some struggles with Hospice/Insurance issues, but…
  • Today was a really rough day. :cry: Had a phone call from the doctor and he has now assigned hospice to my husbands case. We still are to continue the 6 more treatments of radiation, but then no more. Hospice to take it from here. I have spent the better part of the day crying until my eyes are almost swollen shut. At one…
  • Your an inspriation Sundance. Love reading all your posts. Keep up the good work your are doing.. One more day to travel this week then rest on the weekend. Garden has to be caught up. Looking a little peeked with me gone everyday. Had lunch with two baby skunks yesterday.:huh: My husband and I stopped at a rest area on…
  • August is here already!! 22 days on my program and still doing good.:love: August goals are to stay as positive as possible. Be the best support to my husband. Stay eating healthy and be appreciative of every day my husband and I are given. Be supportive of all my MFP friends and their journeys as well. Keep the water…
  • Just a short note to say thank you to all who are keeping me in their prayers. My husband insist I stay the course with MFP and all the wonderful supportive ladies I have made contact with here. Tomorrow our next adventure with radiation begins. We will spend 4 hour a day on the road going to and from the hospital for his…
  • Just a short note to say thank you for the thoughts and prayers from all those who sent them. Unfortunately the news is not good. The cancer has metasized to the brain, with to many tumors to count as quoted by the doctor. Chemo has been stopped and radiation to begin next tues, for 10 straight days, excluding weekends.…
  • Rough day today. My husband woke me to let me know that he was numb on his left side and arm. Doctor has ordered an MRI for the brain tomorrow. It could be the cancer has made into his brain now. The new drug that he is taking could be the cause as well. Neither are good options.:brokenheart: So we travel in the morning to…
  • Great day on the Oregon Coast. wreckedredhead, I have to say, but I'm new to this, that anything below 1200 calories is sending your body into starvation mode. Been there, done that. It does not work and you will burn out. Try increasing up past 1200. I don't know your food diary as it is locked, but you might let other…
  • Good morning and welcome sunshine!! Yesterday was a long day. Taking my food really helped me through the day. So will keep doing that. It also gave me a break outside in the sun when it was shinning. Much warmer in Portland then here at the coast so I enjoyed it. Good news for my hubby as we are scheduled for more chemo…
  • Sunshine here and cool. Got a lot of house work done and have energy to spare. I tell you being on this healthier eating plan has given me back myself. I didn't know how bad I felt until I started to feel good again. Eating healthy instead of all the comfort foods has given my body a chance to function again. Tomorrow we…
  • Yeah, Saturday and day #12 for me. I still feel good and have more energy already. Sun shinning here on the coast so will play in the yard today. Prayers to all of you will health challenges ahead. We are strong, we women, but it is still so good to know we are not alone in our battles. Stay the course and keep logging in…
  • YIKES!! I thought I had lost all of you.. I was in a royal snit until jb helped me find my way. Thank you jb. How on earth do you find the thread when you reach 500 posts to the next thread?? Anyway, I have been posting into cyber space and wondered why everyone had disappeared. I am new to this and new to how these sites…
  • Thanks Jb for the info on how to track excercise. I wasn't putting in the right combo in the search fields. Was a really difficult day today. My husband of less then a year was diagnosed 3 weeks after our wedding last year with small cell lung cancer. He has been getting chemo every since. I always go with him and sit…
  • Happy Sunday everyone. Rain here on the West Coast Manzanita, Oregon. So no outside work today. Thank you Lin and Dee Dee for acknowledgement. I find that tracking my food using the MFP is really informational and keeps me honest. Being creative, with 1/2 cup black beans drained and rinsed, 1/2 really good short grain…
  • Well here it is the finish of day 4 and still going strong. Getting use to making the right choices but spending more time creating appetizing foods that I will enjoy and not feel deprived. Everyones posts are such fun to read and I've gotten some great hints from you. I'm on the west coast and feel for all of you going…
  • I am new at this thread. I enjoy reading what others have to say about their journey. I, too have started, day 4, to make better choices of food and how I spend my time. I am 63 yrs young and want to be able to work in my yard and flowers without having to worry about not being able to get up off the ground. Soooo, I have…