

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,395 Member
    Lila - when you said that your daughter had an improper vegetarian diet, in what way was it improper?

    Meg - deep frozen teens??? that's really cute, thanks for the smile. Sometimes I wish I could deep freeze my kids

    Linda - the pool isn't done, far from it. Still don't have the decking or the water slide or the spa. But there IS water in the pool, it was cleaned out and the chemicals are in the right range. We still have a ways to go. The guy who is supposed to work on the masonry is supposed to be here today to drop off some equipment then Mon he, and maybe another guy will be here working. So we're FAR from finished, that's for sure. But I CAN go in the pool. Never realized just how slippery the bottom of a fiberglass pool is. The first thing I thought of? You can slide your feet open and then you really have to work your inner thighs to get them back together. That gave Vince a laugh. I just saw on Dr. Oz this thing about where they made frozen yogurt "chips". Basically, they put the Greek yogurt in a pipeing bag (or a plastic bag with the corner cut off) and just made little "dots", froze them, then had frozen yogurt chips! Update: the chlorine wasn't right today in the pool. Vince said that I could still go in the pool, but I didn't. I probably will tomorrow.

    Amanda - happy birthday to your hubby

    Linda Sundance - good luck to your daughter

    Do you know that until I met Vince, I never really had a lot of pies, cakes, ice cream etc for dessert? When I was growing up, dessert was usually a piece of fruit and there was always a fruit basket on the table.

    kathy - congrats!

    Welcome everyone new!

    Gotta go get ready for church now.

    Meg - I try out a lot of recipes on workers. The guys who built our garage got a treat many times. Now the guys who are doing the pool are getting a treat about twice/week. Gives me a chance to try out recipes that Vince won't eat. How right you are in that you can enjoy everything, you have to account for it. If you know you're going to be having something high in calories for dinner, you just have a lighter lunch and maybe no dessert. But you enjoy what you are having. That's so important.

    Sue - tell us more about your job. What are you taking online?

    amelott - I don't know that we have a formal "focus". I guess you could say that the focus is healthy eating and exercising while supporting each other.

    Went to the farmer's market this morning, then yoga, then started my running around. Yesterday Vince cleaned the garage. He's the type of person who when he gets started doing something, he'll do it all. I do a little at a time. Anyway, I did want to go to a mahjongg game, but I also knew that if I left Vince he would be up until all hours doing the work so I helped him. Anyway, I took some things to the salvation army, had to go to WalMart for batteries for Vince, then to the UPS store to take some styrofoam peanuts to them, then to Aldi's to get some veggies for me. Then came home and made these cornmeal cups for the workers and a different type of fudge. Really, I thought the fudge should have had more sugar in it. But, well, I gave it a try. Then to church, came home and had dinner, now I'm baking chicken for next week.

    Tomorrow I'll do some balance games on the Wii.

    walkermom - sounds like you did great at the pot luck. Good job!!!

    Vince was organizing the garage and he saw my dumbells for the pool. He at first couldn't understand how they were weighted, did they maybe soak up water and get heavier??? I explained that it was the resistance of the water which made them such a workout.

    Well, off to bed. Hope everyone has a great evening.

  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Hello Ladies,,
    Thank you all for your encouragement It meant a lot:flowerforyou:
    @Lin thank you for the encouragement and yay for the Salmon huh :wink:
    @Dee Glad to hear that you are feeling better
    @Kathy Congrats on the new granddaughter. Also sorry your foot is hurting a bit. But really impress that you keep up with your workouts.
    @Linda hope you had a good time at the shooting competion
    @Amanda Happy Birthday to your husband.
    @Barbie I like how you stuck to your guns again at all of your meetings. When I started MFP I start it with my friend and co-worker. She strays a lot and tries to get everyone join her. She keeps inviting me to places that I am not ready to go to. It cool our friendship a bit. I am there for her and really want her to succeed this is a journey lots of up and downs, And she is now asking to go on walks together before work.

    To everyone new welcome!!!:smile:

    Today was a good day I did get to sleep in a bit. So sleep was what I needed.. The house is now neater than it was on Friday took my daughter on a errand run. It was good to hang out with her. We kept it simple today. Went to the Y so enjoy it and I am so planning on joining. Went to the store and got more veggies and such. We are getting a whole foods in Boise can't wait I have never been to one before have any of you ? Do you like it?

    My daughter request that we have a family night and that we watch WWE Wrestling Mania. Yup that's right! We did!
    Its been a long time since she request a family night. So we sit and watch it and I learn more than I thought I could on the subject. The Rock won -- it also gave me a chance to use my daughter's laptop and catchup on the posts.

    Anyway its over now and she would like her laptop back.

    Thank you all wishing you a good Saturday.
    Liz:drinker: :drinker:

  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Some days I can be such a airhead there is an edit button! :blushing:
  • Sasha4427
    Sasha4427 Posts: 196 Member
    Good evening everyone - happy Saturday night and I wish you all a good and peaceful Sunday morning.

    Nancy - you're a stonger man that I am Gunga Din! If I 'amused' myself in the kitchen I would probably sample everything i made.

    Thank you to whomever mentioned sewing - I got all motivated today and went to the fabric store and bought enough fabric for 4 fall dresses. The good news is that I am a very competent sewer (even got through tailoring classes and used to do bridal sewing when my kids were little and I took a few years off work) so I am looking forward to some creative time. Not only that but I decided to go into my closet (I have three because it's just me so thay are ALL MINE - and all full). I tried on a whole lot of things that were stuffed in the back and - are you ready for this - a lot of them are way too big!! The best thing is that my little black dresses, believe me I have them in every size, got weeded out. The best ones, some vintage Ungaro and Lagerfeld, now fit and I can hardly wait to have an occasion to wear them. Well, that may take awhile, this IS a very small town.

    Thanks to all who sent good wishes for feeling better, I really think the bug has passed now. DeeDee, I'm glad your eyelashes have quit hurting and hope you are back to normal soon - lol.

    Amanda - I peeked at your pictures, you look absolutely amazing!

    Michele - my daughter was tossing out her "healthy" lunches and only eating vegetables. Dinner was usually more veggies and cheese, lentils etc. Unfortunately, I wasn't watching (or knowledgeable enough then) to make sure there was enough iron in her diet. She also had amenorrhea so the anemia got to a pretty serious stage. I understand that in some people, even lower anemic conditions can cause serious symptoms. Our bodies usually give us a heads up, but sometimes we aren't listening closely.

    This is a very laid back weekend - lawn is beyond mowing as it is totally dried out and no longer growing, housework is up to date, dogs just need some walking and swimming, other than that, life is very casual right now.

    Have a nice time tomorrow everyone, and Michele - do a few lengths in the pool for the rest of us!!

  • Sasha4427
    Sasha4427 Posts: 196 Member
    Good evening everyone - happy Saturday night and I wish you all a good and peaceful Sunday morning.

    Nancy - you're a stonger man that I am Gunga Din! If I 'amused' myself in the kitchen I would probably sample everything i made.

    Thank you to whomever mentioned sewing - I got all motivated today and went to the fabric store and bought enough fabric for 4 fall dresses. The good news is that I am a very competent sewer (even got through tailoring classes and used to do bridal sewing when my kids were little and I took a few years off work) so I am looking forward to some creative time. Not only that but I decided to go into my closet (I have three because it's just me so thay are ALL MINE - and all full). I tried on a whole lot of things that were stuffed in the back and - are you ready for this - a lot of them are way too big!! The best thing is that my little black dresses, believe me I have them in every size, got weeded out. The best ones, some vintage Ungaro and Lagerfeld, now fit and I can hardly wait to have an occasion to wear them. Well, that may take awhile, this IS a very small town.

    Thanks to all who sent good wishes for feeling better, I really think the bug has passed now. DeeDee, I'm glad your eyelashes have quit hurting and hope you are back to normal soon - lol.

    Amanda - I peeked at your pictures, you look absolutely amazing!

    Michele - my daughter was tossing out her "healthy" lunches and only eating vegetables. Dinner was usually more veggies and cheese, lentils etc. Unfortunately, I wasn't watching (or knowledgeable enough then) to make sure there was enough iron in her diet. She also had amenorrhea so the anemia got to a pretty serious stage. I understand that in some people, even lower anemic conditions can cause serious symptoms. Our bodies usually give us a heads up, but sometimes we aren't listening closely.

    This is a very laid back weekend - lawn is beyond mowing as it is totally dried out and no longer growing, housework is up to date, dogs just need some walking and swimming, other than that, life is very casual right now.

    Have a nice time tomorrow everyone, and Michele - do a few lengths in the pool for the rest of us!!

  • PS2CR
    PS2CR Posts: 98 Member
    Hello all! It's late so I will have to keep this short. Went bike-riding today, and realized once again that I need to exercise more than once or twice a week, as I quickly lose stamina if I don't. ;-/ But it did feel good to be riding again, despite the heat. Then went for a swim with the hubby, though I couldn't really enter that as cardio...I'm pretty lazy in the pool!

    Welcome to the many newbies who keep joining in! I'm still a noob myself, but it seems this is an extraordinarily sweet group of ladies. I only regret I can't keep up with responding to all the posts, though I am reading them. Just a few responses tonight:

    @ dixie - I'm so very sorry to hear about the loss of your husband. Prayers for you and your family.

    @ michele - enjoy your new pool! We've had ours for just 4 years, and I wish now we'd done it years ago. (We live in the HOT south.) It's not only good exercise, but the water sounds are so relaxing when we're out there (gurglers and waterfall). If the mosquitoes weren't so bad this year I'd be out there every day.

    @ rjadams - Ugh, what a horrible family situation. My heart goes out to you. Concerning your relatives' suggestion: I think I'd be likely to respond something along the lines of, "Oh dear, I'm afraid that arrangement won't work at all. It would greatly stress Mother to have to live with us for ANY amount of time; she is dreadfully unhappy in our presence. It's very unsettling for elderly folks to move, and we think it'd be even more so to force her to live with someone she (indeed the whole family) simply can't stand; the upset would likely take a serious toll on her health. We can't risk what that might do to her in her condition." Because...if she really CAN'T stand you, every word of that is true. ;) And so you have every right to take this stand not only for yourself, but also for your husband, your marriage, and his mother's health.

    And now I've got to turn out the lights... Later, all!

    ~ PS
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Good morning!

    In regards to clothes, I've had one heck of a time with keeping myself looking decent during weight loss. It seemed like every time I turned around I was calling myself "baggy pants!" I went from size 22 jeans to size 12 in 18 months. I donated soooo many clothes! I finally realized that I needed to befriend the Goodwill store and shop there a couple times every month. It's helped a lot. I went a couple of days ago and found a real nice pair of jeans and a short-sleeve T shirt, total $8. One day (hopefully soon!) when I finally reach my goal weight I'll start building a whole new wardrobe. I'm so ready to treat myself to a few nice NEW things!

    Lila - I notice one of your doggies is a heeler! I have one, too, 7 yr old named Rugby. Great dogs!

    It was quite chilly here in Portland the other morning, too. I had to dig out my fuzzy slippers and socks. Hated to do it but my toes were froze! Better this morning, the nip is gone and I'm still in my bare feet.

    Michele - I'm amazed Vince ate the purple potato! I met a guy once who said "I don't do purple food." And I've noticed a lot of guys don't like beets or eggplant or anything of that color. Interesting. I've heard a lot of good things about purple and blue potatoes, I think I'll grow some next year.

    Speaking of growing, the gardens are going crazy right now and boy do I have some processing to do. I canned another 6 pints of corn the other day and now have 21 pints each of green beans and corn on my pantry shelf. Hubby defrosted the freezer yesterday getting it ready for the onslaught of roasted peppers, eggplant, marinara sauce and whatever else comes down the pike. I've already frozen some packages of mixed peas and carrots, some of beets, a few bags of corn, several packages of sliced leeks, and one heck of a lot of berries. 10 gallons of boysenberries! Might not need to pick any wild blackberries or huckleberries this year although I do love our camping trips up to Mt. Adams in WA during berry season.

    This morning I'll be slicing and freezing the bell peppers that are on my kitchen table, then heading down to the garden to harvest another batch. I'll probably fire up the canner and put up some jars of tomatoes this afternoon since the basket on the table is overflowing. I've been giving any extra vegs to the neighbors who are very appreciative and brought me a bag of beautiful plums from their tree yesterday. They're sooo good.

    Well my dears, I should get a move on. Nice to be here again, I've wanted to write but have been busy with company which means keeping the house clean, which for me takes major effort, lol. I've read lots of the posts, it's so great that so many ladies are writing and sharing here.

    Good day, happy day, make it wonderful.

    :smile: jb
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Good morning to all my friends, new and old. We got nearly 1” of much needed rain yesterday.:bigsmile: I was really fried after that workshop, so didn’t do anything constructive last night. Today I need to keep this briefer than usual. I’m skipping out on church and taking “illegal” donuts to my dad in the nursing home to work on the book (the family is taking them). That way I can see a movie later since this is family day. Otherwise I’d have to work through it.

    Doni: welcome. Yes we are a supportive group and chatty too!

    Carolyn: during the fall I too either go to work on Saturday or bring home work for the evenings or weekends. My pay back is that I am off all summer, so I don’t mind tooooooooooooo much.:laugh:

    Sue: welcome to you too. It is hard to keep up with everyone here; we are all very busy and talkative!

    Amelot: we are just a bunch of normal down to earth ladies of a certain age who come here every day to support each other on our journeys. Welcome!

    Walkermom: good choices at the picnic!:smile:

    Gardengail: you deserved that nice dinner and spinach artichoke dip…yum. We are having a tomato-artichoke casserole with dinner tonight. Who knew mowing would be so great!:wink:

    Barbie: your avatar gets better and better, but those are some HUGE poodles!:laugh:

    Michele: you sound like an adventurous cook! I try a lot of new recipes on company! I tell them if it’s awful I’ll order pizza! So I get really good feedback on what I make! It’s worked everytime!

    Liz: we have a whole foods here. I like it but it is really expensive. You can find all sorts of interesting things there if you are willing to pay for them. We do family day once a month and have game night once a week. Wrestling! That’s funny.

    Lila: I used to love to sew. But I never could learn to tailor things, so nothing ever really fit. I’d like to take it up again if I ever have grandkids….they are easier to fit I think!

    PS2CR: your bike ride and swim sound delightful! Great advice for RJ.

    JB: such a cute pic!:laugh:

    Well ladies I need to be faithful to my chore of the day and get busy. I’d rather stay here…this chapter is awfully long and tiring! Oh well! Take care and have a beautiful Sunday! Meg:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Good Morning, Dear Ladies!

    I have been MIA for a while and appreciate Barbie's nice note to check in on me. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: It's easy to get tied up with "things" and weeks go by, and think that no one will miss you anyway, so I was glad to get the "where are you?"

    We are in MT after our DS's wedding in chicago, then my elderly parents week visit out here, followed by several other visitors, a quick trip back to SC to take care of house things, now I am back out west. Going to pick up oldest son, DIL and our 2 darling granddaughters for 8 day visit! The newlyweds will join us for Labor Day weekend...SO...I will not be on here often BUT hope to at least track my food and check in when possible. I have been getting in some awesome hikes, but food has been sloppy:grumble:

    I hope you are all doing well and look forward to getting back here in September on a daily basis again. Love to you all, Kackie:heart:
  • Yardtigress
    Yardtigress Posts: 367 Member
    Morning Ladies, just checking in. Went out to breakfast this morning and stayed on plan. I didn't eat toast or potatoes, which for me is hard to do. I had tomatoes instead.

    Kackie- you are one busy lady.

    Meg-illegal donuts? Oh no. LOL

    Barbie- when I was growing up we had poodles too. They are great dogs.

    I'll be back later. It looks like we are getting close to the 500 mark again. Tigress
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Tigress: The illegal donuts are illegal for my dad to eat since he's a diabetic. About once a month we take him one and it hasn't ever affected his blood sugars mainly because he hardly eats anything, so the staff jokes with us about providing the "inmates' with illegal donuts! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • petalsandpaws
    First I would like to thank all of you who expressed their thoughts and prayers on behalf of myself and my husband. While the expected 5-6 months we had planned on having was not to be and he was taken all to soon he was not in pain and for that I am so grateful.
    Everyday is one foot in front of the other, but only time will make it easier.
    Food has not been an issue, rather a chore. I do know the dangers though that lurk since I am an emotional eater. I'll always remember my husbands words though, your in pain now, but you will have more pain if you give in and give up. So for today I will eat healthy and drink more water.
    There are so many on this thread now and while I have been gone for 2 weeks and have lost track I know you all are going to have been supportive to each other.
    Thank you again to all for the love and concern.
  • mazaron
    mazaron Posts: 329 Member
    :happy: Hello everyone,

    The Farmer’s Market was fantastic! I splurged on a huge bouquet of flowers :flowerforyou: that are smiling down on me as I type. 13 cobs of corn cooked, stripped & frozen, 9 liters of dill pickles later… I helped DH tidy up some closets downstairs and found my sewing machine! Yeah. Haven’t seen it since my daughter borrowed it last summer.

    Meg! I have been an elementary school principal and Distance Education coordinator so I’ve taught lots of different grades & subjects, but this year I am the grade 7 (7th grade, you would call it in the US) teacher and I love it.

    For the last few years my personal professional development projects have revolved around “meta-cognition” = teaching students to “think about thinking”. This has lead me to read about new ideas in how our brains work (The Brain that Changes Itself, for example). That lead to reading about the connection between exercise and learning. (Spark, another good book). This year my pro-dev project is to bring active learning alive in my classroom! :laugh:

    Carolyn, why not make stepping on the scale part of your morning routine? Just routine, not trauma.

    Gardengail, What’s a Viamix?

    Barbie, the new graphics are great – two dancing poodles! :laugh:

    Lila, I am having a blast getting rid of clothes. :happy: All last winter as my weight dropped I made monthly trips to the thrift store with my “fat lady” clothes. I can’t gain the weight back because I wouldn’t have anything to wear. My wardrobe now is limited to work out clothes and summer dresses, so I also have an excuse to make a trip to the city and go crazy!

    JB, too bad we live a few hundred km or miles apart. We could have a harvest kitchen party. I think the big difference is that I buy my produce at the Farmer’s Market and you grow your own. :drinker: Whew.

    Back to work…it’s plain old housekeeping today, trying to get places the housekeeper does not before school starts and I have the busyness excuse.


    September goals:
    Plan what I eat, eat what I plan.
    No bedtime snacks, no second helpings.
    Get the routine chores done – no procrastination.
    Twenty-four hours of aerobic exercise.
    Be a role model of healthy living for my students.
  • amiscci
    amiscci Posts: 64 Member
    @Dixie, my thoughts and prayers are with you and our family.
    Donna B
  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    Happy Sunday,

    Dixie - My thoughts and prayers are with you!

    Hubby really banged the toe while sleeping and he has my nail marks in his back, since it woke me out of a sound sleep!:sad:
    And then, I was putting one foot over the other and wacked it again! Don't think the pin's messed up (crossing fingers) because it's been in so long already but really hurts today! Managed a teeny chair yoga to relieve stress but that's about it. I was even so careful around DIL's pitbulls, which are 70 lbs each of energy! Got to hold the baby a bit, she's a real blessing!:smile:

    Totally just sitting around elevating the foot but making sure to eat extra healthy today!

    Hello to all the new people that have posted recently! Come back and share with us often!

    “Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.”

    ~ Dr. Seuss

  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hey Linda, things are going well, I have just been real busy. I have been logging food and exercise though. Thank you for asking and have a wonderful Sunday, Rose:heart:
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    @ Nancy - A Vitamix is a brand of blender.... yet it does so much more. Including my favorite - homemade HOT soup in about 10 minutes! I've had fun putting in chicken broth and just adding leftovers from the fridge. (Recently a lady at the grocery store asked me what I did with all that chicken broth! I use it instead of water when I make rice, too.) We also made a frozen dessert the other night with 2% milk and frozen coffee ice cubes with a little bit of splenda and vanilla. Next time I'll try it with some yogurt and chocolate added to attempt a creamier texture. You can make bread crumbs, soup, smoothies, chop things, etc. It was a wonderful birthday gift from my husband. I'm already looking forward to making pumpkin lattes in it when fall comes!

  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Hello Ladies,

    @Meg we use to have family times once a week too and normally it was playing games too. Wrestling was a 1st for us. But its been awhile since we had a family night and the fact she suggested it and plan it made it special. Even if it was watching wrestling :tongue: the time together as a family was worth it.

    @Lin Congrats on your weight loss and I agree your Dad is very lucky to have you
    @Kathy good luck on getting your pin remove. So cool you got to spend some time with your new grandbaby.
    @Barbie I like your graphics too really cute:smile:

    Today has been sort of a lazy day for me clean up the kitchen, took Bella Jo for her walk, went to church came home and took a big old nap in my Lazy Girl Chair!! So not much more to add than that. I am planning on taking Bella for another big walk today. Food 's been going ok Went to the store and they had this really good sale on grapes pick up a bunch. They are so good I notice I started eating them like candy. So now counting out grapes and putting them in a bowl. Only to have at meals assign times. Just no self control with them.

    Anyway I hope everyone is having a nice Sunday!
    Take Care,

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy sun.
    Having some difficult time with overeating,lots of stress eating due to some problems.
    Know that doesn`t solve anything.
    Also dealing with a tooth that the filing came out.got a temp one and needs to be pulled.Have`nt found a dentist that does extractions,new to area.
    Hope everyone is having a good day!!
  • carojrrn
    carojrrn Posts: 69 Member
    Evening ladies!

    I was all set to make healthy Southwestern turkey meatballs for dinner and realized the ground turkey had gone bad! Sure was annoyed... had the oven on and everything! DH had leftover pizza so I made a tomato mozzarella salad and some white bean cilantro spread. Turned out quite yummy!

    Did not make it to the store (storming here all day) so I made some chicken salad for lunch and luckily still have some fresh fruit left.

    Hope anyone living in FL is ok with all that rain and wind!

    Barbie- Thanks for the tip about having two windows open at once to message back to everyone; will have to try that soon
    Jane- Hope your tooth feels better. Must be tough but hang in there!
    Kathy- Love the Dr. Seuss quote!
    Gail- pumpkin lattes sound wonderful! Please post a recipe!
    Meg- Hope your dad enjoyed the "illegal" donuts!
    Tigress-Great substitution!
    Nancy- I always thought you should not weigh every day due to the water fluctuations
    Kathy- Hope the foot feels better and heals up quickly
    Liz-I love lazy days

    Everyone else I missed I am thinking of you and your journey to be healthy. I do read all the posts and wish you all the best!

    Take care,