

  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Finally caught up on all of the posts of Sat night and Sunday & today.

    I had a great post going....clicked and *POOF* gone:sad: just know that

    :drinker: Congrats to all of you that have lost

    :drinker: Great job on all that exercise everyone is doing

    :drinker: Drinking all that water really is paying off

    Tonight I will be having my Salmon as I really want to see the scale move for my weigh in on Wednesday...it's a good thing I love Salmon. I usually cook it in the microwave in one of those Steamer Bags with some Blackened Seasoning that's about it, of course if I could get hubby to BBQ it that would be my favorite way, but after we get in our work out by the time we are having dinner it's pretty late. I just hope hubby doesn't have any other plans for us for dinner...sometimes he has other ideas on Monday for dinner ...he's usually spent the day doing the house work, laundry and general cleaning up and I think he doesn't want me to make a mess of the kitchen:wink:

    Well everyone have a good evening and we'll see how tomorrow is...keep up the good job everyone this is one journey that all of us can do and be the best :flowerforyou:


    PS the advertisement on the side bar and above is for jazzercise...of course the young woman is 35 and already looks great:wink:
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    Oh, it's really good to be home! I have spent the morning cleaning camping gear and doing laundry. Now, that does not sound like fun, but it is because we've been on the road for a month and it feels great to get organized. I am pleased to report that my planters survived the drought and I still have fresh herbs, lavender and ornamentals to play with.

    I am catching up on posts and new folks. So fun to read all your news and encouraging words.

    Hasta manana,


    PS - photo speaks a thousand words of how I spent my summer!

    Nancy Welcome back you were missed:flowerforyou:
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Hello Ladies The weather has been ok today. This is my 3rd day off. I work four. 10 he's than 3 off. I of course pack it full to the top. With errands that I could not happen on the weekend. It was good productive day. Sets up the rest of the week for success. One of the many appointments was taking my husband to the VA. Its typical we hurry up and wait. But it gave me a chance to catch up on posts. I just am not able to respond individually like I want to
    That will wait till I get home. But it is so important to me in my weight. Loss journey (healthy. Journey) I like that. Better to having McPherson plus going to this thread. You all help inspired me.
    Gotta go now I think my DH is finally done with his appointment.

    Thank you
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Just a quick check in....I added the peaches and cream french toast bake LOL. I guess it's not too bad, but I know I can cut those cals. I hate to mess with a recipe before I've even tried it! So all in all it will be a good day; not sure about tomorrow because I have to stay until 8:30 at night doing skills check outs. Maybe I'll get subway for dinner!!! See you all tomorrow! Meg
  • carojrrn
    carojrrn Posts: 69 Member
    Hello ladies!

    Here it is the evening for me and time to read the posts and reflect on the day. Today was my first day at school with lots of charts to review. My eyes started getting buggy after a while! Packed my lunch and brought my workout clothes with me to go to my first jazzercise class right after work. Their ad campaign may include fit 30 year olds but let me tell you the class was full of "normal" sized people and I loved it. I feel intimidated working out in the gym with all the young, trim people so I enjoyed being real. It was a circuit class tonight and my arms were pretty sore from my sculpting DVD yesterday. Exercise and fitness needs to be fun or at least not intimidating and chore-like for me to stick with it.

    Keep on with the healthy lifestyle ladies.Whatever your fitness level is, the goal is to get heart healthy.:heart:

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,162 Member
    Since you are now my friends I hope you do not mind me stopping by briefly to tell you that two things---

    1) I got the family farm leased for 2013. It was the easiest renewal since I started doing these in 2008. I am so relieved about this. The lease stresses me out so much and I had been dreading this year's conversation with the current renter. So I'm breathing a sigh of relief on this. My only other major project is to separate the taxes payable by each of the farm trusts when the tax bill is issued. There are so many tax parcels to check---no, the farm isn't that big. The county just has quite a number of parcels assigned. Ladies, I am soooooooooooo pleased the major hurdle is out of the way!!

    2) While I have a tremendous amount of weight loss ahead of me for some reason I felt like trying to mog/jog a bit today. I think in total I may have gotten about 10 minutes in. Not tremendous by any means but it was so satisfying to be able to do something that I thought was physically beyond my capability given my age and physical condition. And I am still getting at least 10,000 steps per day according to my pal---Fitbit.

    I'll check back tomorrow but I'm with Laura---there will be salmon on my plate again this week. Probably with haricot vert from Trader Joe's. I didn't reaize when I tried them recently that you just microwave the package of fresh green beans and eat 'em. Easy and delicious. No pans to wash!

  • djhobs
    djhobs Posts: 200 Member
    Happy Monday ladies...my exercise plans were bust today:grumble: ....woke up at 3am with an "ice-pick in my brain headache"...haven't had one of those in a long time...took some tylenol and sort of napped for the rest of the night but did not get up early....so I thought I would pool jog when I came home tonight...nope it was raining so I wimped out...tomorrow is another day!

    My mother is a master gardener....my garden was so full of weeds I was too embarrassed to have her look at it....she doesn't look she inspects....but it was too late she completed her inspection LOL! I am happy to report that all of the garden beds have been weeded and deadheaded, etc...we spent the weekend at home instead of at the lake so was able to get some work done at home.dh even started working on the kitchen project again..yay! Still lots to do but at least he started again.

    I went to eye doctor today...have had some swelling (like a bug bite) in the inner corner...well it ended up being inturned eyelashes...how weird..the doc pulled them out and now all better...who would have thought...guess I shouldn't have waited three weeks! LOL!:wink:

    Tomorrow need to get back to exercise..maybe some weights...playing tennis after work...perhaps the brothers will be there hmmmm ...

    Kathy so glad your toe is ok but man that had to HURT!:noway:

    Laura - I love your pic with the new grandbaby:flowerforyou:

    I am also a fan of butter as opposed to margerine, but I don't use either much...except for baking but I'm trying not to do too much of that

    Good luck with thenew school year to all the teachers...as much as I would love your schedule I could never do your job...so thank you!

    Have a good evening..hugs and high fives to all we can and will make these life style changes one behavior at a time. Prayers for those that are struggling
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good evening beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Just popping in for a quick chat. It's been a busy day, and I either have a cold, or horrible allergies:sick: . I'm wondering if this has anything to do with getting soaked in that monsoon rain yesterday:grumble:, something to ponder on. I am going to take a few Advil and a Zyrtec and watch some mindless TV in my warm cozy bed:yawn: :yawn: :yawn: .

    The experiment continues....I had grilled salmon for dinner tonight, it will be interesting to see what the scale says tomorrow.

    Hope you all have sweet dreams:yawn:. Until tomorrow.....

    DeeDee:yawn: :yawn: :yawn:
  • sandhillsmom
    sandhillsmom Posts: 319 Member
    I made it through the first day of teacher workdays today!! I only had about a quarter of a piece of blueberry cream pound cake at the team leader's birthday gathering. I skipped the donuts, banana nut bread, cinnamon rolls and some other gooey stuff they had. LOL I had my lunch I took with me while others ate pizza and I was happy with it. People asked for my chicken recipe LOL Too many meetings not enough classroom time and productive still. I kept up my water intake and resisted the sodas they were trying to give away too.

    My neck has been bothering me today but some simple neck exercises and I feel comfortable. I did walk at school and got in some aerobic time at lunch.

    Great news - - -one of our teachers is now a yoga instructor and is going to hold 2 classes a week, free of charge of us teachers!! 2 hour long yoga sessions a week for free . . I'm not passing that up!

    Going to go settling in for the night and get some rest. All day county meetings tomorrow and Wednesday! Students start back on Monday. oy!
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,387 Member
    ItzPSGina - you joined this group by posting! Now it'll be under your "my Topics" tab

    GardenGal - No, I never have been to the quilt museum. I made a lap quilt once and didn't find quilting to be real relaxing. It's just not "my" thing. I like to x-stitch, crochet, do plastic canvas

    Lila - oh, trust me, I had some of the fudge even before it was cooled. We had just called Bryan, how I miss him! The minute I heard his voice I started crying. But the funny thing is -- the more I've gotten to "clean" (or at least semi-clean) eating, the less I want this. I'll have maybe a small bite and I'm satisfied. Before it used to be where I'd need more than one bite to satisfy me.

    Welcome back Nancy. So glad to have you back and that you had such a good time. Sometimes it's really good to go Internet-free. I know that the general contractor for our pool is away this weekend, he was really looking forward to a weekend without any cell phone, etc. But the fact of the matter is that he did take his wife's cell phone with him and should there be any problem, the other guy who was in charge here knew how to get a hold of him. But he trusted the other guy to only call if it was a direct emergency. His own boss didn't have that number (well, we all know that boss's feel that EVERYTHING is an emergeny!)

    liz - yup, that's how I freeze my fruit. Say, strawberries, I wash, core them, cut them up, lay the individual pieces on a cookie sheet and then freeze them. Then when they are frozen, I take each piece individually off the cookie sheet and put it into a container to keep in the freezer. This way when I go to have some strawberries, I don't have a big frozen blob but I can portion out individual strawberries.

    I found this recipe for a chocolate chip zucchini bread. If I make it, I guess I can give away the rest of the bread. I'm just dying to try it.

    Oh, have a cooking question for you ladies (someone's son is a chef, I don't remember who it is right now, maybe you can ask him). I have this recipe for Fast S-more Treats. It says to put certain items in a pot and heat until it registers 236 on a candy thermometer. I don't have a candy thermometer, and probably would never use one again. So I really can't see going out and buying one just to use once. Is there another way to know when it's reached the correct temperature?

    Vince and I always tease Jessica by making innuendos about sex between us! That really grosses her out!

    I thought for sure I'd be over my protein goal yesterday, but I wasn't. I had lots of chicken, egg white. What are some other good sources of protein. Please don't mention peanut butter. That's one thing that I don't like. I've been having tuna lately

    Whenever I have eggplant, it always seems weird to me to be eating those seeds. Is that the way it should be eaten?

    Kathy - We all know that Benji didn't mean it. So sorry to hear of his bad placement on his fall. Hope you get good news from the doc

    Got up, had some grapes, then did 20 min of yoga, had breakfast, bought gas, went to the extreme pump class, then went to one food store that used to have the ony yogurt Vince would eat, now they've discontinued it so he'll just have to find something else to eat. Or else, he could not have yogurt and that would give me more room in the refrigerator. Came home then went for my boob squeeze, went to this one man to buy tomatoes but he didn't have much at all so went to another stand, they had grape tomatoes so I got 2 containers of them, home and cut up the fudge I made for the guys. I'll probably give it to them tomorrow.

    Tomorrow I need to get the oil in my car changed and they're going to do the 90,000 mile check. Really, mahjonmgg is that day but to be honest I don't feel like driving up to that gal's house. I usually try to combine trips, do at least two different things (with the price of gas and all). There's NOTHING around her house, only other houses. I really don't want to drive that distance for only one activity. Does that make me a terrible person?

    They're running the pump right now. Even tho the water isn't up to the return, they like to run the pump for 24 hrs just to be sure there isn't a problem.

    Laura - the cover on my phone broke, too. I took it into Verizon, seems that my phone is so old that they don't carry that cover any longer (the phone is 1-1/2 yrs old). I did find it on Amazon for $2. Gonna wait until I order something else so I can get the free shipping.

    Tigress - a friend of mine who lives in GA made these water bottle holders for me. She said she saw them at a craft fair and then just made them herslef. They go over your shoulder. Really handy to have when walking in the hot weather.

    Kathy - I'm so relieved to read that you didn't have to go in to see the doc. Phew!

    The gal who teaches the extreme pump class many times has the music so loud and she's talking so loud, this time I brought in a pair of earplugs. I just don't find loud, loud music and someone screaming in my ear to be very motivating. Some people do, but I don't. Anyway, today I was able to do the heavier weights since my ears weren't constantly hurting. Guess I'm just getting old!

    Lin - so happy for you!

    Jen - I never heard of an inturned eyelashes. Glad you got it taken care of

    sandshillsmom - wow! yoga for the teachers. After teaching all day, you certainly need the relaxation. I remember when I was a para at the high school, this lady taught yoga to us, each class was something like $2.

    Went to mahjongg tonight. I maj'd three times! Some days you have it and some you just don't.

    Tomorrow I'll do some speed intervals. I remember I did them a while ago and I really felt like I got a good workout. I believe it must have been on the treadmill because I had to stop to go to the bathroom. I'll probably stop at the half-way point, then finish. It was probably 30 seconds of running, 30 seconds of walking

    Here's hoping everyone has a great evening.

  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    @ Linda Sundanceb – you asked about me picking up my boss’ lunch. The arrangement was in place when I started working for him. It doesn’t offend me – though 30 years ago it might have! I get paid the same no matter what it is I’m doing and it honestly doesn’t matter to me. It’s an opportunity to get away from my desk for a bit each day, too, and since currently he and I are the only ones in our office, getting away from the desk is a treat. He is very appreciative and offers to buy my lunch, though I usually take my lunch.

    Salmon update – the trend continues! After consuming salmon last night my weight was also lower (down 0.8 pounds this morning as compared to Sunday morning). I am one that weighs every day, but I don’t record every day.

    My neighbor and I walked again tonight. The route was out of the subdivision and up to the closest traffic light, which is 1 1/2 miles away and the road to it has 3 hills, plus the return trip. (It is literally uphill both ways.) We did it in just over an hour. I'm very pleased. I had open heart surgery at the end of March so it is big accomplishment to be able to do those hills. I didn't even have to stop along the way - we just walked the whole time.

    Sweet dreams to all...
  • Dar1356
    Dar1356 Posts: 15
    Hello ladies..... today was the hardest day for me... my baby boy, all of 19, left for college in Boulder, Colorado, this morning and it has been rough.... I didn't think I would be as upset as I am..... don't get me wrong, I am extremely happy for him, but as a Mom, it's just tough...... so, yes, now I am an empty nester, sorta..... my two children are off to college, but my DH and I are now host parents
    to two foreign xchange students from China.... so, wish me luck as I begin this next phase..... and back to MFP:smile: Thanks for listening!
  • Sasha4427
    Sasha4427 Posts: 196 Member
    Good evening all - I'm doing this for a second time. Like Laura I just had the vanishing post happen to me. Frustrating but it's been that kind of day. I don't know if it's a full moon, but boy I had some unusual people and requests today to deal with. By 3 pm I was ready to pack the day in but went out for a nice quick walk around my little town and then felt much better. Just checked and it was new moon on Friday so I can't blame the lunar phase.

    SandhillsMom - wow, free yoga - score!!:happy:

    Linda Sundanceb - my little Dutch wannabe actually will have no classes so to speak of except if she is doing some teaching. She'll mostly be doing research and writing her dissertation. But, she is learning Dutch online (and so am I). I plan on visiting as a surprise around Christmas so may need to at least be able to comprehend a little. I took both German and French in high school and am finding the Dutch fairly easy as it seems fairly similar to German. (yeah, until they start talking a mile a minute then I'll be in the weeds).

    I'm joining the club that wants to see your jewelry Tigress (and someone else too but I'm afraid to go back and look because if I lose this post again I will freak.).

    Kathy - I know this may be redundant but I'm new here - what on earth did you do to your foot? I had both feet done with bunion surgery so I sympathize with you - I think any foot stuff is incredibly painful. Hope the pain from the doggie jump has subsided a bit.

    Meg - I forgot about the yellow dye for the margarine, here in Canada we also called it oleo. My mom hated it so we only had it when she was pinching pennies (usually when the loggers were on strike or on forest fire summer ban).

    Well, I'm off to bed to read early, not really feeling on top of things tonight. Maybe too much sun yesterday or a little bug going around (or maybe the frustration from the Monday people). Whoops, better go move my sprinkler first - my time for sprinkling as we are on water restrictions and my garden is looking pretty limp.

    Talk to you all tomorrow.
    Good night ladies, good night ladies, good night ladies, I'm going to leave you now. I don't remember where that little refrain comes from but I seem to remember it from childhood.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,979 Member
    :yawn: :yawn: as usual it got too late too early so now that I've read all the posts, I'm too tired to respond individually.

    :flowerforyou: today I visited my hubby at his house sitting place where he fixed lunch for us---New York steak grilled on the George Foreman, vegetarian baked beans, and cole slaw....I skipped my usual morning snack because I knew the lunch would be higher calorie than my usual and I left part of the steak for him to have for leftovers another time.....then we walked around the property, took carrots to the horses, and enjoyed the company of the dogs. Later I got a chance to work in my yard until it got too hot....tomorrow he'll come over here but since we'll be doing an Isagenix cleanse day I won't have to fix a meal.and it will be sort of a rest day.

    :bigsmile: Kathy, I'm so glad the damage to your toe wasn't as bad as you thought :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Nancy, I'm so glad you're back with us :bigsmile: the first time I broke my log in streak on MFP was when we stayed in a campground in Trail, BC for a week.......we were able to use the internet at the library one day while we were there but I kept track of my food and exercise on paper and then I logged it all when we got to a fancier campground in Oliver.

    :drinker: :drinker: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: dogs are walked, all my water is consumed, have to walk around a bit to reach my step counter goal for the day, then brush my teeth and go to bed.

    :heart: :heart: :yawn: :yawn: Barbie from NW Washington
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Hello Ladies,

    Finally stop back by. I just read my last posts and my hats are off to all of you if they make any sense to you. That darn auto correct.:tongue:
    @Lin that is really good news about the farm. What a relief I am sure.
    @Barbie good advice on the butter issue,
    @Meg so what is the recipe for the peach recipe?
    @Michele Thanks for the info on freezing fruit going to try it this weekend.
    @Kathyzoo hang in there. glad you didn't half to go to the Dr's.
    @SandhillsMom--lucky you free yoga. I have never tried it before don't know if I could with my ankle issue.
    @Sasha hope you feel better & tomorrow goes better for you,
    @Dee hope you feel better tomorrow.

    Well that's yet for now. I start my work week tomorrow very grateful & really enjoy it. But that 1st day back is always hard.

    Well take care,
  • mommie55
    mommie55 Posts: 23
    Hello ladies,
    Had a real rough day today....did some weight lifting and it really kicked my butt!!. :grumble: ...I got a trainer at the gym I go to and he said he can help me on my goals. ....I am so tired,:ohwell: have managed to increase my sleep time to 8 hrs....7 solid! :)
    Thank you for the answers on my questions.....it helped a lot!!
    I have an appt with the eye surgeon tomorrow....going to see what can be done with these cataracts that are fogging my vision,
    I am drinking a lot more fluids and I am noticing a difference with the way I feel .....I am no longer thirsty all the time and My skin is losing that crepiness (sp)......I was totally unaware that I was so dehydrated....But you ladies reminded me I need to drink lots :drinker: so cheers one more cup of water for the road!
    Thank you for all your encouraging posts....having this site has really kept me on track and in line with doing what is right for my body!
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Good morning ladies

    Just a quick one today as I'm super busy at work.

    Had a great time Sunday evening and all day yesterday looking after my delicious grandtwins. They are 21 months old now and absolute peaches. We spent the afternoon painting pictures. I stripped them both down to just their nappies and believe me, it was a good idea - all three of us were covered in the end but we had such fun and giggles. I didn't do any 'proper' exercise, but we did a lot of walking at the park and later in the day I was rolling around on the floor giving them rides on my back for about two hours. My knees and back feel it today, but it was totally worth it.

    I'll try to get back on later and do a bit of replying. I've just about had time to skim through every post.

    Have fun my dears.

    Love to all.
    Amanda x
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Just a quick note this morning as I have a meeting to get ready for. The experiment went well, ate salmon last night and I am down -1.3 this morning:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: . Laura, thank you for that tip!!!!

    It's official, I have a full blown head cold this morning, you know the kind that makes even your eyes hurt:sad: , I feel kind of like dirt. Anyhow, the day must go on, I have at least taken this afternoon off. I'm supposed to go to the tennis match tomorrow afternoon, I've really been looking forward to it, hope I'm feeling MUCH better by then, anybody have any tips on how to get over a cold quick?

    Have a wonderful day filled with happiness everyone:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!

  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    I hope everyone is having a good week so far.

    I just submitted an application to the local Hospice for a CNA (PRN) job that was listed. I've been a care giver for about 17 years so I hope that will count for something.

    I haven't had time to read the posts yet but will come back later.

    My husband and Son are going to be working cutting up a tree we had taken down in the back yard today so I am going to be busy preparing lunch for them. I am supposed to meet my sister this afternoon for a movie so it may be evening before I get to check back in.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,162 Member
    Good morning. So happy to hear from everyone again. Enjoyed all of your posts.

    :glasses: Shawna and Tigress – You both make jewelry? I appreciate finding things I’m able to afford when I go to craft/art shows. That doesn’t happen often. I’m sure we’d all like to see some of your creations if you ever have time to post pics.

    :glasses: Faye – what day are you leaving for your big drive? I agree with you, I’d be okay with a car but a PU and trailer would cause a bit more concern. We’re all for you. Just take your time.

    :glasses: Kathy – hope the toe is feeling A-Okay today.

    :glasses: Nancy – love your picture! Sounds like you have a very organized week in store. It is always great to get home, even when you’ve only been away a day or two much less a month.

    :glasses: Laura – I never get a sidebar ad for Jazzercise. I usually see an ad for a treadmill. Do you think MFP is trying to tell me something?

    :glasses: Meg – best wishes to you on this long day! Hope you find some healthy choices today and how is your hubby?

    :glasses: Carolyn – I agree with you, if I can’t enjoy what I’m doing I can’t whip myself into sticking with it. I’m just not that disciplined.

    :glasses: Jen – hope the headache is a distant memory by now. And happy to hear that gardens are all up to standard now.

    :glasses: Michele – another source of protein is Greek yogurt. I am totally addicted to Trader Joe’s pomegranate Greek yogurt. I also have a huge smoothie each day and add protein powder to it. It’s a natural whey product. I also have a cup of milk in the smoothie. I have low-fat string cheese some days; also a good source of protein. If you’re lactose intolerant or hate dairy products, sorry!

    :glasses: Gardengail – congrats on the scale victory!

    :glasses: Lila – hope you’re feeling well today. Early to bed is a good thing sometimes.

    :glasses: Barbie – so dedicated----I am impressed that you walked around before going to bed to meet your step goal. Way to go.

    :glasses: Mommie55 – congrats to you on making some healthy changes. Drinking water does a body good!

    :glasses: Amanda – gosh, it sounds like you had such a wonderful time with the twins. Lovely.

    :glasses: DeeDee – congratulations to you on the scale victory. Yes, go salmon!! Sorry you have a cold. I don’t have any quick cures but I use to use zinc lozenges and suck on them like cough drops. I thought it made me feel better. Probably all in my head. I hope you feel better soon.

    :glasses: Cindy – I hope you have a great day. It certainly sounds like a busy one.

    Best wishes to everyone. May we all be successful.

    :drinker: :drinker: