

  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :grumble: :grumble: I've got so behind with the posts again, seems I can't go to work and log on every day :huh: once I get home have tea walk the doggies I'm so tired I fall asleep! :flowerforyou: I'll keep trying though - although I'm sorry if I'm not up to date with all your problems/successes :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    :flowerforyou: Had a quick look at the last few posts before part 2 and I see your grandchild has arrived safe and well - congratulations Laura

    :flowerforyou: Linda SundanceB I envy you walking on the beach, I am supposed to be going away for a long weekend this Friday, but whether we get there or not I'm not sure. Going with mum and dad as hubby doesn't want to go. My dad has been having prostate trouble (nothing sinister thank goodness) and the tablets he's on make him feel wiped out and dizzy. He's not sure he's up to the travel (it's only an hour or so to get there) but we'll see.

    Hope everyone is okay, I will try and keep up with all your news but feel on a treadmill at the moment, feel like saying STOP I want to get off :bigsmile: but you have to be carefull what you wish for as it could backfire big time.

    Well off to work I go!

    Viv xx
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Amanda:smile: congrats on your photo op!!! Love the purple nail polish!!!

    Jan:smile: congrats to your son's gf!!! Keep up the good work, love seeing how well you're doing!!!

    Robin:smile: I know your fur babies will love their new abode, can't wait to see the pictures!!!!

    Jb:smile: yum fresh homegrown tomatoes, no others taste as good!!! Loved the poem, thanks!!!

    Janehadji:smile: Oh wow, you have a lot going on!!! I'm sure the wedding will be perfect. Tell me more about this fractional laser treatment, I've been doing micrdermabrasion since Feb. and I've seen fabulous results in my skin, tone, tightness, wrinkles, and the few sun spots are fading!!!!

    Mimi:smile: fruit and yogurt yum!!!

    Rpphillip:smile: My little dog is sad when my granddaughters leave too, she doesn't understand why I don't have that kind of energy!!!

    Faye:smile: I'm not good with directions either. Good luck on your adventure!!!

    Kate:smile: hope your week gets better, I know the busy part. I need a break!!!!

    Gini:smile: I bet those pictures of your lab are really cute!!!!

    Mommie55:smile: thanks for the recipe!!!

    Janie:smile: hope your feeling better soon!!!

    Meg:smile: love, love your stories!!!!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Michele:smile: you're always so busy, just amazes me!!!

    Liz:smile: glad things are back to normal!!!

    Lila:smile: try eating peanut butter, real cheese and cooking with olive oil to up your calories a bit. Good luck!!!

    Trixiemou:smile: at 500 posts the thread rolls over to part 2, just go to the last post and at the bottom it will say "to continue this topic click here". takes you to part 2.

    LindaSundanceB:smile: a walk on the beach sounds fabulous!!!!!!

    Viv:smile: if I don't keep up everyday, I get way behind, just like now:ohwell: !!!! Sometimes life just gets in the way of what we really want to do!

    Welcome to all the newbies:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Well ladies I have a meeting in less than 30 minutes now:grumble: .
    Drink your water :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!

    Have a most wonderful, happy, healthy day!!!!

  • sandhillsmom
    sandhillsmom Posts: 319 Member
    Good Morning ladies!!

    I start back to work next week (I'm a teacher) and there has been no money or budget to get any new things to wear, which is okay anyway. In my closet are clothes ranging from size 20 down to size 10 because I've been all those sizes over the last 3 years. I just tried on pants and actually got into some size 14! Comfortable, not tight or tugging or pulling!! My wardrobe options just opened up again. Now to try some tops and see how I'm making out there.

    It always seems the numbers drop too slowly or not at all, but being simple and steady and slow works. That light at the end of the tunnel is getting bigger!!

    Jan - 16 days and going strong~
  • amiscci
    amiscci Posts: 64 Member
    Good morning Ladies from NJ. I'm not a very proflific poster but wanted to ask if anyone had heard from Dixie-- she and her husband have been on my mind.

    My gym buddy is away on vacation (we go 6:15am) so I've been joining a small night class with a personal trainer at 7:15pm. Funny that a lot of people like to exercize at night-- not me! That's the time I am starting to eye that couch and my warm blanket.
    I made it through but that PB&J I made myself eat at 4pm was fighting me the whole way. I"m just not meant for evening exercize.

    On a sadder note, I happened to look down at my legs when I was doing push ups. I'm pretty happy with my weight loss (20+lbs) and my legs are looking fine (for a 50 year old) but man, oh man, when I looked down and saw my thighs fighting gravity it was sad. All my skin was kind of crepey-- I hope that moisturizing will help that. Maybe I'm just all dried out! They look fine in a vertical position but hanging thigh down, not so much. I've been drinking major water too so hmmm. maybe that's just my new look and I need to avoid that position!

    My husband finished his 28 days of radiation and 24/7 chemo by port on Friday and we got to ring the "you're done" bell at the Univ Pennsylvania radiation oncology suite! He's unplugged and no daily trips now for 6-10 weeks until his surgery looms this fall. We're going to the beach for 10 days over Labor Day. Can't wait! Of course, we also seem to get a hurricane or something while we're there.. I'm in the weather business and anxiously eyeing those swirly storms brewing off the west coast of africa!

    Stil struggling to lose that last pound. How fustrating.
    :-) but it's all good!
    Donna from NJ
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,165 Member
    Another busy day for everyone on this thread! Yipes.

    Robin - I would be fuming about my Fitbit. I love mine and I would feel horrible if someone took it. I hope you can get it replaced soon or better, if the person who took it returns it. But I don't see how that could be an accident. I'm kind of fickle though, I also love my iPod touch and my new phone. I have admitted to myself that I am an electronics junkie!

    Michele - thanks for the update regarding the pool. It is very interesting to me. I won't ever be involved in the construction of a pool but am fascinated with the details. Hope the project turns out just the way you want it and that you will be enjoying it soon.

    Jan - YES, counter is still moving up on days not smoking. And fabulous that you have moved down in the closet so to speak. I used to do that but I just gave up and got rid of almost all of my smaller clothes. Now there's hope that I might need some again. Maybe......someday.

    Donna - I hope you have a lovely vacation when you go and all the best to you and your husband. Hoping treatments and surgery go well for him. And no, I haven't heard from Dixie for a few days.

    DeeDee - I don't know how you carve out time to respond to all of the posts. AMAZING.

    Viv - I hope you get your long weekend and that your dad feels better. Long weekend can be very energizing.

    LindaSundace - Ooooooo, the beach! That sounds so exotic for a woman who lives in the Midwest. Ahhhh.

    Liz - you are doing so well. My hat's off to you. I hope your ankle is doing better by the way.

    BarbieCat - thanks for the thread. Thanks again for the inspiration RE steps per day.

    The repairman is suppose to be here soon so I guess I'd best send this and get some breakfast.

    All the best to you today and always.


  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Morning everyone;

    Donna I just had to laugh at your description of your thighs. It reminded me of when I was helping my husbands 90 year old grandma. She always wore support hose and one day I saw her legs without them. I was shocked at how "saggy down" her skin was. So if you want a cover up just wear those panty hose and no one will be the wiser. Also so good to hear that your husband is done with chemo. Have a wonderful vacation and enjoy each day.

    I'm still staying within calorie limits and exercising. The scale is inching down slowly and that is okay. I would rather take this weight back off sensibly. I want to learn to maintain this time so I don't get myself in this situation again.

    My son is getting married next June and that is a really good reason to work on myself. Let me tell y'all this. Some of you will remember I posted that my Mama died in February. My children were really close to her. But what I want to tell you is that when my son told me the date they were thinking about for the wedding it turned out to be Mama and Daddy's Anniversary. He was really happy when I told him and said well that just settles it.

    My neighbor just came over and told me about a couple who are needing "Elder Care" so I have another job opportunity. It would be for her husband who has Alzheimer's. I've never have a male client before so I'm just not sure if this is what I want to do but my neighbor (she is a CNA also) & I will go over there and interview with her to see if we are a fit. I'll just have to pray about it.

    Have a good day everyone. I'm heading outside to give my porch rockers a good washing down.

  • janehadji
    janehadji Posts: 206 Member
    Janehadji: Your house does sound crazy! That’s a lot going on. Weddings have a way of being beautiful no matter what goes on….well usually LOL. I’ve been to a few where there should not have been alcohol. OK, so here’s your laugh for the day. At my DH’s boss’s wedding, we were sitting at a table with 4 other couples, none of whom I knew. So DH went to introduce me and said “This is my lovely wife Becky.” I said “BECKY!!!!!! Who the *** is BECKY?????” Dead silence. Everyone is staring at us. Then he says (now he’s sweating) “Um, errr I mean this is my lovely wife Margaret”. I said “MARGARET!!!!! Since when do you call me MARGARET???” Now people are looking back and forth at us like we are playing ping pong. Really sweating now, he says “OK, I thought you’d want to be formal. This is Meg.” OMG it was so funny. That was 10 years ago and when I call him at work, if someone else picks up the phone, I still say it’s Becky calling and they announce it on the intercom. Enjoy! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Thank you for a much needed laugh! I'm glad to hear that your husband is still with us after that -- you are obviously a forgiving woman! LOL
  • Yardtigress
    Yardtigress Posts: 367 Member
    Good morning all, I finished my morning walk with my new fit bit. I may be returning it, I can't get the computer to recognize the fitbit, so some of the features that I bought it for don't work (the sleep mode) and it doesn't turn over to the next day.
    Rpphillip-thanks, the yardtigress was my cat Gandalf, she really was a yard tigress and attacked any animal that came into her yard. She is gone now, I had her for over 20 years, the pic is Dani, he is one of my new fur children. No one can replace Gandalf, but I do love them.
    Teralmc- Lose the weight and it will help the diabetes, also there is a good book to explain to you every thing called The first year: Type 2 diabetes the essential guide for the newly diagnosed by Gretchen Becker. It really helped me. Since the symptons of diabetes are not easy to feel or see, most of us lie to ourselves and don't do what we need to.
    Robin- Sorry about you Fitbit.
    Marisa- I have furchildren and stepchildren.
    Meg- Love your DH story, here is one for you. When I was dating my DH, I would babysit for his kids when he had duty(was in the army, duty is all night) I got a call one night at his house while I was watching the kids and a woman called and asked for Butch. None of the kids were named Butch and neither is DH name. I told her she had the wrong number and hung up. She called back and asked if it was the (DH Last name) residence and I said yes, then she asked for Butch again, I said look lady there is no one named Butch here. She asked for my DH by his name and told me she was his mother. Boy was my face red when I found out that since my DH is the Third. No one in his family calls him by his name. Now she is the only one who still calls him Butch.
    Jan-Great news on the pants, I have many pairs in my closet, soon hee, hee, hee, you will be MINE!!!
    Donna- So far my thighs a good, its my arms, I have wings, old lady wings. Oh well I guess its something I have to live with.

    any one that I missed, I do read all the post, but pick a few each day to answer so I can do other things too, not that everyone's input isn't important, I just can't type that long. :laugh:

  • doco48
    doco48 Posts: 5
    Good morning, ladies. Hope you don't mind me popping in here...I was on mfp months ago, but stopped coming here...never did get the hang of posting, etc... just mainly used the calculators. But I would like to join a group, found this one & was hoping you could point me in the right direction. I am well over 50,and don't know what group would be appropriate...also, trying to navigate a new tablet... so plz forgive errors.
    Have been following the Dukan Diet since Feb. & have lost 42 pounds, prior to that lost 25...for a total of 67 pounds since Nov. 2011...all in all not too shabby for a 64yo post men. , hypothroid, celiac.. but started losing more slowly recently, and getting a little discouraged. Would really like some help, support, motivation. Thanks for being here
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hump Day and then it's down hill to the weekend,

    Faye- Driving a truck & trailer:noway: not sure I'd be able to do that....but meeting you hubby at the end would be worth it.

    Janehadj- NO problem you reaching that #10 goal before the wedding you only have #1 more to go:drinker: I'm sure will will see your ticker move in no time.

    Mimi- Great way to start the day with yogurt & fruit:flowerforyou:

    Kathy- glad you are getting mobile again and able to head back to the kitchen and cooking the meals:drinker: as we all know one of the battles to losing is eating right.

    rp- I had to smile when you said your dog was sad when the kids left...when my grandchildren left Monday afternoon Peanut sat on hubbys lap and slept for an hour....I think they wear him out:laugh:

    Kate- I would love to write that I'm semi retired:ohwell: hope it's in my future.

    Gini- picturing your dog stealing the tomato gave me a smile:happy: Peanut loves veggies but I'm not sure he'd be stealing them fresh from a garden. I have found that when I eat a meal high in carbs I'm usually hungary much sooner than I am when I'm eating high in protein...but you are right in drink plenty of water when hunger gets in the way:drinker:

    Robin- sorry someone stole your Fitbit....some people need to be taught what's right and wrong:grumble:

    Janie- hoping that you find what works to relieve you of the pain. I have found that as I age my body takes a lot longer to heal from even the smallest things, even small cuts:sad:

    Meg aka Becky-:laugh: yep that gave me a laugh:laugh:

    Michele-it sounds like it will be not time at all and we will be hearing about you working out in that pool:flowerforyou:

    Viv- I too would like to jump off the treadmill of life on occasion...or at least get it to slow down...you hang in there:flowerforyou:

    Jan-Congrats on that size 14 from your closet shopping....those are some of the best NSV (Non Scale Victories)

    Donna- that last stubborn pound is sure to come off soon...you have been so diligent:flowerforyou: Glad your hubby has completed his radiation. I have found that I like my body much better in clothes than without:wink: looking down when doing push ups did it for me...not a pretty sight:blushing:

    Lin- I'm sure you are not the only electronic junkie here:happy:

    Cindy- that's so cool about your son having his wedding on your parents anniversary. My Parents had their anniversay the same day and my Dad's parents, they were married 25 years apart...sure made it easy for me to remember both of their anniversaries. What's a CNA?

    After our bike ride last night headed over to #2 DIL's parents where she is staying with the grandsons. We got there at a good time because Andrew was awake...he's doing so well that DIL is amazed that she doesn't have to see the Doctor for him for another 2 weeks. With the first two boys she had to go to the Doctors with them every other day for the first week and a half...she's lovin' it:happy:

    I was down another .4 today...of course I was hoping for a bit more but will take the .4 these last #6 are just going to take their time coming off, I'm sure that if we had had time for a bike ride Sunday & Monday it would have been less...but having Grandson #3 arrive was much more important:wink: than any exercise and weight loss.

    Email's and papers flying back and forth for the sale of Mom & Dad's place...still not sure if it's truly a done deal:grumble:

    Welcome to all you newbies:flowerforyou: this is the best place for encouragement, ranting and sharing in victories:flowerforyou: If I missed anyone I'll catch you on the next round.

    Everyone have a great day, drink, drink and then drink some more water...move your body and log it...if it goes in your mouth log it:drinker:

  • lentigogirl
    lentigogirl Posts: 299 Member
    Donna, I so hear you on the thighs issue. And knees, and upper arms, and belly, and all the saggy things we catch out of the corners of our eyes while exercising. I take dance classes and the full length mirrors in the studio are my absolute nemesis! I try to take small comfort in the fact that I'm getting healthy and maybe jiggling a little bit less.
  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    Wow Laura, responding to so many posts is amazing!!! Do you do that every day?
  • JNHeff
    JNHeff Posts: 131 Member
    thank you especially for that wonderful poem! hope you have a blessed day! :flowerforyou:

  • JNHeff
    JNHeff Posts: 131 Member
    hi meg!
    your work with refugees sounds fascinating. i simply asked a couple of ladies whose posts really "spoke" to me if they'd consider adding me as a friend ( in a reply). they messaged me back and agreed, and i clicked the thingy that said to add them, and that was it. i'm kinda new to this computer-technology stuff. hope you have a great day. be KIND to yourself, and share a little love with those around you. take care! :flowerforyou:

  • JNHeff
    JNHeff Posts: 131 Member
    thank you so much for your response. my doctor gave me a new prescription, and i tried it this morning, and, so far, so good: it hasn't knocked me out (yet) or given me an allergic reaction. if this doesn't work, i will mention the Cymbalta. hopefully it will be covered by my insurance. i am a schoolteacher, and unfortunately there are a LOT of good medications that are not covered by my insurance plan.
    i am really enjoying the postings of this group! i am new to the posting world, and am definitely ENCOURAGED by all of you! i hope i can share some positive energy back to you as well.
    would you consider adding me as a "friend"? i'd appreciate it.
    BLESSINGS to you today! i do believe in the power of prayer, and i pray that you have an extra dose of blessings today! :heart:
    take good care of yourself, and share the Love with those around you.

    janie :smile:
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    happy hump day!did a great girl`s night with my daughter and our friends,Did mani and pedi and had a great time.So good to see daughter happy about our living arrangements now.
    Over did the moving boxes and stairs,was up with leg pains most of the night.Today going to pool,did some light cleaning and that`s it for today.
    Day 2 on construction on my daughter`s room and laundry area.Our room is on hold for now,needs drywalll,etc.But it`s a room and I`m grateful.School starts tomorrow ,cant` beleive daughter is in 10th grade.
    watching my friend`s 5 year old today.
    Have a great day!!
    Welcome any new people,this is an awesome group.
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Laura: A CNA is a Certified Nursing Assistant. I've been doing Elder Care for aprox. 16 years. First for my MIL who had Alzheimers and then for my own Mom who had cancer. Just recently I took the CNA 1 Class, passed that and then passed the state test. Now I have credentials to go with my experience. I want to get the right fit with the next person I care for.

    Got my outside Rockers cleaned and two 2 windows and the porch ceiling fan but my son is going to have to come over and help me with the really high stuff. I just don't like heights anymore.
  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    Just stopping by to wish everyone a good day! Two more days and then it'll be the halfway point for my foot. I'm very ready to get back to moving and will try driving on Friday for my doc appt. Once again I enjoyed on reading everyone's posts!

    “To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe.”

    ~Anatole France~
  • Maddalen101
    Maddalen101 Posts: 307 Member
    Hi everyone - it's Wednesday, and I'm a newbie.
    Working on losing 140 lbs.
    One day at a time.
    Checking in - I'm on Day 3 of a revised food plan, which thus far is functioning.
    I haven't weighed myself, but I do feel that some progress is being made.
  • sandhillsmom
    sandhillsmom Posts: 319 Member
    Good afternoon ladies!!

    It's a banner day here in NC as I have already logged in 2 miles walking and an hour doing heavy cleaning of the storeroom. Lifting, toting, and moving heavy boxes is definitely HEAVY cleaning. I came in for a light snack and water to stay hydrated and then I'm out there again to do some more. It's just been sitting full of stuff since I moved in 2 and a half years ago. I want it usable not just there if you know what I mean.

    trying on clothes this morning really let me know I'm doing something right and things are working right for me in the weight loss journey. It's motivated me to clean like a wildcat around here LOL

    So much motivation and support from everyone. One day I'll get to where I can mention people in my posts like others do so well. You all amaze me and leave me in wonder. :flowerforyou:
