

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,985 Member
    :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: this is really late for me to be up, but hubby went to pick up friends at the airport shuttle (an hour's drive away)and just got home.....I have been watching the Olympics :bigsmile:

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: plenty of dog walking today and working in the yard.....also a visit with a friend who invited us over for watermelon.:bigsmile:

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Jane ,I am so happy that have another place to live.....you have been a really trouper so far.....:bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :smile: Hi everyone

    :flowerforyou: Jane glad you've found somewhere to live - good luck with the move.

    :flowerforyou: Welcome all the new ladies

    :smile: Feeling much better today, think the head cold is finally on its way. Yesterday I went to Hull with my sister in law to take part in the Race for Life. My niece lives in Hull and we all did it a few years ago, we missed it last year because she was due to give birth, Indiana arrived and is now just over a year old and walked part of the way around the course with her older sister Autumn. The weather was lovely and the atmosphere was brilliant, there was a group of us me, my sister in law, niece and her two toddlers and nephews girlfriend. It was a lovely day and we raised money for Cancer Research.

    :flowerforyou: Rose good news about your grandson.

    :flowerforyou: Michele let me know what you think of the sweatin with the oldies DVD I'm always on the look out for a good one. In fact I have no excuse now, so I'd better get back to exercising before work on a morning. Still can't get it to be a habit - but I'll keep on trying :bigsmile:

    Hey the sun is shining, hope it lasts! Time to get the day started methinks, lots to catch up on now I'm feeling better.

    Try and catch up again tomorrow if not I'll see you on the August thread :wink: :wink:
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Happy Monday ladies:flowerforyou:

    I slept so good last night, and so far no headache this morning:happy: . I just need to remember when I need a Zyrtec to take it at night, so I`m not groggy during the day!!! I did something not so good yesterday, I ate 650 calories of popcorn:frown: , I did keep it within my calories, but sodium level was off the chart:sad: , I`ve already had 4 glasses of water this morning and I still feel parched. I think I ate it because I was so tired I was just trying to keep myself awake, next time I`ll just take a nap:laugh: !!! Today is grocery day, I`m out of fresh veggies, I think I might take a trip to the Farmers Market, some beautiful fresh tomatoes sounds really good, as well as squash and zucchini and green beans, I just love this time of year for fresh produce!!!

    Hope everyone has a fabulous day! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: , log your food!!!

  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    Good Morning,

    Off to the pool in just a few for my last water aerobics class (for a month) because of toe surgery on Thursday:frown: The surgery only takes 12 minutes but unfortunately the recovery does not. Not looking forward to being in a boot but I am looking forward to being able to wear something besides sandals again.

    The scale is still moving downwards even thought I didn't quite meet my calorie goals this weekend.:smile: Watching my friends dog this weekend ending being more stressful than I thought it would be! My dog wasn't too happy about the whole thing but everyone survived. I even was able to watch a little of the Olympics.

    Welcome to all the newcomers! I can't say enough good things about this thread and all the wonderful people on here!

    My prayers and thoughts are with all of you especially those facing illness!

  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    Just wanted to add one more thing-I was all excited to buy a bunch of fresh fruit yesterday because we ran out of all of it at once. But, I went to grab raspberries to add to my cereal this am and they were spoiled already:angry: Going back to the store!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,177 Member
    On my way out of the house but had to stop by and see how everyone is doing. Lost my Internet connection yesterday afternoon and quit trying and watched the Olympics and then Masterpiece Mystery. Realized at that point that reruns of Leverage were on so it was a lot of TV. I did move around, do exercises, lifted little weights etc. so wasn't totally inactive.

    Wishing everyone well. :drinker:

  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Good morning ladies.
    No real time to post. I have worked on the dog house all weekend and never got on the computer.

    A couple of quick comments
    PetalPaws- Sending positive thoughts and energy your way.

    Michele - You may want to try to up your protein and decrease your carbs a bit. If you are on the standard MFP settings they are already very carb heavy and protein light and it looks like you weren't quite hitting those targets. I know that I lose better with more protein and less carb but everyone reacts differently. Anyway that was my take away from your diary. Good luck.

    I hope you all have a very magnificent Monday

  • thisgirls48
    Well I finally took all of the clothes that didn't fit anymore and donated them, this is a big step for me as the dreaded question "What if i gain the weight back," kept popping up in my brain. I now feel great about getting rid of them and this nagging feeling. Going forward will look for the positive.
    I have two grown kids that are married to amazing people and two spoiled grandkids:laugh: . I am a 57 year old grandma and stay at home babysitting the 6 month old. Glad to have found this group, Carol
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hi ladies. Oh, my another Monday. I had a horrible sinus headache yesterday so I didn’t accomplish anything. Basically I sat around all day and was forced to watch the Olympics the entire time. You all should feel very sorry for me LOL! :huh: Today I feel better, the headache is gone, although I still feel “sinus-y”. At least I feel up to getting some work done.

    Diane: welcome. Welcome! Yes, you should eat at least 1200 calories AND drink that nasty old water. Have you tried crystal light or any other water additives?

    DeeDee: Thank goodness your house wasn’t hit when those trees came down! I’m so sorry your headache is back. Sending healing thoughts your way. :flowerforyou:

    Linda: glad your daughter had a good time shooting! did you see the American woman took gold in the trap shooting event at the olympics? This is her 5th olympics! I've been trying to do well with the sodium.

    Sue: We sure do love our cats, don’t we? :love: My oldest cat is nearly 18 and used to be about 20 pounds, but has gotten down to 10.5 with his thyroid. With medication and extra treats, I think he is up to about 11 pounds now. He’s not hiding as much but he has arthritis in his back legs, so walking is an issue for him, too. He still goes all over the house, just slowly.

    Lin: I understand about all of the family care taking. We moved my dad to a nursing home from an assisted living facility during the early summer. He was being badly neglected at the assisted living. He ended up in pulmonary edema, went to the hospital for a week, and was so weak at discharge he had to go to a nursing home for rehabilitation. We used that as our excuse to move him there permanently. It was a great move and he is getting fabulous care and he’s only 3 minutes from my house, so one of us goes to see him every day. But it is trying and stressful. :grumble:

    JB: I love to garden too. It has been so hot here that I have neglected my yard terribly! I did spend some time at the end of last week trying to catch up, one small area at a time. It sure is relaxing.

    Jane: a new move can be exciting but also tiring and frustrating. I hope your series of moving will soon end. Glad your daughter gets to stay in her school; that is so important for kids.

    Rose: so glad Matthew is home now. He will soon be as good as new! :flowerforyou:

    Polly: your story reminds me of one time we had my brother and sis in law for dinner when they were in town. I make a mighty mean pot roast, so I doubled the recipe and into the dutch oven in went. 6 hours later, we are starved and the veggies are nowhere near getting done. Pizza it was! Turns out I had too much in the dutch oven. I have never lived that one down.

    All the other newbies: welcome and post often!

    To everyone else: I'm sorry if I missed you.

    Sending you thoughts and wishes for a great day. Take care everyone! Meg :drinker:
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Sunny Monday,

    jb- reading how your dogs will chase the stick gave me a smile...my Peanut will chase whatever we throw then pick it up and run away with it or hide whatever we have thrown, but never brings it back:laugh: Your gardening and tending flowers makes your yard sound wonderful:love:

    Polly- what a great workout you had:drinker: Sorry no idea how to help you with GF info, but I'm sure someone on here does. I see that Lin has some good advice for you. I can't tell you how many times I have made something that I though sounded good and then we just threw it away:blushing: good for you NOT putting in a frozen pizza:drinker:

    Meg- when we were watching the opening ceremony we too loved the Queens entrance and Mr Bean really made us laugh:laugh:

    Liz- your county fair sounds so fun, hubby and I were talking over the weekend trying to remember the last county fair we had gone to, and I think it was back in 1988 or so...I remember because i was "dieting" and turning down all the yummy foods that they have at the fair:wink:

    Diane- Welcome:flowerforyou: We are all here because we have weight loss problems:wink: You really need to find what works for you in the amount of calories you eat, exercising is really helpful to burning the calories and I hate to say it but drinking water is what has made it possible for me to lose...so I say drinking plenty of water is a MUST:drinker: Once you become used to drinking it (I too used to hate it) you just can't get enough.

    DeeDee- that was quite a storm, taking out trees:noway:

    Barbie- dancing with the music on TV..now that is what I call dedicated to losing and maintaining:happy:

    jen- so glad that you have heard from DS and that your DD has been able to have facebook talks with him. Over time you will find things to talk about, usually more of what's happening in your life then his...of course you can always talk about the weather with him:wink: as I remember it when our #1 Son was there the weather goes to great extremes.

    Michele- your sandwich really sounded yummy:bigsmile: What Sweatin to the Oldies DVD did you get? All the ones I have are VHS and I haven't pulled them out in years.

    thisgirl48- Welcome:flowerforyou: we are here to encourage...sounds like you are doing pretty good having lost most of your weight, but I do know how hard it is to maintain.

    Linda Sundance- I have no problem fueling my body every three hours during the work week, it's when I'm home on the weekend that I have trouble as we have no set schedule and just take the time off and fly by the seat of our pants:laugh: Hoping to one day find a weekend routine. So how was that weigh in?:huh: I just couldn't have Monday be my day I always need at least two days to recover from the weekend:wink:

    Sue-I admire anyone that is trying to work and go to school what a goal you have set for yourself. Have you thought to just keep a glass of water close by instead of something to eat when you feel that hand to mouth thing happening when you are under stress? That might help stop the unwanted eating.:huh:

    Lin- you inspire me...I sooo need to go through things and get some stuff to goodwill...I just need to get moving on the weekends and do it instead of putting it off:blushing:

    Beverly- Welcome:flowerforyou: If you are just starting take it slow...no one ever started out full bore and we don't want you to get discouraged.

    Sherry- I so wish I had the option of watching my grandkids, I would quit tomorrow if I could. But as hubby is still unemployed that won't be happening anytime soon.:ohwell:

    jane- hope the move goes smoothly:flowerforyou:

    Rose- glad to see that Matthew is home.:happy:

    Wizzywig- glad your cold is doing away...summer colds can be just awful:sick:

    Kathyzoo- hoping your toe surgery goes without a hitch:flowerforyou: Amazing how short the surgery will be and then the looonnng recovery:grumble:

    Here it is a Monday and I once again survived the weekend. I can't say I ate bad all weekend but not all that good either. We went and saw Spiderman yesterday and had a medium popcorn and I ate about 1/4 of it, which is less than I usually do and I entered it as having eating 3/4ths of it because I'm just not sure if the calories were right or not (I'd rather go high). We did get in a good bike ride in the morning and then I came home and made my breakfast souffles and bran muffins for the work week before the movie.

    Hubby called and checked in with Son#2 to see how DIL is feeling, well grandson #1 is feeling better but #2 and DIL are still pretty sick with the croup:sick: Now would not be a good time for grandson #3 to make his appearance so we will pray that he waits to arrive after his momma is feeling better.

    Everyone have a great day. Have you started to think about what your August goals will be? Start planning:drinker:

    If you eat it log it, move it and log it and drink plenty of water:drinker:


    Sorry about that I didn't intend for it to be this long:blushing:
  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    :flowerforyou: Just a quick hello. Today is weigh in for me since I wasn't here Friday...I don't like this scale! Mine at home says 195 and this one says 200. I guess I am wearing 5lbs of clothes...LOLOL Have a great day, Rose
    :heart: Love ((((HUGS)))) and prayers :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Hello ladies

    Had my tooth extracted earlier today. I have an infection in the gum and I'm now on anti-biotics. Yuck and double yuck, but glad the darn thing is out!

    Back to work in the morning, will check in from there.

    Love to all.
    Amanda x
  • petalsandpaws
    Just a short note to say thank you to all who are keeping me in their prayers. My husband insist I stay the course with MFP and all the wonderful supportive ladies I have made contact with here. Tomorrow our next adventure with radiation begins. We will spend 4 hour a day on the road going to and from the hospital for his treatment. I will continue to eat right and stay strong for him as well as myself. God grant me the serenity, I will need it!!
    Your all are doing amazing and offer each other such a gift of support. You all are amazing women!!
    Hugs, Dixie :heart:
  • amiscci
    amiscci Posts: 64 Member
    Hello Everyone. My name is Donna and I live in southern NJ. I'm married and I have twin girls who will be 21 in January 2013.
    I have been a lurker on MFP since March 2012.. I got here because I went to a wine party
    at a neighbors-- after 3 glasses of wine, we got talked into personal training by a mutual friend which later suggested calorie counting via MFP. I was turning 50 in July and figured it was a good time to invest in myself.

    Since March, I've been going to the personal trainer 3x a week. I started out in March around 153lbs and hoped to lose 10-15lbs. I have never been an exercizer and wow (!) those first few weeks were painful! Within a few weeks it got better though, and I have been going dependably 3x a week since and trying to keep to 1400cals. Around the same time, my husband
    was diagnosed with cancer and we've had a whirlwind of doctors, tests, radiation and chemotherapy. Surgery to
    happen in the fall. He hopefully will be well, but it will be a long year. The dreaded exercize has turned to be quite enjoyable diversion and I'm getting some little muscles too :-) The time is flying and crawling all at the same time, very weird experience.

    I've been watching these chat boards since March but never felt like I had much to contribute. My 20-ish pound loss goal seemed tiny compared to the enormous successes and challenges others face, and I've been content to chug along alone.
    As of yesterday, 4 months in, I've lost 20 pounds (more than I set out to at the start) and I weighed in at 133 !!!
    My new and final weight goal is 130 lbs (my daughter who is an track athlete in college weighs this amount and I thought it would be fun to match her? Not sure if that will be as fun for HER though!) I've lost a pretty consistent 1lb/week with some fits and stops, but it's worked--- only THREE pounds to go! I'm in the process of turning over my closet to new lower sizes and yesterday I went to one of those obnoxiously expensive jean places and treated myself to a size 8. I had been a snug size 12 for the last year so have a pretty big variety of old jeans for sale but it's all good!

    My personal life is in great upheaval and I'm exhausted (and hungry) much of the time, but I feel a great sense of accomplishment. I'm a little terrified of moving to "maintenance" and hope I can hold onto my new body. I haven't lost all
    that much but I've gained a new appreciation for the struggle to lose and how hard it really is. Mine was lost ounce by ounce
    and I am in awe of those how have lost dozens and hundreds!
    Best to you all,
    Donna in NJ
  • debrawallin
    debrawallin Posts: 55 Member
    Looking for friends, I'm 56 and finding fat loss a bit of challenge at this age. Thanks.
  • Comfortableme
    Comfortableme Posts: 33 Member
    Happy Monday!!! It was cooler this morning but has hit high temps again this afternoon and evening-I think around 100 again. I have been reading everyone's posts and you guys are really busy.

    I have to weigh in tomorrow morning and am really quit excited. I know it will show a loss and that makes me happy. I was even able to go out to dinner with my kids that were in from TN and my kids that are local twice this past week. It is a learning experience to order food cooked the way you want it. Thanks to my daughter-in-law for showing me the way!!!

    Prayers are sent to those who are struggling with health issues for either your self or your loved ones. Sounds like we have a couple of babies on the way also.

    Have a great evening-I am going to do some Pilates and watch the Olympics.

  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Hello Everyone, As I was reading everyone's post catching up comes to mind what a bunch of very busy women we have and so many are the care givers for whether its spouses, parents, children, grandchildren etc. You all amaze me.

    @Laura8011--sorry to hear about all of your grandsons being ill. Glad to hear some are on the mend. Pray for your DIL to feel better before #3 makes an appearance and for #2 to be better. Croup is such a hard illness I can recall my daughter having that when she was young.

    @tiarapants--yuk on the tooth stuff. Hope you feel better soon.

    @Lin--wow you totally challenge me to get off of my rear and get busy.

    @DeeDee -- wow that was a bad storm.

    @exermom-- what a good workout. I haven't try the wii fit. We have a Wii game system looking for more ways to increase my workouts. Sounds like something to look into. Samething with yoga haven't gone there yet.

    @Jaks97--- Congrats on the weight loss.

    @barbie-- I have been enjoying the Olympics too.

    @drKatiebug-- great goals!

    Welcome Beverly, Deb and Debbie.

    I am sure that I have miss someone but know I do read all the posts and think about each of you. Take care of yourself.

    I work today I don't normally work Mondays but I got called in. The extra money will be nice but sort of has me off center. ;-) :tongue:

    As a group we went to the Cheesecake Factory it is Natioanal Cheesecake day. So we took are clients. Check my calories made a plan had my own lunch than went in afternoon for this. Able to eat only half of it brought it home and share the rest with husband. I realise my job does stuff like this alot. So I need to really plan out my meals on what I am eating better workouts and be prepare to not eat every time we go out for this and that. My goal is to be eating healthier and this isn't always going to fit into it.

    Anyway that's it. Thank you!

  • conniehv40
    conniehv40 Posts: 442 Member
    Late tuesday night, 7/30, and I feel like I did pretty well with my goals.

    I tried to read quite a few posts-all doing so well and that will be my goal in August--to read more often so I can keep everyone straight!

    Made it through early July, realizing that walking and posting are my two best friends to be healthier and lose weight. Went on a 2 week vacation with my husband and 3 teens. I did well, but my main goal was to relax. No driving, not too much cleaning, just relaxing! I took walks, but nothing to write home about.

    I am back having gained but not too much! I gained back the few I lost. So tomorrow is August and the start of a new month.

    I will look forward to finding this group for August! I'll reach out if I can't find it!
  • walker54
    walker54 Posts: 64 Member
    Welcome Donna in NJ, and Debbie. You’ve found a wonderful group! Check in every day and you’ll find lots of encouragement and support for whatever you are trying to accomplish.

    Exermom asked for more info on the Reader’s Digest Diet. It’s a 21-day plan using foods that, according to “research” help your body shed fat. Supposedly the editor has sifted through recent studies on why fat creeps on, and ways to shed it quickly. She cites specific studies briefly to support the basic outlines of the diet plan.

    The diet identifies specific foods that are “fat releasers” and all the recipes feature combinations of those foods. The recipes come with calorie counts and nutrition information (and many have been entered into the MFP database.) Portions are controlled. The plan includes exercise, starting with just walking, and then working up to a 12-minute set of exercises. She identifies specific activities to do each day. Everything can be done at home – no special equipment or gym membership required. It also includes what to do if you have more weight to lose after the 21 days, so you can keep going, as well as how to maintain.

    I was ready for a spelled-out plan, and I’m not a good calorie counter, so this plan is helpful for me. It’s focused on developing healthy eating habits, with a mix of protein, veggies, fruits and grains, and I wanted that type of plan – nothing extreme. Reader’s Digest tried it out on 12 men and women with different weight loss goals. Everyone lost.

    My husband read about it, and I looked at the promo materials on the Reader’s Digest website. I liked what I saw so I ordered the book. I haven’t followed it religiously, but I’ve tried to stick to the meal plans as much as I could. I’m doing my workouts at the gym and pool instead of the ones in the book, but I’m thinking about adding the ones in the book to see whether I get better results. I’ve lost 6 pounds over about 2 weeks. (We took a 3-day trip in the middle and it was impossible to follow the specific menus, but I did the best I could.)

    I’m looking forward to the last phase of the plan when they include occasional desserts! :bigsmile: (Do you see why I am trying to lose 50 lbs?) My sweet tooth has not disappeared yet, unfortunately.

    Most of the recipes have been pretty good, and for some parts of the plan you have some choice about which recipes you make, in case you don’t like certain things. My family is eating the dinners with me, and they are on their own for breakfast and lunch and snacks. If I can stock up some meals in the freezer I think I’ll be able to keep going with this once the school year starts. Stay tuned!

    Sorry this was soo long, but maybe it will help someone.

  • jaks97
    jaks97 Posts: 179 Member
    Sherry -- how do you make apple cinnamon water? It sounds like that might help me get through more water every day. I struggle to get through 6 glasses a day, and I know I need more than that.

    Makes one big pitcher, re-fill water 3-4 times before replacing apples and cinnamon-

    1 Apple thinly sliced, I like Fugi but pick your favorite

    1 Cinnamon Stick

    Drop apple slices in the bottom of the pitcher (save a few to drop in your glass later) and then the cinnamon stick, cover with ice about 1/2 way through then with water. Place in the fridge for 10 minutes before serving.

    Nutritional Info:

    Calories: 0

    Fat: 0

    Fiber: 0

    Protein: 0

    Carbs: 0

    I have also done cuccumber lime and mint. It is a refreshing change