

  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Good morning ladies

    I hope you are all doing well. I can't believe we are already on part two for July. We are really a chatty bunch!

    Hello to all the newbies - you have found just about the most supportive group of women I have ever come across. I swear I would never have reached maintenance point without each and every one of them. If I ever win an Oscar you will be in my acceptance speech!

    Today is my new, more positive day - I need to let go of the fact that I am sad because my DD#2 now lives in Germany and be happy that she is able to live a more fulfilling life for herself.

    I also have to accept the fact that I am never going to be fit enough to run a marathon (or even walk one!) and be grateful that I no longer have to use a walking stick (sometimes two) just to get from my house to the car.

    I must accept the fact that my body is never going to be twenty years old again and accept the fact that I have the good fortune to be able to afford clothes to disguise it (even if I could tuck my droopy bosom into my belt!).

    I need to face up to my grief over my mum's death seven years ago and be happy that my dad is living a more active life now, at the age of 81 then he did when he was 61.

    I have so many things to be thankful for - my DH, who is about to turn 50 next month. I met him when he was 16 and who would have thought that we would be together in our autumn years? Not me and certainly not him. But we are and he is the best a girl could ask for.

    And finally ... I should be grateful that I have a job that I enjoy ... and actually start doing some work instead of chatting to you all.

    Big hugs and big loves to you all.
    Amanda x
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    Good morning all!

    Hope everyone's commitment to healthy living is an opportunity they seize today. I am going to give myself a new challenge starting today to maintain at where I am! I am 5'8" and weigh 135 pounds and am switching to maintenance mode. My exercise goal is to keep up the Nike Fuel Band Activity and add more strength building yoga and pilates to my routine.

    I am 4 pounds below my original goal of 139, and have plateau'd at that for several weeks now.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Good morning. It is taking me time to get to know y'all. I moderate, so when I come on I Log, then moderate, post on Black Team, and then come here.

    I am thankful for both threads, as it is scary out there:laugh: :laugh: I am not sure if it is the new generation of on-liners, or the world in general, but I like to be supportive and helpful. Ok maybe it is ME. :tongue:

    Anyway-I had that dreadful test needed at 50 years old. I highly recommend you go at all costs for a few reasons.

    *they found 2 pc polps and removed them. The doctor explained these are the same things that killed a friend of a close friend a few years back. Had she gone in at 50 or so she would not have died at 59

    *ask for an endoscopy at the same time if you have insurance. They found a bacteria in my stomach that was causing all of my morning nausea, reflux and other tummy issues. It was really BAD (kind of dissappointed no one figured this out last year:ohwell: ) I blamed all my symptoms on my divorce, and suffered for nothing.

    Sure the prep sucks, but the tests are nothing:flowerforyou:

    Also, I want to give HIGH FIVES to us for living healthier lifestyles! The doctor asked me if I had recently gained weight (yes) do I exercise? (no) Do I eat a diet in high fiber, low fat? (no) He said that is why I have the hiatel hernia.:blushing:

    SO had I continued in my healthy lifestyle I started 4 years ago, I probably would not have this issue now!!

    Good news is, I am back and going strong. Being a part of this thread and BT thread are helping to keep me centered.

    Have a wonderful and healthy day:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning everyone:flowerforyou:

    I had a wonderful time last night with gdaughtrers and daughter and son in law. I had a wonderful grilled salmon on top of a baby green salad, with a fabulous lemon horseradish dressing, it was so good:love: . They are off to Savannah for the weekend, my oldest gdaughter is in the girl scouts and this is their trip this year. I know its going to be HOT there!

    It's a busy day today for me:grumble: , so I don't have as much time to chat as I would like:frown: .

    Welcome to all the newbies:flowerforyou: I think you will really enjoy all the support you get here! Congrats for getting started !!!!!

    I hope everyone has a fabulous day!!!! Drink your water:drinker: , and log the food:smile: !!!!

  • dpdora
    dpdora Posts: 2
    Hello to all ladies. I am Dora and I live in Athens Greece. I am happily married 37 years with the same man!!! I have 3 grown up kids. One daughter 35 years old and recently mammy of a beautiful boy and twins boy and girl 32 years old (girl recently married no kids yet, boy not married yet). Till my 10th year I had anorexia and I was near to die. Then my grandmama made a great effort and kept me in life, but the result was to get very fat till my 13 years especially by eating cakes. Then I lost weight till the birth of twins. After giving berth of twins I gained 30 kilos because I had thiroid problems that I didn't discover in time. After 10 years of beeing fat and depressed (twins growing up was very difficult), I lost 30 kilos and I maintaine them till my 49-50 years. Then Chron disease appeared as problem of my twin daughter. In and out of the hospitals add all kilos that I had lost. I forgot to mentioned that I kept kilos away with gym. I lost my gym with hospitals and I balloned very very fast. Four years ago I faced a very serious breakdown with acute hemolytic anemia and acute renal failure because of pils for cholysterol. I recovered completely but very very slowly and still have problems with cholesterol. I am again in pils now but very very little and under doctor's supervise. But I understood that the best for my cholesterol will be to loose weight again. So now that I feel strong again I decided to make a new effort.

    The is one thing that terryfied me very much, not to be able to move. I faced it when I broke down and believe me it is a condition that if you never faced it you cannot imagine the feeling. it is the terror!!!!.

    So my friends I need your help and support to loose my weight and stop being afraid that I will die (this feeling comes every night after the hospital!!).

    Thank you for be so kind and read all my post.

    Dora :happy:

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    Good morning all! It is so much cooler today than it has been. I am actually looking forward to my long walk- in fact am going to walk/run. Also doing 30 day shred, but it will take much more than 30 days to complete. Too many other activities like kayaking, chores:grumble: , and spending time with MIL who is visiting for the summer.:smile:

    VogtAndrea- I know what you mean about plateau. I have been stuck for weeks. I have increased exercise and am logging/ measuring food, but still no change. I am going to make my diary available to all- maybe someone can see what I am doing wrong.

    Amanda- Love your posts! I also had to face a list of facts and reset my thought process. Helped to verbalize and give myself permission to let some things go.

    pkw58-Congrats! I am close, but currently stuck.:grumble:

    arewethereyet- During the last year I have been on a journey to take control of as many variables that affect my health as I can. It is a lifelong journey, but one I now enjoy and look at as a challenge.

    DeeDee- Great job on food choices!:drinker: Wish I liked fish.

    Need to get going with my day. I MUST accomplish something constructive today!

    Deb A
  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    Dora- Welcome! Sorry you have had so many health issues to deal with. You have found a fantastic group of women to give you support and motivation!:smile:
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Good morning! I am off to see whatever part of Glacier National Park that they have opened up. Have a great Thursday, lovely ladies! Mary, the wanderer who will be home in August
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,166 Member
    Hello ladies - I'm going to post early this morning before my Internet has the chance to get all wonky again!

    A news report last night showed a long line of people waiting to get into the new Whole Foods store which opened yesterday. Some 300 folks were reportedly there. And hey, the high yesterday was 103F!! I told you we like to eat. I'll save my visit for a bit later when the glamour wears off. I'm pretty sure the food will still be there.

    I'm going to meet some friends this evening at Bang Bang's Mongolian Grill. They have a gluten free menu so hoping for the best. I do worry a lot about getting something contaminated with gluten even when there is a gluten free menu. Not an unfounded worry however, I don't go out often but a good % of time, I come home with less money in my pocket and feeling horrible for a few days. Hoping for the best! I am so tired of feeling ill.

    :flowerforyou: Amanda: I hope someday I can cultivate more acceptance and gratitude. It takes much wisdom and self knowledge to know when it's time to accept something versus giving up. You are doing wonderfully.

    :flowerforyou: DeeDee: I am a bit in awe of everything you do. You are so busy and for today---back at you :drinker:

    :flowerforyou: Dora: welcome to you. I'm quite new here as well but find this a most warm and supportive place. They let me say anything! All best wishes for improved health.

    :flowerforyou: DebA: I know nothing whatsoever about the Shred program. All I know is I am intimidated just by the name.

    :flowerforyou: Mary: Happy Travels. Stay safe.

    Wishing everyone a day with healthy choices and lots of :drinker: :drinker:

  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    Mary- Enjoy your travels! A few years ago we went to Grand Canyon, Painted desert, White Sands, etc. when my daughter was studying at NMSU at Las Cruzes. Great memories! Love to travel, but rarely get to. Something to look forward to after retirement.

    Lin- The 30 day shred is a Jillian Michaels DVD that is sooo hard! I am only doing it every other day and it is getting easier.

    Deb A
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Good morning! Just have a sec to write.
    Michele, I chuckled about the green key lime cake, lol.
    Barbie, you're right about living life one day at a time, which in turn makes everything temporary. I hadn't thought of it like that.
    Barbara, hope you're feeling better, geez, that doesn't sound like fun at all!
    Nancy, I'm so impressed with your AFDs. I should do that, too.
    Everyone have a good, productive day.
    Let's all remember to be kind to ourselves and not just to everyone else.
    :smile: jb
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Thursday here and only one more day to the end of this torturous work week:grumble:

    Amanda- I loved your post about all you have to be thankful for...I'm going to give it some serious thought and see what I can come up with:ohwell:

    To all the newbies WELCOME:flowerforyou: this is the best place for friendships and encouragement on MFP:flowerforyou:

    When I finally got home last night I did my exercising in the basement as there were thunder storms all around and really too windy to ride the bike outside:sad:

    Someone was making the comment that their husband just didn't get it, well I think my hubby gets it, it just doesn't seem to be something he wants to do and I really think he would benifit from MFP. It seems that ever since he had his hip problems and then the replacement in 2009 he uses it as an excuse although he does some exercise it's the over eating that is doing him in:noway: . In the meantime I will continue to plug along and get myself into shape...because really I can only take care of myself:wink:

    One thing I'm thankful for is all of you here on MFP and the encouragment that comes:drinker:

    Everyone have a good day, drink plenty of water:drinker: it really does make a difference in the weight loss, log your food and move your body. Put it all together and we will win this battle together.:happy:

  • rpphillip
    rpphillip Posts: 230 Member
    Hi Ladies , trying to get cought up on all your post and I have to stop here because I am at work will be back later with more response. have a great day!

    linder4866 : wishing you luck and hoping your internet problems don't last long

    djhobs : have a wonderful trip in St Johns , it is hard waiting on those phone calls . still praying for him to be safe and home soon.
    good attitude, if the neighbors want to know ask them to join you! LOL

    Barbiecat : I agree with you on the varied approache to food and food plans and I have gotten a lot of great ideals and as you say some work and some don't and some I would never had though of on my own. I love this tread. Thank You for keeping it going and thanks to all the ladies for all the great ideals.

    Rose : sure sounds like you have a lot on your plate right now. you are in my thoughts often and praying that all turns out good for your family.

    Lizmil79 : Krispy Kreme are the best next to a little family owned place here in Indianapolis called Longs Bakery, I only go there to get my DH dougnuts , and only once in a while because they are the very best ever, and sooooo bad for you. you did great only having one and your job sound verey interesting !

    kaxkie : love the pic of the wedding ! have fun in Yellowstone!!

    jb ; Boysenberry Brandy sound good! wow We have grape and my hubby has been watering them and they were do good untill the water band and I haven't had the time to go see if they are any good or not.
    will have to check them to night when I get home. you are doing great on your weigh loss! WTG!

    Holly You work sound fun, a bursting pipe is no fun , been there, just do the best you can, you may be supprised!

    DeeDee : thank you for your kind words.
  • rpphillip
    rpphillip Posts: 230 Member
    Holly: this is Bear and he is my big 8 year old babie, He was lost for 2 week last winter right after Christmas, but this wonderful Ladie took him in because it was frezzing cold and she thought he was the best dog ever! We were on our way home from church when we got the call from my DD that some one found him and she and the kids were on the way to pick him up. It was a answered prayer and I wil forever be greatful to her,. I take him to see her evey-now and then and we have a wonderful time visiting with her. well that is my story Have a great day !
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Welcome Dora.:flowerforyou:
    this is an amazing group of love and support.You do what you can to be healthier.No one judges you,we`re here for each other.
    Have a great day!We can do this!!!:drinker:
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    New job is busy and I think it will work out well. Can't wait to hold Olivia tomorrow evening. Too much to do to get ready for the weekend trip. catch you all later.

    Robin, Bodi and Ritter.
  • katiejarr
    katiejarr Posts: 251 Member
    Hello Lovies! Ive been MIA for awhile...sadly Ive been hit hard with migraines AGAIN :mad: ugh! Im officially in menopause according to my gyno and for the past 2 weeks Ive been getting migraines almost everyday, can't believe it! Anyway yesterday i was on Tramadol and all it did was make me woozy and I still had the headache!

    This morning I took 2 Alieve and that worked! Go figure!

    But the good news is that the scale has been kind to me, Im down to 133 and Im happy about that! Getting closer and closer to my goal of 110! (Im short at 5'1" ).

    Well the painters are FINALLY painting the house, they went MIA for about a week!!!!! I guess one of the workers broke his hand and well they just didn't show up, plus we had an summer storm here, 101 degrees and raining, humidity and ewwwwww yucky weather!

    Did any of you notice that MFP advertises PIZZA on this website! What the heck is that all about?!?!?!

    Ok I better get back to work...gotta go pay my quarterly taxes...oh how fun :sad: :sad:

    Have a great day ladies! Keep movie and drink in your water!!!!

    Kat :heart: :drinker: :heart: :drinker:
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,391 Member
    welcome babloor

    vogtandrea - yes, it is so good to have a place where others understand what it is you are going thru and all the problems associated with being our age. I know so many times my daughter just doesn't understand why I can't/don't want to do something. Like when Vince hurt his back and couldn't fly to europe this may. Jessica was supposed to go with us, she just couldn't understand that it would take a few weeks for him to recover. She went by herself.

    I'm sorry for the all caps. I think mfp site is doing it because i don't have this problem at any other site.

    tomorrow night ken & lynette are coming over, so, of course, I asked them if they wanted to have dinner here. I have this recipe that I'm trying for a limed up cream cheese pound cake. Not fantastic on the calories, but I'll give it away after they leave. Also made this mostaccioli bake, only i used elbow macaroni since i had some of them.

    Did a Jari love ripped slim & lean dvd today. It sure didn't feel like 60 minutes, as a matter of fact, i checked the dvd to be sure that's how long it is. tomorrow I'm planning to do a spinning downloadable workout that i have and then go play mahjongg.

    Dora - welcome! I've always wanted to go to greece. guess i'll need to live vicariously thru you! Thanks for sharing so much of yourself with us. Log in here often and you'll be amazed at how much support and good ideas you'll get.

    lin - it wasn't until i took the safe food course that it really dawned on me how much interaction between foods there can be. i don't blame you for being concerned about gluten.

    went to the dentist today. They did a cleaning. i need to get one of my wisdom teeth pulled. three of them came in, the fourth never did. because i take the reclast injection in feb, he would like to wait until early nov to do the extraction when the reclast is weaker, so i'll have it done then. fortunately, this isn't something that is urgent, they just don't want to wait too too long

    kat- so sorry you're having those nasty migranes again. honestly, i didn't notice that mfp advertises pizza, i really don't look at the advertisements. i realize that they have to pay for this site somehow. the other thing they could do is to charge us, then there wouldn't be any advertisements, and there would probably be a lot less people here. so in all, i think it's a fair tradeoff

    going to post this mainly to mark my spot. again, i apologize for the all caps.

    have a great day everyone

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,391 Member
    Now that's interesting, when I used Word Pad, it was in all caps. Yet when I posted it, that was in normal lettering. Now I'm trying posting from here, and there isn't all caps. Maybe it's my wordPad program. Oh well....

  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Just checking in and marking my spot! I WILL be back soon................:heart: kackie