

  • moxie1962
    moxie1962 Posts: 165 Member
    <<<<slides back in<<< Hi ladies!!! I can't seem to keep up!!..so I'll just pop in every so often. :smile:

    Happy Valentines Day!! :heart: :flowerforyou: :heart:
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :heart: Happy Valentines Day All:heart:

    No time to read so will try to catch up later.

    Hubby gave me my card and two cute stuffed monkeys this am...then just after lunch a delivery person was at the door in the snow with flowers for me:flowerforyou: I just love that man:love:

    New pic of my flowers on my messy desk.

    Laura 80111 in Colorado:smile:
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy Valentines day!!
    Hubby and I went to lunch before he goes to work tonite.Made me a beautiful card.
    Hope everyone is doing ok.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Saving my place for later. Happy Valentine's Day.

    Katla in NW Oregon
  • nonnicee
    I dove headlong off my eating plan today...DH and I went to Red Lobster for lunch. I didn't know where we were going, so I didn't look at nutrition info before hand. I love their cheesy garlic biscuits so there went my gluten-free resolve. I didn't eat really BAD, just not to plan. Oh well, we will see what the scale tells me in the morning. We had a nice time and sometimes you just have to start again on the next meal.

    I hope everyone had a nice Valentine's Day. I will check back tomorrow...

    All the best,
    Mary in TN
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,395 Member
    Beth in SC - I get a lot of ideas for meals from Taste of Home magazine

    In one sense, it's discouraging to come here. Everyone is losing -- but I'm not. I really haven't changed my eating nor my exercise. If anything, I've added more calories because I don't add in my exercise calories so when I'm over, I let that be my "bumper". But I'm still not losing! waaaaaa! But I won't give up, no sirree bob Maybe I should go back to not going over. whenever I didn't add in my exercise calories and didn't go over, I'd lose.

    katla - feel better fast

    Brooke - congrats on those 10 pounds lost!

    Did about 45 minutes of Power Sculpt DVD today. Tomorrow I'll do some deep water. Afterwards, I'll stop at the library and pick up the audiobooks I have on hold to listen to on the way to FL, stop at the bank and get money, I made a red velvet cheesecake for this one gal who'll be at bunco tonight and I might wind up taking a piece of it to Lynette. Today after exercising I stopped at the food kitchen and gave them the rest of the brownies, cake and cookies from our Newcomer general meeting, then I did a little food shopping. Trying to buy only things that can be frozen. Asparagus is on sale but I didn't get any since I don't like it frozen.

    sunshine - shrove Tuesday is the same thing as Fat Tuesday. Maudy (?sp) Thursday is the same as Holy Thursday (the Thursday before Easter). Vince didn't know that.

    Happy Valentines Day all my lovely Vit F's!

    Amanda - you are truly amazing. If you need some weight, I'd be more than glad to share!!!

    grandmallie - welcome! You've come to a great place for motivation. Check in often

    Nancy - boy, you've been one busy gal.

    One of our neighbors just came by. Her son (probably around 8 or so) gave us a valentine. In a plastic cup were some candy hearts, valentine candy corn (I'd never seen valentine candy corn), Skittles, and some sort of thick cookie. Vince said he'd probably eat it so I just left it in his office. But I thought that was such a nice thing for them to do!

    katla - for a while I was watching the Food Hospital, too. But I found too many references to the UK that I just couldn't associate with anything over in the US so I don't watch it as often any more. But I do remember that guy with the gout, and I don't remember what he ate, either. When Vince had the gout, he had to eliminate red meats for something like 3 days. He was also told that alcohol exasberated it, but he's not much of a drinker so that wasn't a problem. Latin wasn't offered when I was in high school, either. French, German and Spanish.

    diannebolin - welcome. What a wonderful gift you've given yourself, you certainly deserve it!

    Kate - that's wonderful about the tile. Just don't you just love getting a bargain? What an advantuare you had in baking! Wow, on the brakes, but glad you got them fixed

    Jeannie - I got Vince two Boston Cream donuts from DD the other day and at first I didn't think they were Boston Cream's then I found out that they were just heart shaped for Valentine's day.

    Jane in CO - how wonderful for your daughter!

    Vince and I just wished each other "Happy Valentine's Day". No card, no gifts. Well, we bought each other the exact same anniversary card so I guess both of us not getting the other one a card is in the cards....lol

    Mary - glad you had a nice time. Yes, we need to celebrate sometimes, just not every day. I had bunco here tonight, made a red velvet cheesecake for this one gal. I'm going to take the rest of it to Lynette tomorrow. Besides, I don't want to keep it until we get back...actually, I don't want to keep it at all.

    Hope everyone has a great evening.

    Michele in NC
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,985 Member
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: every day is Valentine's Day at my house:heart::heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Thank you all my Vitamin F friends for adding so much to my life.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington
  • petalsandpaws
    Hello everyone.To those of you who have been so kind relaying your support and prayers through DeeDee, I am so appreciative. It seems like such a long road since I last was here. It has been six months as of the 18th since I lost my husband. While life will never be the same for me without my Lee, it will be different. I kept my promise to Lee to come to Arizona as we had planned to do before he was diagnosed with small cell lung cancer. I found a wonderful place near Sedona called Cottonwood, at the base of the Mingus mountains. There is so much sun (most of the time) and I find being able to be outside and being active so helpful in staying away from the depression that had set in after Lee passed away.
    So today, I made up my mind after emails, cards and caring neighbors went out of their way to show me I was loved that I wanted to get back on track with MFP and work on me again. I have access to swimming and hiking so I am seeing and getting out there to enjoy what life has to offer me.
    Again my thanks to all who have sent prayers and support my way.
    What a wonderful Valentines day I have been given.:heart:
  • sunshine61250
    sunshine61250 Posts: 68 Member
    Good morning from snowy Norway. I actually had a long post and my computer crashed and I lost it all. :grumble:

    When I have time I'll start all over again. Hubby said I should try to do scan disk or some such thing to make sure everything is ok.

  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    Good morning all!

    Michele- I am also frustrated by not losing right now. I have been stuck for a long time. Not giving up!

    Barbie- How sweet! Great relationships are part "chemistry", but mostly a result of our attitudes and ability to accept and give love. You are such a great role model for living life in the present with a focus on the positive, No one deserves Valentine's day everyday more than you do!

    Dixie- It is so good to hear from you! We traveled through Sedona a few years ago and loved it. Spectacular scenery! Very peaceful.

    Deb A from CNY
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Dixie:flowerforyou: I am so happy to see you back here...sending you lots of hugs!!!!! One step at a time!!!!

    Michele:smile: I`m still playing around with those 3 lbs., since Nov.. It does get discouraging:sad: but I`m like you I`m not about to give up! I too, have some I could share with Amanda:laugh: ! I love seeing everyone drop the weight, means mine will come off one of these days!!!!

    Barbie:smile: You and Jake are the perfect Valentine couple:heart::love: :heart: !!!!

    Joy:smile: I have lost many posts since I`ve been here:angry: , somewhere in cyber space there are lots of notes floating around:laugh: ! I always say the computer gremlins are up to no good!!! Sometimes I use a word doc., most of the time I just jot a few notes down, here lately I just keep running out of time:frown: !

    Amanda:smile: I will be happy to send some of my weight along with Michele`s if you need a bit more:laugh: . Isn`t it wonderful to go to the Dr. and he/she`s not telling you you need to lose! I do like thinking of food as a prescription, take as directed everyday.

    I can barely move this morning:sad: , my knees are hurting from running yesterday, I`m not sure I`ll ever be a runner:cry: ! One of the mentors told me she has a mantra she says to herself to get her through the running part..."this will not kill me":laugh: . I ran more yesterday than I did the time before, so I guess I`m doing okay! I don`t think I`ll get to the point this time where I`ll be able to run the entire 5K:blushing: , however I`m already thinking about signing up for another beginner class, practice makes perfect...right?

    Time to get this sore body moving! Have a great day ladies!!! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!!

    DeeDee in sunny NC
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Bumpity Bump this Friday morning:flowerforyou:

    too busy to read....will catch you all later:drinker:

    Laura 80111 in Colorado:smile:
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    I’m not sure if this is a rant or something more positive.:wink:

    Knees: You only have one pair so be kind to them. Everyone with knee problems raise your hand. See that? My hand is up and so are MANY others. I am here on MFP because knee pain was making me miserable and I started researching the issue on line. I can’t tell you how many times I saw the phrase “overweight women” while researching this. :noway: I thought, “Aha! I need to lose weight.” :grumble: I have mentioned this before, but I’m not sure I’ve mentioned my gratitude to all of you on this journey with me. I am making progress and so are my knees. A huge part of the progress is possible because of the support I’m getting from all of you. I love aerobic exercise but I don’t plan to run again unless being chased by a bad guy or forest fire. I plan to walk, ride my bike, swim, practice yoga, use an elliptical-- But pounding my cartilage to tiny bits in order to burn calories is on my “no-no” list.:noway: :noway:

    Take care of your knees.:heart::flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou:

    Katla in NW Oregon
  • LisaBu1961
    Good Morning to all my ladies over 50. I've just started the program and hit a wall today. Here's my situation. Had health issues survived YAH !!!! But the weight packed on quickly. Just looking for input and guiding on meals. I seem to stick with what I Love. All are healthy selections but I'm worried about halting my weight loss due to lack of variety. Blessings and Hope for all. Thanks for the help Lisa:blushing:
  • glendalight
    glendalight Posts: 127 Member
    No time to read or reply today so bumping in to mark my spot. I am off to the mountains for the weekend to cook for a friend's wedding event (not the main reception thankfully, just the rehearsal dinner, breakfast,....)
    See you next week!
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Happy Friday! The sun's shining bright here this morning, I'm just about ready to go out and get some of it. :love:

    Dixie!! :flowerforyou: Welcome back, so nice to hear from you! I know exactly where Cottonwood is, what a gorgeous place. Have you moved there permanently?? Enjoy that sunshine!

    DeeDee, ouch! :flowerforyou: It takes awhile for these (old) bones to get used to something like running. I keep hoping mine will stop hurting but they haven't yet. :grumble: Alas, I keep trying. Proud of you for giving this a go!! Knee stretches will help.

    Weekly weigh-in, up a few ounces. Funny how important an ounce is now. :ohwell: Oh well! It's important that we keep ourselves feeling inspired no matter the scale. Keep going! :happy:

    Everyone have a terrific day, time for me to fly.

    :smile: jb in beautiful blue sky Portland
  • brookehe
    brookehe Posts: 413 Member
    I’m not sure if this is a rant or something more positive.:wink:

    Knees: I don’t plan to run again unless being chased by a bad guy or forest fire. I plan to walk, ride my bike, swim, practice yoga, use an elliptical-- But pounding my cartilage to tiny bits in order to burn calories is on my “no-no” list.:noway: :noway:

    Katla in NW Oregon

    This really struck a chord with me LOL!!!! Thanks for the giggle this fine morning.

    Welcome Lisa, you've found a group of kind, experienced and supportive women. Stay tuned in here and you'll get some great wisdom (and some chuckles too)!
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Good Morning to all my ladies over 50. I've just started the program and hit a wall today. Here's my situation. Had health issues survived YAH !!!! But the weight packed on quickly. Just looking for input and guiding on meals. I seem to stick with what I Love. All are healthy selections but I'm worried about halting my weight loss due to lack of variety. Blessings and Hope for all. Thanks for the help Lisa:blushing:

    Lisabu, Losing weight is all about portion control. Eat what you love in moderate portions and count the calories. Don't forget to meet your nutritional needs so include green stuff, protein, and good carbs. Exercise and visit here often.

    Katla in NW Oregon
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Hello ladies

    A little late coming in today as I have been looking after my scrummy grandtwins. I wish there had been somebody behind me with a camera earlier on - Molly was on one side of me and Teddy was on the other and we were looking out of the living room window, trying to spot a yellow car (good game). Molly rested her head on my shoulder and Teddy just put his arm around my other shoulder. Seriously I nearly burst with love in that moment. Those two year olds have woven themselves around my heart like nothing I could ever have imagined.

    Oops, tears in my eyes thinking about it. Soppy Grammy that I am!

    Got to dash off now to see my dad and then on to the nursing home to visit MIL. It was four years yesterday since her fall in the shower, which was the onset of her vascular dementia. Four years either in hospital or the nursing home. Four years since she was able to stand, let alone walk. It breaks my heart.

    Both ends of the spectrum of age - the very young and the very old. A balanced day perhaps. Certainly a thought provoking one.

    Love to all.

    Amanda x
  • moxie1962
    moxie1962 Posts: 165 Member
    My knees and all of my joints are so much better after getting on my schwinn airdyne stationary bike and actually using it finally! I only bought it back in 06' because, after working in a physical therapy dept at a hospital for 3 years, I KNEW I would be needing it someday soon. Well, those days are here This past year, it got so bad that I hurt to roll over in bed, hurt to walk, hurt to not move. Ibuprofen wasn't helping at all. Nothing was. So I figured, "what do I have to lose...?". I didn't want to lose my mobility, as heck..I'm only 50 yrs old.
    So, I finally got up on the bike. Those first 6 minutes wore me out. I was winded. But now, 5 weeks later..I am up to 30 minutes. It is a struggle. I still have to have 2 cool downs.....midway through. But then I only work my arms, and let my legs rest.
    I am not a physical therapist, but I made sure I took notes those few years I worked that job. :smile: