

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    HI!We have a real rainy day today..had a couple rough nights with eating.
    Had a nice brunch with the mom`s.
    Today was church and just relaxing.
    Hope you all had a good day!!
    welcome all the new people.
  • BetsyAnn2013
    BetsyAnn2013 Posts: 37 Member
    I love brussel sprouts! I usually steam mine, so thanks for all the other preparation ideas!

    Roundthemulberrybush- thanks for the refresher on essential minerals. I've been walking more and been getting those nasty cramps at night. I think I like the epsom salts idea best (no calories involved!) :laugh:

    Didn't have any rain/snow today, just cloudy skies and a chill wind. We'll probably get hit tomorrow.

    For dinner tonight I cooked: sweet potatoes for my MIL, potatoes for my BIL, white rice for my hubby, and brown rice for myself! That is in addition to the main entree, crock pot chicken, and side veggie, peas. It sure was awful good. Good thing I like to cook!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,966 Member
    :flowerforyou: Viv, I have missed you and am happy to see you back but I feel so sad about the loss of your dog, Tara…..they are never with us long enough….every morning when I walk Brandy and Sasha I stop often and hug them and tell them that our life together is perfect today because I know that we can’t be together forever.

    :flowerforyou: Kellie, welcome to our friendly community….congrats on taking control of your smoking

    :flowerforyou: LindaC. I finally looked at a map of Ontario and saw how far north you are…..it seems very rural…..I saw the website for your town and it looks like a great place to live….I am fond of northern locations….while so many people are dreaming of going to Mexico or Florida or Arizona, I dream of going farther north.

    :flowerforyou: Liz, Congratulations on your weight loss….just keep on going…..too many people quit because the task seems too daunting…one pound at a time you’ll get to the weight you seek.

    :flowerforyou: Sue in SD, you’re right, walking in sand is fabulous for your legs, probably even better while wearing your winter boots…..i know that my boots feel heavy just walking on the roads or the grass.

    :flowerforyou: Today is our Isagenix cleanse day. I got up early and walked the dogs as usual. At 10:00 a friend came over and we ended up going on a walk for over an hour. I’ve spent the rest of the day doing laundry and some easy chores and watching TV with Jake. We’ll go to bed early so morning and breakfast will come sooner.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington

    My word for 2013 is “Stretch” inspired by “The Happiness Project”….I will seek opportunities to stretch my body and stretch myself personally by improving skills and trying new things.
  • determinedinAZ
    determinedinAZ Posts: 97 Member
    :flowerforyou: Yay lost weight at weigh in today! Total -8 so far.

    :ohwell: Sorry to hear about the leg and foot cramps. But very happy to hear about Epsom salt baths for aching muscles. That was my mom's cure to aches as well.

    :huh: really blew the food plan tonight. but back on track tomorrow.

    :drinker: have a good week everyone and welcome to newbies. don't forget your water!!
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,370 Member
    Viv - so sorry about Tara. I know how hard it can be to put a pet to sleep

    Kellie - welcome. Since I've never smoked, I'm curious, what makes switching to a vapor cigarette so difficult? Is it that it doesn't have any nicotine?

    Lin - what are you quilting? Do you hand quilt or machine quilt?

    Brooke from CO - big congrats on your anniversary!

    Mary in TN - I totally agree, nothing beats things you raise yourself. One of the reasons I like the farmer's market so much is because the food tastes so much better.

    5ishFoodie - I keep some veggie burgers in my freezer, too, along with those 100 calories rounds just for emergencies. Also, that's what I have when Vince wants to have a hamburger on the grill.

    Jane in SLC, UT - how wonderful that you quit smoking and don't crave it anymore

    Got up, did an hour of hula hoop on the Wii today. Then baked chicken for either later in the week or when we get back from FL, then made these cheese bacon tartlets for Bunco this Thurs (they should probably have been made in a mini muffin tin), then I made a red velvet cheesecake for this one gal who comes to Bunco. She one time had asked me to buy one at Sam's for her. But another lady avoids chocolate because it gives her migranes so I'll make her lemon bars later in the week. Tomorrow I'll do some yoga and then take the extremepump class.

    Is there anyone here from France? From Spain?

    Betsy Ann - you know, many is the time that I have to do the same thing like you (white potatoes, sweet potatoes, brown rice, white rice). There are so many things Vince won't eat (like heaven forbid I give him a sweet potato, only white for him) but I do give him brown rice and he really doesn't know the difference. Like you, I like to try cooking new things.

    determined - yea for the loss. My Wii showed a loss (albeit a small one) for me today.

    Well, here's hoping everyone has a great evening.

    Michele in NC
  • Sasha4427
    Sasha4427 Posts: 196 Member
    Hi all, seems like a long time since I’ve posted, but it isn’t really. It’s just that this group is growing so fast. We have a long weekend here this weekend. Our first statutory holiday in BC for Family Day. And the weather accommodated us very well, it’s been lovely and sunny with brilliant blue skies.

    One more day and I’m off to visit my DD2 in Holland. I’ve just been given a lesson on where Holland is as opposed to the Netherlands. Who knew such a small country could be so complicated? Anyway, the Mommy hormones are kicking in big time and I can hardly sleep. Spent the day getting everything packed, then laundry and housekeeping, yard clean up, dog walking, anything to make the time pass quicker. My mother would have said “don’t wish your life away; it’s short enough.”

    DeeDee – how did your dinner go? Sounds like your training is interesting (I won’t say fun but I’m sure it will be eventually).

    Meg - how kind of you to offer to babysit (9 kids, no, that’s not kind, that’s superhuman kindness). I guess you have walked many miles in her shoes. The Brussels with pistachios sounds really good. I’ll have to try that one when I get back. Maybe I’ll try it for DD2 while I’m away, she loves Brussels sprouts.

    Barbie – it really took Brandy a long time to get over the anesthetic. I’m glad to hear she is coming around now. When I had Evie spayed after the rescue she took a really long time to come around, I ended up staying in Idaho for a couple of extra days. Then when she had a broken tooth extracted, I thought I lost her a couple of times. I hope I never have to have her put under again – my nerves won’t take it.

    Barbara – glad you figured out the delayed loss wasn’t due to the beer and ice cream, could have led to very interesting dieting – lol

    Lucy – hope you are feeling better today. Falls always jar you so hard that everything feels out of whack. Try a nice hot Epsom salts bath before bed.

    RX – I too am very glad our thread doesn’t include before and after underwear pictures – very very very glad – lol.

    Hi Glenda – we had a beautiful sunny blue sky day here in the Kootenays today. It was so warm that when I did my outside chores (birdfeeders, yard tidying, shoveling the paths a bit to keep them neat) I only had a cardigan on instead of a jacket. It’s been so warm that I have patches of grass showing around the yard and that is absolutely unheard of in February.

    50ishFoodie – thanks for the suggestion but Melatonin gives me amazing nightmares (don’t want to scare the other passengers – or myself).

    Janie – nice new profile photo.

    Renny – you and DeeDee will have to have a virtual race. I didn’t do the F&V challenge this weekend but ended up with lots of fruit anyway, not as good on the veggies as I should have been though.

    Viv – I’m so sorry to hear about Tara. Your “new objectives” sound a lot like the 90s to me, when being a workaholic was considered good. Now it’s about balance and having a life outside work. You deserve to vent. What is your job anyway? Check out Barbie’s word for 2013 based on “The Happiness Project” - it’s “stretch”.

    Kellie – good on you for kicking the smoking habit. Being healthy and fit is a very admirable goal (and one we all share). Keep coming back and sharing.

    Mary in TN – do you have a farm? It sounds like you are into sustainability (like JB).
    Liz – you are certainly well on your way to your weight goal.

    12774 in Queens – I feel your aches and pains. I spent a fair amount of time shoveling snow this winter, but it seems to be over now (you can have my share). Glad to hear the city was on top of things, it sounds like the storm was really wicked over the entire east coast US and Canada.

    Time to go, Downton Abbey is on shortly and I’m craving a cup of tea.
    Night all

    Lila in the sunny Kootenays, South East BC, Canada
  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    Good morning all!

    Just found out that an album my son engineered won a grammy!! He is talented, passionate, and works very hard. So proud of him!

    Went skiing yesterday. The trails were perfect and the weather was great. It felt so good to get out and move.

    Sasha- Enjoy your visit! Time with our children is precious.

    Hope everyone has a great day.

    Deb in CNY
  • ohiomomof2
    ohiomomof2 Posts: 78 Member
    Good morning! It’s going to be a fairly nice week here in Central Ohio with moderate temperatures (40s) and maybe just a little rain. Come the weekend, it will be another story but we will enjoy this while we can!

    Barbie – what is the purpose of the Isagenix cleanse that you do? Is it weight-loss or are there other benefits?

    DeterminedinA – congratulations on the weigh-in!

    Sasha – I like the idea of a Family Day; as a kid, I always wondered why we had Father’s Day and Mother’s Day but no “Kid Day”. Now that I’m a parent, I don’t wonder so much! :laugh: Safe travels on your way to see your DD and I hope you have a fabulous time. It must be difficult to have her so far away; my younger DD is 1,000 miles away and that’s hard for me!

    Deb – that is wonderful news about your son’s album! You must be so proud and deservedly so. Think about the chances of something like that happening - pretty incredible.

    I am struggling with a very bad cold so am going to take a vacation day although I will have to dial in for a couple of calls and work on a couple of projects. At least I can stay in my pj’s and lay down for awhile if I feel the need.

    Have a great day, everyone!
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Hi ladies

    A quick note from my phone to say thanks for all the good wishes - dad is home from hospital and on the mend. Battered and bruised and his confidence is seriously damaged. I'm spending as much time as I can with him, but I do have to work some days.

    Anyway - apologies for not posting much but I know you all understand.

    Love to all
    Amanda x
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Lila:smile: Have a wonderful time with your daughter!!!! Safe travels to you!!!

    DebA:smile: Congrats to your son, what a wonderful accomplishment!!! Glad you had a fun day skiing!!!

    Ohiomom:smile: Hope you get to feeling better soon:flowerforyou: ! Enjoy those moderate temps!!!!

    Michele:smile: Bacon cheese tartlets sounds delish...YUM!

    Determined:smile: congrats on the loss, that`s fabulous!!!!!

    Meg:smile: You get a medal for the babysitting:flowerforyou: ! Hope your DD#1 enjoyed helping!!!

    Congrats to all those that have seen the scale do down the past week! And hang in if it hasn`t moved, it will, just keep going!!!!

    Welcome to everyone new:flowerforyou: ! Great group of women here, lots of support and motivation!!!

    Have a most wonderful day!!! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!

    DeeDee in rainy NC
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    Monday read a few post just not time kinda lazed around in bed this morning.
    Today is my day for home caring. So time to shower get dressed and get out.
    Glad it's Monday and the weekend eating will come to an end.
    It's to easy to just take the food and eat when it's ready.
    I made macaroni casseroles for Saturnday and of course I was eating the left overs.

    So no macaroni for me today. Said yesterday I was making a veg. chilli doing it today.
    I have lots of spaghetti sauce left will use some of that.

    Need to be good from now until wed. or I will sport a gain. If I can lose that will be 10 weeks of no gains.

    See you all lighter
    Linda in a warmer Northern Ontario.
  • 12774
    12774 Posts: 1,416 Member
    While lying in bed this am and thinking that I should give up eating animal protein for the Lenten Season. Think this might boost my wt loss for the next 40 days and also cut down on my grocery bill significantly.Does anyone have simililar plans? Got to check my pantry and go shopping.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Betsy Ann: You are probably the most accommodating cook in the world. I hope your family appreciates your effort to please each one. What do you do with all those leftovers?
    Michele in NC: An hour of hula hoop? I couldn’t even keep it up that long as a kid. That is amazing!:happy:

    Lila in the sunny Kootenays: I can understand your excitement to visit your daughter in Holland. I’ve been a grump about mine moving to Colorado. At least I can drive there. I hope you have a wonderful visit.:smile:

    Deb in CNY: Congratulations to your son for a wonderful achievement! Congratulations to you for raising him.:bigsmile:

    Amandax: I’m glad to hear your dad is home again, and I’m glad to see that you were able to squeeze in a post. :happy:

    Linda C: Glad to hear your weather has warmed up and I can’t help wondering what the temperatures are now. I look up US temperatures on NOAA. Does Canada have a similar agency with a website I can find on the net?:flowerforyou:

    Have a good day today, everyone. We have only a couple of things on our “todo” list for today, and one of them is to get the dog to the groomers in 15 minutes! Luckily, the groomer is close by, but I’m still sitting here in my PJs.:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Katla in NW Oregon
  • ohiomomof2
    ohiomomof2 Posts: 78 Member
    Just stopping by to ask for any tips and tricks you may have for surviving the prep for a colonoscopy. I have to admit that I have avoided having my first one for several years because I hear such horror stories about the stuff you have to drink. Well, one of my resolutions for this year was to have this done so my appointment is next Monday.:ohwell:

    I've heard a few ideas from friends and so far, the best idea seems to be dissolving the powder in chicken stock and heat it for a few seconds so it resembles one of those "to-go" cans of soup. If you have a tried and true suggestion, I would love to hear it!

    Hope everyone's day is going well!
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Another lovely day in Colorado with Monday morning sunshine,

    Just caught up with the posts over the weekend. It was a busy one for us Meeting son #3 & DIL for dinner Friday night, watching GS #1 & #2 for about 7 hrs on Saturday, then our grocery shopping and Sunday getting caught up on all our house chores and prepping our food for the week.

    Plenty of work to do on my desk and no spare time for all of my Vit F's. Hoping you all have a great day.

    Let's all keep on logging:drinker:

    Laura 80111 in Colorado:smile:
  • LucyT4dieting
    LucyT4dieting Posts: 284 Member
    Good Monday morning all,

    Thanks to all who sent well wishes for a speedy recovery from my fall on Saturday. My back and backside were pretty sore on Sunday. Those pews in church were murder! But after many hours on a heating pad and soaking in hot water, I am feeling much better today. I've decided to take the strengh training down a bit. Maybe start out with the 2 pound weights and work my way up. My arms and chest are STILL sore! But I am determined to keep at it. I did 30 minutes on the Treadmill today and will work on strengh training tomorrow (I found a DVD that I had on this so I'll have something to follow).

    :flowerforyou: Sue - Great decision to continue your exercise routines what watching your grandchildren. "No excuses" is a good philosophy.

    :noway: Foodie - I admire your courage in going after that imposing goal! I took a bike tour in Mexico and barely got through 13 miles. Good luck and let us know how you make out.

    :heart: Glenda - You are an angel. Delivering food to the less fortunate is an admirable thing.

    :glasses: Janie - I am interested to hear what you doctor says as I, too, have issues with extreme cold and problems with sleeping. I had thyroid testing done and the results were negative, so I just figured it was menopause related. I'm always bundled up, even when others are not. It's one of the reasons we plan to move south when we retire. To quote Jimmy Buffet, "I want to go where it's warm"!:glasses:

    :devil: Meg - Be careful what you wish for!

    :smile: Michele - I am always excited when I enter a food and find the exact thing listed. As for brussel sprouts, we LOVE em! I par cook them in the microwave and then sautee them in a little olive oil with fresh garlic, salt & pepper to taste, and a touch of red pepper flakes....awesome!

    :ohwell: Sara - I always use the numbers on the machine, but probably neither one is entirely accurate.

    :cry: Viv - So sorry to hear about your loss. Our pets are members of our families. But I am happy to hear you are back on the road to health. And I'm sure you'll find the perfect color for your walls.

    :happy: Linda - Please do post a picture of your quilt.

    :drinker: Kellie - Welcome! This is a great place to start. Best of luck with all of your goals.

    :wink: Sue in SD - You'll get an extra benefit from walking in deep sand, so lucky you!

    :smile: Lila - Enjoy your visit with your daughter in Holland. I'm sure you'll figure out the geography.

    Have a wonderful day, and I hope the weather where you are is better than ours (raining and dreary),

    Lucy in Delaware:bigsmile:
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Good morning!
    Going to the funeral of an older gent from the church.He and his wife were married over 60 years.Have a good one>

  • tammytylerjones
    tammytylerjones Posts: 109 Member
    Just stopping by to ask for any tips and tricks you may have for surviving the prep for a colonoscopy. I have to admit that I have avoided having my first one for several years because I hear such horror stories about the stuff you have to drink. Well, one of my resolutions for this year was to have this done so my appointment is next Monday.:ohwell:

    I've heard a few ideas from friends and so far, the best idea seems to be dissolving the powder in chicken stock and heat it for a few seconds so it resembles one of those "to-go" cans of soup. If you have a tried and true suggestion, I would love to hear it!

    Hope everyone's day is going well!

    Ohio Mom... I had mine this year... it wasn't really awful... I preferred it cold... and then I used a straw. The faster you can get it down the better. Drink as much as you can in the first gulps; it's harder to make yourself drink it when you know how much you don't want to! :smile: I thought it was harder to drink it at 3:30am... never realized I had to do a second cleanse.
    My Dr. also recommended that I reduce dramatically the kinds of foods I ate 2 days in advance. No veggies, meats... only fruit (I ate canned) and turkey/chicken.... (I just ate deli meat). It really did help and I didn't have a lot of discomfort. Good Luck!:ohwell:

    Rainy day here today and my little dog isn't feeling well. I thought she had bloat. She kind of does... only it's not gas, she is just totally backed up. She is now at the vet for an enema... say a prayer for the little thing... I'll try and post a photo of the little gal.. PepperAnn. She's a doll.

    Have a great day everyone!

    Tammy in Va Beach
  • nonniArteaga
    Bump to read this evening :) good day everyone :)
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    I am extremely busy, and haven't had time to read posts, but wanted to tell you that I had a good time visiting my mother on Saturday. I have to get back to work, so have a good Monday, and carry on those healthy lifestyles! Mary