

  • AmyMgetsfit
    AmyMgetsfit Posts: 636 Member
    Can I join you all? You sound like a fun group. I am a 58 year old wife, mom and grandma. I currently live in Michigan after living in Colorado for 32 years. I started MFP a year ago and lost my focus and quit. I am hoping to have better luck this time which is why I am being more sociable this time around. I kept to myself and never made friends here the first time around. I need the support, so I am joining in this time. I am recovering from a shoulder injury. I had 3 months of PT on it. It is much better, but still a little painful and I am still working on my range of motion. I had about 35-40lbs to lose. I am playing it by ear though. I want to be healthy and fit, the scale is not that important to me. I feel I will know when to stop the weight loss and just go for lifestyle when I get there. I have lost 8lbs. I gave up my 3 cans a day coke habit 2 weeks ago. I don't even miss it. I still have 2 cans left that I haven't touched. So far they don't tempt me.
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    So it's Monday but here in Canada is family day. So no school or work. Hope the stores are open. But maybe not. Already have one big poor mans cake out of the oven. Have a big tray of jello ready. Need to make one more cake. And deliver that this afternoon for a curlings bonspiel.

    And you sent me another 1.2 lb. No i'll blame that on the chinese food I had last night. Hopefully only a water retention gain.
    Good luck at the neurologist appointment.

    You are very fortunate to still have your Mom.

    You sound a lot like me. I'm such a last minute person but I always get it done.
    Makes you feel good when someone notices your loss.
    Glad your feeling somewhat better.

    Nice holiday. To bad you had bummer with the bum.
    Job something will come around. Don't give up.

    Why do cheerleaders need to be in your area start with us. Join us here.

    So you showed doctors and your body who was boss. Sorry about the terrible accident.
    Great weight loss.

    Welcome. Looks like your on the right path to losing weight.

    Join you already have by posting. Welcome and keep doing what your doing.

    Bet it feels good to be home. Those little ones sure can be hard on us older folks.
    I had a sick grandson here for 4 days last week.

    Jane M
    Hope today is great also

    Sorry to hear about your grandad. But it's your poor old grandma that will be lost through it all.
    I'm sure you will see to her comfort.
    Good for you for hitting the gym and getting back with it.

    For the cauliflower fried rice ask for it in utube and there's a video on how to make it.
    Sorry your not feeling good don't go push yourself to hard at training. Take is easy.

    Took down your recipe sounds good. Safe travels.

    Jane SLC
    Wow your mom lived to be a ripe old age. Hope you do the same and as healthy.
    Sounds like a busy time coming up.

    Not Monday but Today

    Wow 14 freezer meals kept busy but now the cooking is done.
    Your women's group sounds like fun.

    Ohiomomof 2
    You must log for success.

    Just keep hanging around maybe some of your motivation will rub off on me.

    Stick to it the plateau will break.

    Welcome and join right in.

    Well I must continue with this baking and clean the kitchen sure makes a mess this baking.
    Then I must see to some sort of exercise. What don't know yet but something.

    Today shall be great as I will see to it being such.
    Linda Northern Ontario.
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Lovely Sunny Monday all my Vit F's

    Another weekend gone and once again I didn't get on the computer to see how everyone is doing. It was another busy one for us and some good and not so good eating was done. Good thing I come back to work on Mondays where all my eating is totally under control:blushing:

    Everyone have a good Monday, I will try and catch up on what everyone was doing as soon as I can.

    :drinker: :drinker: I'm drinking my water and hoping that all of you are too...log that food...get up and move LET"S be successful today.

    Laura 80111 in Colorado:smile:

    PS I saw Jane H on Saturday at the Author Reception book signing and it was really good. Mary Catherine Carwile has written two books her first Heartstrings At 35,000 Feet is full of inspirational stories about her encounters with passengers flying (she changed careers at age 56 to become a flight attendant) is excellent and I totally recommend it. Her other book is about being a Breast Cancer Survivor, I haven't read it yet but if it's anything like her first and her talk on Saturday I'm sure I will be loving it.
    Thanks Jane for inviting me...have a good time in Mexico:flowerforyou:
    MTGWW Posts: 34
    After getting off to a great start, I unexpectedly had foot surgery last week. Absolutely no weight bearing on my foot for 3 months and then I will have to do the other one. I had two very ruined Achilles' tendons. It will be nice to know that down the road my feet will eventually be good again, after dealing with the pain for the last ten years, but I so want to go forward with my weight loss efforts now. Has anyone lst weight without exercise?
  • kew1952
    kew1952 Posts: 52 Member
    Haven't had a chance to read thru all the posts. Just returned from a 7 day cruise...it's hard getting back to the basics now. I got my runs in for the first 2 days, then hurt my back so even walking was a challenge. I did eats lots of fruits but I also indulged in some desserts. I have to remind myself this is life and as long as I quickly get back into the saddle that is what counts. Hope everyone is having a good month so far.
  • mwheatcraft54
    mwheatcraft54 Posts: 235 Member
    Hi, everyone -

    Just a quick note to say I'm back from the visit with the grandbaby - who was adorable (as they all are). She took a few days to warm up to me, but once we figured out our "roles" we got along great - she was running up and giving me hugs, and when I babysat her all day and night we didn't have a single hickup. The most fun was taking her shopping for her first baby doll. She picked it out herself - the one with a baby bottle and pacifier that she spent a lot of time trying to shove into the baby's mouth :smile:. Love, love, love that little girl. DD and I had a wonderful visit as well. We got to go to the beach on Friday and just spent a lot of time together. Only drawback is that I'm usually on East Coast time so have to go to sleep early.

    My mother called me yesterday to tell me she's in the hospital, where she had been off and on since Friday. Very annoyed that she didn't let me know earlier as I was flying through Denver on my way home on Saturday and could have just gotten off the plane there and headed over the BV. Anyway, she thought she was having a heart attack but it's not her heart. They're still doing tests to determine what the problem is - seems like it might be a blood clot from the sounds of it but they're also testing her for meningitis. My sister is flying out today since my work project from heck is still keeping me busy, but if things get bad I'll have to head out there as well. At least my sister will be able to spend the week with Mom and get her to her appointments, etc. once she's out of the hospital. Then my brother offered to drive out and spend time with her if we still need more help. Ah, the sandwich generation.

    Diet and exercise are still on track even though I've been intermittent with recording here. I managed to work out most of the days in Cali and keep the calories on target. I've been plateaued at around 161 for a few weeks now but lost another inch off my waist. I'd like to lose another 10lbs at least, but if I don't I'm comfortable where I am. I'm getting my gym set up with the pull-up bar and new flooring so when I finish this round of Combat I'll have it ready for the next round of P90X/Combat hybrid. I think that will probably be the program I stick with for now, at least until I get bored with it lol.

    I'll catch up with everyone in a bit.


  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    After getting off to a great start, I unexpectedly had foot surgery last week. Absolutely no weight bearing on my foot for 3 months and then I will have to do the other one. I had two very ruined Achilles' tendons. It will be nice to know that down the road my feet will eventually be good again, after dealing with the pain for the last ten years, but I so want to go forward with my weight loss efforts now. Has anyone lst weight without exercise?

    Yes! you can lose weight without. People in wheelchairs would be in somewhat of a similar position as you. I lost 35lbs in 5 months just by eating the right foods when I was 55. But, hopefully you can do some upper body stuff.

    Best of luck!

    Vancouver Island, BC
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member

    And you sent me another 1.2 lb. No i'll blame that on the chinese food I had last night. Hopefully only a water retention gain.
    Good luck at the neurologist appointment.

    Linda Northern Ontario.

    It wasn't me this time. No weight missing from this body. :noway: :noway: It must have been somebody else.:laugh: :laugh:

    Katla in NW Oregon
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy President`s day1We had a Violet sleepover so she could hang out with her aunt.Maybe a sleepover tonite,if she doesn`t get home sick.
    Got some cleaning done.Gonna take Violet out today.Will catch up later.
    Welcome Amy and anyone else I may have missed.
  • jodios528
    jodios528 Posts: 379 Member
    I'm so far behind on this thread and have little time to respond, but here goes:

    :cry: To all who are feeling under the weather - I'm wishing you speedy recoveries. Take good care of yourselves and listen to your bodies (e.g don't be an idiot like me and rush back into exercising only to relapse!)

    :grumble: To all those experiencing a stressful situation (sending good vibes out to you Ohiomom) - good luck and wishing all good results

    :mad: For all those feeling frustrated or down - you've found the right place. I've only been part of this group for a little over a month, but such an inspiring and encouraging group it is. Do NOT give up or give in. I'm a very bad golfer and a great lesson I learned is that every hole is a new opportunity...so is every meal. Let go of the slips and get back at being healthy and good to yourself the very next opportunity you have.

    :flowerforyou: To all the newbies - welcome from a fellow newbie. You picked a great group to join. Reach out and make friends. I can only hope I give back a fraction of what I've taken away from this group.

    Well that's all I have time for now...work is waiting :noway:

    Have a great healthy day! Jodios
  • determinedinAZ
    determinedinAZ Posts: 97 Member
    Glad to see everyone on here. I try to read as much as I can ....but not always successful to catch em all. Had the grandkids over this weekend. They kept us busy. 11, 10 and 7 whew. They are headed home today. We had fun playing games, taking walks, watching movies.......of course they had their computers too. We try to limit the time on those. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    :wink: A new week starts and I'm feeling good about the food thing. :drinker: drinking lots of water. trying to get that walk into my day either outside or on the treadmill. :glasses:

    I'm not on here everyday typing but I try to drop in to mark my place. Have a wonderful day. I'm lucky to have President's Day off with my husband. We only get a two day weekend once in awhile. Take care!:blushing:

    Determined in AZ (Barb)
  • BetsyAnn2013
    BetsyAnn2013 Posts: 37 Member
    Hi y'all! I'm feeling tired today and dreading getting on the scale after a weekend of no exercise. This is the time of year I dread, cold weather still hanging on, only little promises of springtime. I'm tired of the cold and walking in the dark! :grumble: At least my DH is supportive and I've got vitamin F to get me through to warmer days ahead!

    It's difficult to keep up with all the posts, but I enjoy reading where everyone is at in their life's journey. Keep going strong!
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I think I need to up my calories. MFP initially set me at 1490 but my dietician set me at 1300 since I was so inactive. I am not that inactive now and I am at such a platoau. Shoot, I can't get that word spelled right. Anyway I think I am going to up my calories to see if it helps.

    Oh the joys of a colonoscopy. My husband needs one, his Mom has a lot of polyps and his brother had 22 removed at his last one. My DH refuses. His excuse was that in his job he delivered medicine to that department weekly and he didn't want tohose nurses to be looking at his skinny butt. Well guess what, he retired 2 years ago and he doens't even have to go there for the procedure now.
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Happy Monday to everyone where it is still Monday!

    I went on a Mommy/ Daughter ski weekend with my lovely DD and another Mommy/Daughter group. For teenage girls they certainly do like hanging with us "old folk"! We had a great time and came back all in one piece.

    I was so tired when we got to the hotel on Saturday that I fell asleep before I could log in and post anything. Oh well. The other Mom is a Physical Therapist and Nutritionist, so be assured we ate healthy and well.

    My lunch break (30 minutes) is over and it's back to work I go.

    Best wishes to all of you in what comes your way today,

    Jeannie in New Mexico
  • brendae61
    Hi ladies:smile: I posted at the beginning of the month wanting to join your challenge and being new to the site didn't know how to find this thread again lol! So happy i just stumbled across it again! Hope everyone is having a great day-for once the sun is shining here in New York. My doctor says all New Yorkers should be on Vitamin D because of our lack of sunshine :laugh: . Thanks for all the posts they are so encouraging and inspiring. I had my first weigh in on Saturday after being with MFP for a month and was very pleased with a 26lb loss. Even though i have so much more to lose, i find i don't dwell on that anymore and take it day by day! Thanks again for all the support, motivation, and inspiration! You ladies ROCK :heart:
  • brookehe
    brookehe Posts: 413 Member
    I had my first weigh in on Saturday after being with MFP for a month and was very pleased with a 26lb loss. Even though i have so much more to lose, i find i don't dwell on that anymore and take it day by day! Thanks again for all the support, motivation, and inspiration! You ladies ROCK :heart:

    Wow - 26 lbs. in one month????? I'm in awe. Keep up whatever you're doing, it's definitely working! :happy:

    Brooke from Colorado
  • nanasorchid52
    Hi all you beautiful ladies!

    Just a quick post today. Went to my fantastic chiropractor today for my monthly adjustment. He has healed my old broken body over the past two years!,

    Then popped into my old school to take some of the staff out to lunch for a catch up. ( yes I ate healthily ) Nice to see the old place, but no regrets about leaving- it was the right time.

    Whilst shopping bumped into a friend who had been on holiday and we went for a drink. Well she had wine - me black coffee. So good hearing about Singapore, Indonesia and Malaysia. I have had fantastic holidays in these places in the past although she was back packing ( not for me) she is only 61 years young.

    Well must dash

    Keep smiling
  • glendalight
    glendalight Posts: 127 Member
    Wow - just read through all the posts from the weekend! You are all so busy!

    I am back from my weekend in the mountains - I really had a good sleep in this morning. I guess all that cooking and playing in the snow wears the old body out. :wink: Tonight, the four grands are coming over for dinner and a movie and a sleepover....good times!:happy: It is Family Day here and so they are all on holiday this week. I hope to get a walk in the sunshine before they arrive so better get at it!

    Have a great day all! Stay healthy...be active!

  • allisonlane61
    allisonlane61 Posts: 187 Member
    I am also back from my weekend in the mountains. I woke up this morning and it was 4 degrees with a negative teen wind chill.

    I also woke up to an email telling me I won a lottery spot in the Broad Street Run, so now it's training time. Unfortunately, I opted out of running in 4 degrees. I am a mostly low GI raw fruit/veggie eater along with lean proteins. I am thinking I may need to tweak my diet for the training, but I am not going to do the starchy carbs. This race changes everything to some degree for the next ten weeks. I did indulge once again during girls night and doing the Bacardi and diet coke diet, but that's also out now for the next few months...too bad to! I finally figured out how much to drink to make me want to dance, and went all out by dancing with "men" young enough to be my sons. Thank goodness what happens in the Catskills stays in the Catskills. If only my dancing partners knew I was 51.

    Jackie in cherry hill outside of Philly.
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,218 Member
    Greetings to all from rainy/sleety Omaha. It’s grey and bleak out but I actually enjoy it. I’m actually feeling well today! Hooray! Yesterday I did get my first chapter for the book I’m editing done and sent off and got all my papers graded, so woo hoo. Only took my 10 hours…bleh. But it’s one more thing off the list! I have to teach all afternoon here in a few minutes. They are taking a test now and someone else is proctoring it for me. So I’ll be analyzing statistics all afternoon, which gets me out of a dreaded meeting!:tongue:

    Barb: sounds like you are having a great time!

    Robin: oh my! I can’t imagine sitting on a horse in that condition either! Owser!!! I hope things are getting back to normal now! :flowerforyou:

    Jo: so glad to hear you have full function again! What a time you must have had!

    Grandmallie: welcome! We actually have robins already

    Nancy: welcome to you too!

    Sue: I was hospitalized with c dif once too. Miserable! I’d take you up on your offer if I could!!!

    Jane: nice to hear you had some down time!

    Jolene: Oh I’m so sorry to hear about your loss and the illness in your house and your pain! What a bad combination. I’m sure your dad and grandmother appreciate all you are doing for them. We are here for you so come back often!:flowerforyou:

    DeeDee: haven’t heard much about your coffee klatches lately…I was wondering if you abdicated your tiara. :happy: You know the Pope quit, so I guess you could too!:laugh: But I’m sure the guys would not recover!

    Michelle: you reminded me that we have coleslaw to eat up too!

    Jane: oh my that upcoming trial has got to be stressful. Take care.

    Mary: It’s not a holiday where I work either!

    Liz: nice of you to indulge your daughter at a movie you have already seen!

    Ohiomom: you are more than halfway there! The prep is worse than the test! Let us know how you feel!

    DeeDee: your tea is magic so I hope you get well soon!:flowerforyou:

    Tammy: yes it WILL happen!

    Amy: welcome. It sounds like you have made a good start

    LindaC: sounds like you have a busy day ahead of you. Find time for some healthy activity!

    Laura: sounds like a great time at the reception! Did you know Jane H before?

    MTGWW: can you do anything in the water yet?

    M: Oh my goodness! I ‘ll send get well wishes to mom! Keep us informed!:flowerforyou:

    Well that’s all I have for today. Got to grade my test! Take care, Meg:drinker: