

  • Me too!!!! Good luck, I know you will do great!
  • Hi - I am going to add all of you if you don't mind! I would also love to make some friends too - we can be each others cheerleaders!
  • Yes, I think I walk more than 6,000 steps a day as the last time I did own a pedometer my day at work was well over 9,000 steps in a day, but of course it varies. Somehow it got lost, I do need to replace that. In my position I also physically manage children on a daily basis.
  • I was in this same situation only with my sister. She couldn't be in the same room as me as I got my food when I initially started as I measured everything. I am now one month in and have lost 9 lbs so far, and yesterday for the first time she acknowledged that she is seeing a difference in how I look. I agree with the…
  • One low cal (100 calorie) english muffin with a wedge of laughing cow cheese, tastes just like cream cheese!! 135 calorie breakfast
  • Thanks for your condolences. She always said to pick yourself up by your bootstraps and carry on. She would be smiling today. So am I
  • Thanks to all! I am just so excited, I couldn't help myself but to share. One success has to lead to another!
  • I have contemplated doing this so many times before, and would love to try. How many calories are in the smoothie? Thanks for posting!
  • Way to go!!!! I LoVE that feeling!
  • I live in AZ and it is always hot here, so it doesn't give me much options for going out during the day for a work out. What I have been doing is going swimming, dancing around my house to my favorite music as well as dancing along to a latin dance mix workout DVD that cost me 5 dollars for an hour workout. Cleaning around…
  • I think what I am going to do is be discreet around her, but be proud of what I am doing still. My Mom especially loves talking about the fun facts she has found out about our food intake, and I enjoy talking it over with her. So maybe while my sister is out of the room and can continue speaking openly. I also won't go…
  • I will definitely keep that in mind! That's very helpful, thank you
  • Yes I have already lost 2 pounds since starting a week ago, I love how in control I feel. It really does help keep you on track! ~ to vvnam To debronaski~ I hope that is the final result as it is what I am hoping for. Thanks so much to u both
  • She has put on weight within the past year while going our parents went through custody battle for her, as well as the loss of our Grandma to cancer in February.
  • Thank you all so much for your encouraging words! This all is helping me and I was almost to tears reading your kind words. To answer the questions, she is 15 years old, and she is taller than me but also weighs about what I do if not a little over. When I started I was 194, she said she is at 200 ( but of this I do not…
  • Yeah I really am not, and I can't figure it out either. I haven't said anything regarding how much she eats or what she eats or how she looks unless I am telling her she is beautiful. I also explained during our talk that morbid obesity and high cholesterol are hereditary for me and I would rather do something about my…