beanaj Member


  • I feel your struggle! I gained 50lbs in 6months after starting Prozac. I had just lost 25lbs and was so happy about it, only to double the gain back. I talked to my doctor and was put on Wellbutrin, which stopped the speeding gain, but left me stalled no matter what I did. I decided the weight gain was making my depression…
  • Yes! This is my problem...if I"m not perfect I give up and wait for a new "start over" date. This has done nothing for me. I need to remember to accept the bad days and KEEP GOING. Thanks
  • I'm back at it again too!! This time, I'd love to use support of other members. Anyone can add me. I'm determined to be successful. :smile:
  • I hope to have a success story similar to yours!! Congrats. You look amazing.
  • People are scared that they'll be left in the dust. They know they need to get healthy too but it's hard to admidt you don't have the will power or strength to do so. Misery loves company! :)
  • I totally agree with you and I like to give people slack when it comes to this too...BUT, her brothers have told her she needed to lose to weight. So it's not taboo. They have already admidtted they think she was overweight so they should have NO problem now saying how great she looks!
  • Or they didn't say anything because they couldn't....too busy choking on their words or that big fat crow stuck in their throat. Ha!
  • This is the TRUE way to do it! Eat, exercise and give it time. You look fantastic and just motivated me to put on my running clothes and get outside! Thanks
  • I think they DO notice. Just too insecure, jealous, to say anything. People like that are very comfortable saying negative things to others but very UNcomfortable giving compliments. I say, use this to fuel your fire and STICK IT TO 'EM! Show them you can work hard and look AMAZING without any help from them. You're in…
  • Yes! I absolutely want to do this. I'm in for 50miles. Thanks
  • VERY well done! You made me want to stand up and cheer!! :happy: I'm going to say to myself next time I'm tempted with cake and ice cream that it will only lead to broken dreams and regret. Thanks for the motivation. ps - my parents also bought a nordic track in the 90's! :laugh:
  • Oh my gosh!! Amazing! :noway: I'm so impressed, you look GREAT.
  • Go gluten and sugar free for awhile, you'll notice a big difference in this area. Then slowly add these items back into your diet (IF you want).
  • AMAZING! Thank you for your story! I love it when success stories actually put "how" they did it so that others can get some advice/tips. You look soo great, goood job! You've changed your life.
  • Awesome! Thanks for all the info. I used to run (before weight gain) and am trying to get back into it. I have a half marathon in May. I know it will all come down to how much I eat during training. :smile: Good luck with all your goals. They sound great and I hope to be there some day too.
  • WOW, AMAZING!! Great job. I'm the same height as you and need to lose about 50lbs. Would love to hear how you did it and what your fitness goals are. very inspirational.
  • Hi Everyone! I've been waiting for feb 1st to start hanging out with Jillian! :) I'll be doing 30 DS and every few days mix it up with Shred It - with weights. Also by Jillian so I'm going to count it. I love her videos and am looking forward to some great progress. Good luck everyone!
    in Hi! Comment by beanaj January 2013
  • I'm in too. I have 50lbs to lose, more like 60+ but shooting for 50 right now.