

  • The difference is clearly noticeable !! Good job and thanks for sharing your success with the rest of us - it's sooooo encouraging !!
  • Be encouraged !! You're doing so well :D and you look great - and I agree, you don't appear to weigh as much as you do. BTW love your expression ::sqquuuueeeee::
  • You can do it !! I had never made a conscious effort to lose weight - this is my first time round and God willing, it will be the only time :D But MFP seems to me one of the best ways to go about it. You have your friends, old and new, for support, a forum for advice and questions you can ask or answer - this site/app…
  • Hi :) You'll find plenty of friends and support here All the best !!
  • Born in South Korea - moved to Maryland at the age of 1, then California at 4 and then at 25 came to live here in Rome, Italy :D ** ci sono altri in/dall'Italia ? ::ciao::
  • Wow - Excellent idea from cramernh !! I may have to give that a try, myself :)
  • Hi !! I just started using MFP and find it soooo very helpful - the message board is great, too - lots of advice and tips :) Good on you for losing the first 16 lbs !! I'd be thrilled to lose as much :) ::cheer::
  • Hi and welcome !! This is a great place to find support and encouragement - you can do it !! :D
  • wow !! That's great :) You seem to have done extremely well on your own - checking in every now and then on here will be a good source of encouragement as you'll have support and you just may be an inspiration to others. win - win What could be better ? :D Have a great day !!
  • Congrats on the 15 lbs already lost !! MFP is full of success stories ... I read a few each day for encouragement :) You can do it !!
  • Hi - I just recently started, too and I'm 5'4 at 185 ... My goal is to get to 145. Congratulations on your new baby !! I've seen a lot of success stories in the forums - you can do it, too !! :)