

  • 3-4 meals a week, mainly on weekends and maybe one lazy weekday.
  • I eat a small Greek yogurt/granola mix on workout mornings, otherwise I feel really faint and lightheaded any time my heart rate shoots up. Rest days, I just skip breakfast and get right to lunch. Don't feel any hungrier for it. For about half a year, I totally subscribed to the "BREAKFAST IS KINGGG" idea-- then I realized…
  • Quoting this part because it bears repeating: sometimes the number on the scale doesn't seem to move, but the visuals can still be vastly improved, especially as you're nearing your final goal. It's very motivating to know how far you've come.
  • I eat a sandwich between sets. But honestly, I eat whenever I get hungry. My appetite usually disappears when I work out, then comes back maybe 1-2 hours later.
  • My waist is 25" and my hips are 35" but I can wear anything from a size 0-4 (or 25-27) depending on the brand and the cut of the pants. I imagine waist size is actually not all that useful for most jeans nowadays, since very few actually hit your true waist and different designers will base their measurements off of…
  • I normally mix some fruit in with plain Greek yogurt and touch of honey or stevia-- get a healthy dose of easy protein, plus my fruit fix.
  • I tried this for awhile and for me, psychologically, it just didn't work. I hated thinking that I was restricting myself during the week and working up some kind of "reward" at the end. It caused me to develop an unhealthy relationship with food-- as if the healthy stuff was something I had to suffer through before I got…
  • I thought this was an awesome idea up until I read the second ingredient.
  • Lift heavy, eat more. Seriously, lifting 3x a week has done more for me in 2 months than 20 minutes of crunches 5x a week for 6 months.
  • I've been wondering about this, too. 2Tbsp of PB is already a lot for one slice! Maybe it's a monster-sized piece of bread? (in which case, >>100 Calories/slice)
  • Probably evil if you have gluten allergies. Otherwise, naw.
  • This is pretty much what I do. I find that most healthier alternatives don't calm the craving and I end up eating what I originally wanted anyways.
  • Where I work (university), free food is used to lure people to show up to talks and seminars, and the leftovers often end up in the breakroom as a free-for-all, so I totally get where you're coming from. "Food I don't have to pay for? COUNT ME IN." If it happens CONSTANTLY (like once a week or more), then you should…
  • Plain 0% or 2% Fage (best calorie:protein ratio and good texture) with honey, berries (fresh or frozen), and granola mixed in has been my favorite. I've been buying Trader Joe's 0% MF Greek yogurt as a cheaper alternative, though.
  • Honestly, there's nothing inherently evil about carbs. I think people need to try to differentiate between (or clarify) the types of carbohydrates they're talking about.Fruits and veggies contain them! The only form of carb I would avoid are those with high glycemic indices (GI) to avoid spikes in blood sugar and…