

  • Personally I always skip breakfast anyways. Ill have a protein shake but my dont have any solid food until noon or so. Contrary to popular belief there is nothing wrong with this. It wont "slow down" your metabolism. Cereal companies have been marketing the "most important meal of the day" as dogma for decades. For me…
  • sorry for typos, Im using phone and I have fat thumbs lol
  • cut calories by 10% or 170 cals. Although are you counting literaly everything that goes into your mouth? Fruit, juices, and sauces can ads up to hubdreds of calories a day. A good rule of thimb is you should never drink your calories. Even healthy juices like orange juice are going to be over 100 cals. Ketchup, bbq sauce…
  • "eating healthy" isnt enough. You need to know how many calories are going in vs. how many you burn. Very simply, everyone burns a cerain amount of calories over the course of a day. This is called your mainetenence. If you take i less calories then maintenence you lose weight. More, and you'll gain it. Cardio is only…
  • 10% only after you havent noticed any change for a 3-5 days. Start with 20% below maintenence though. Ex. if your maintenence is 3000 cals, eat 500-600 less (2400). If you havent lost any weight in a week or so, drop it 10% or so. If you find your losing TOO fast (more then 2-3 lbs/week, unless your obese then you mihht…
  • Dont worry about what the calculator spits out for your daily caloric requirements. They'll need to be adjusted in the real world anyways. Ive found a quick and dirty way to figure out yohr energy expenditures is multiply your weight by 15. Most fancy calculators come out to aboht that anyways. Then eat accordingly. If you…
  • TDEE isn't a diet plan, its just a way of calculating energy expenditure. Its usually referred to in the IIFYM diet plan (if it fits your macros). Is that what you mean? If so, then yes, thats how I eat and for me it works excellent. Ive lost about 20 lbs in just over two months, with very little muscle loss. I am…
  • Depends what kind of exercise you're doong and whay your goals are. If you're doing resistence training and teying to build.muscle, then absolutely you want to eat sometuing with protein AND carbs (to refill glycogen stores) and provide your bodynwith the enerfy and fuel it needs to repair muscle. If you're trying to lose…
  • First of all, dont listen to people who say "oh your too skinny fornyour height" In my experience, thats what people say who are not in shape but dont want to work out/diet and so they'd rather wverybody just look like them. As to the OP question, yiu are probably around 20% bf. Its important to remember females have much…