4 of them........4!

Hello Everyone!

I've been working on losing weight for about 27 days and I haven't lost any pounds, instead I gained 4 lbs! :-O

I go to gym all the time and I eat healthy and stuff, but it' s not seeming to work! I really wanna know what Im doing wrong.


  • 2pupsmama
    2pupsmama Posts: 77
    Respectfully, there is not enough information given to help you with your question.
  • 37434958
    37434958 Posts: 457 Member
    What other info will help? I'll be willing to add it =)
  • CristinaL1983
    CristinaL1983 Posts: 1,119 Member
    What other info will help? I'll be willing to add it =)

    Height, weight, how much you are eating, goal weight, what kind of workout, are you measuring all your food, etc...
  • CoraGregoryCPA
    CoraGregoryCPA Posts: 1,087 Member
    Do you eat your exercise calories? Can you share your diary? How many calories do you eat daily? Do you log everything including oils you use for cooking? Do you measure and weigh your food? Eyeballing does not work.

    If you eat your exercise calories back, you could be overestimating them and eating too much. Try eating 1/2 of your calories back and see what happens. Just try it, not forever, just try it.
  • "eating healthy" isnt enough. You need to know how many calories are going in vs. how many you burn.

    Very simply, everyone burns a cerain amount of calories over the course of a day. This is called your mainetenence. If you take i less calories then maintenence you lose weight. More, and you'll gain it.

    Cardio is only relevent insofar as it raises your calories burned on a given day. You can lose weight without any at all (althoguh there are obvious strength/health benefits to cardio as well). I personally lift weights 5 times/week. Never do any cardio.

    If your maintenence is 2500 cals/day, and you eat 3000 cals of lean chicken, and green vegtables (this would be quite hard however, but just as a hypothetical) you will gain weight. ait doesnt natter that those foods are healthy.

    Counting calories is pretty much a necessity.
  • 37434958
    37434958 Posts: 457 Member
    I actually don't eat my exercise calories, rarely. And I am 5'7, my GW is 130 lb, and I do body combat 2 times a week, 3 times a week I do elliptical, bike, and treadmill and on Fridays I usually go ice skating.

    My calorie intake is about 1700.

    Hope that helped?
  • 2pupsmama
    2pupsmama Posts: 77
    What are you eating?
    How many Calories per day?
    How Many calories are you burning?
    Have you noticed a change in your measurements?
    Do your clothes fit differently?
    Are you holding water (High sodium diet, TOM etc)?
    Are you logging?
    Are you on medications?
    How much weight do you want to lose?
    How close are you to that goal?
    Start with those, I'm sure that you will get alot more responses and links. :flowerforyou:
  • 37434958
    37434958 Posts: 457 Member
    I eat eggs, bread, tomatoes, veggies, chicken, rice....etc
    Burning a minimum of 400 a day.
    And yes, sorta :-S
    I'm currently off TOM but when I am on TOM i gain 4 lb!
    I log every day
    And no, not on medications....I do take Aerosol once or twice a month.
    I want to lose 30 lb.
    Not close at all.

    Thank you =)
  • cut calories by 10% or 170 cals.

    Although are you counting literaly everything that goes into your mouth? Fruit, juices, and sauces can ads up to hubdreds of calories a day. A good rule of thimb is you should never drink your calories. Even healthy juices like orange juice are going to be over 100 cals. Ketchup, bbq sauce etc. will add up pretty quickly.
  • sorry for typos, Im using phone and I have fat thumbs lol
  • 37434958
    37434958 Posts: 457 Member
    I don't use sauces cause I dont like sauce. lol.

    But I do log things like juice even though I dont drink it a lot!
  • 37434958
    37434958 Posts: 457 Member
    sorry for typos, Im using phone and I have fat thumbs lol

    Lol its totally alright!
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    What other info will help? I'll be willing to add it =)

    Height, weight, how much you are eating, goal weight, what kind of workout, are you measuring all your food, etc...
    gender, age...
  • 37434958
    37434958 Posts: 457 Member
    I am 18
  • slavonka23
    slavonka23 Posts: 177 Member
    I have that problem too... :explode: everything was great untill I started with weight training 4x a week (PUMP).. trainer said that's happening because new training routine... my muscles are "bigger" and full of water.. :sad:

    4 times a week PUMP training in my gym (60min) => sth like this http://www.beachbody.com/product/fitness_programs/les-mills-pump-workout.do

    1x after PUMP - HITT (2min walking + 1min running) = 21min

    1x cardio 60min

    5x times a week exercising...170cm / 72kg / 24years / 1800kcal...carb cycling ( 110/60/60/60/0/0/90g Carbs)

    My GW is 63kg!

    sorry for my english :flowerforyou:
  • chocolatierswife
    chocolatierswife Posts: 19 Member
    I eat eggs, bread, tomatoes, veggies, chicken, rice....etc
    Burning a minimum of 400 a day.
    And yes, sorta :-S
    I'm currently off TOM but when I am on TOM i gain 4 lb!
    I log every day
    And no, not on medications....I do take Aerosol once or twice a month.
    I want to lose 30 lb.
    Not close at all.

    Thank you =)

    water retention, hormones due to TOM. i find i gain that week as well.
  • CristinaL1983
    CristinaL1983 Posts: 1,119 Member
    Are you weighing the foods like chicken, other meats, rice, oatmeal (if you eat those)?

    When I started weighing my foods I found that I was overestimating how much chicken and rice I was eating but underestimating oats and other stuff (I was using measuring cups but was still off). Those extra calories can add up quickly. [I was losing weight because I was overestimating most of my intake but I've heard tons of people say that they found out they were underestimating.]

    If you are measuring, I would say that the only thing left to do is cut your calories by a bit. Someone recommended cutting them by 10% which should be perfectly safe.

    Having said that, I'm the same height as you and the "perfect" BMI weight is 140. At 140lbs I would only be 11% body fat which is quite unhealthy (for a woman) so I'm shooting for 150 (18% bodyfat) 160 is only considered overweight by 1 lb. You might want to re-evaluate your goals using your lean body mass to get a good idea of where you are and where you should end up. (130 is the very lower limit for someone our height and a lot of that depends on lean body mass.)
  • 37434958
    37434958 Posts: 457 Member
    Hmm that sounds pretty clear. And yes I do measure exactly. Thanks for the advice, tho!