Question about lean body mass



  • qtiekiki
    qtiekiki Posts: 1,490 Member
    You can only see it when I bend over or when I am in a plank position. It hangs down, not as much as when I first starting exercising. Standing up, you can't see it.
  • IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym
    IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym Posts: 5,573 Member
    you're definitely not too skinny, in fact, you look fit and great! I don't trust body fat indicators, personally. Instead, I trust my mirror and myself.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    You can only see it when I bend over or when I am in a plank position. It hangs down, not as much as when I first starting exercising. Standing up, you can't see it.

    I have that too. It's probably from having babies and I doubt there's much that can be done about it (besides surgery).
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I think you look great. I'd guess your body fat percentage to be around 18%.

    But there's nothing wrong with wanting to gain more lean body mass (i.e. muscles). Lift weights, eat a lot.

  • qtiekiki
    qtiekiki Posts: 1,490 Member
    You can only see it when I bend over or when I am in a plank position. It hangs down, not as much as when I first starting exercising. Standing up, you can't see it.

    I have that too. It's probably from having babies and I doubt there's much that can be done about it (besides surgery).

    Yes. My OB said "Our skin is not like rubber band. It doesn't bounce completely back.". So I expected and accepted it. I am actually very surprised by my body. I never imagined that it can look this way. And there are so many moms on here that looks amazing, you included Rae. I've seen your transformation from weight lifting. Just amazing.
  • First of all, dont listen to people who say "oh your too skinny fornyour height"

    In my experience, thats what people say who are not in shape but dont want to work out/diet and so they'd rather wverybody just look like them.

    As to the OP question, yiu are probably around 20% bf. Its important to remember females have much higher levels of essential fat which is basiclly the fat you need to live (Males EF% is around 3....females around 12%. If you go below these numbers you will have serious health risks, incuding possibly death). Females carry more fat naturally and can get away with looking fantastic at higher levels.

    Males @ 20% bf typicallly dont look good. They're soft, doughy, and without much muscle definition. Females at 20% look great, and personally I think thats where the female body looks the best. When your talking competition (where all muscles pop, veins are obvious, striation is visible) you are talking around 6% for men and 15% for women.

    So if your female DO NOT compare your bf % number to a males. You guys look incredible at 20%. Thats where I think OP is.