
  • His reply here sure looks like he is trolling to me... lets all just move along...Better to spend the time on those who will listen and not debate the advise you all share....
  • My 3, 5 and 12 year olds all do a little P90X with us. Through varying levels of course... It has been a personal choice by each of them. Not once have we ever suggested it. They simply see Mom & Dad workout and they want to do it as well. It's not to the intensity we do it nor the duration. The important thing is they do…
  • It will be tough to hold those goals, they are very aggressive. The most important thing is don't let it be all or nothing. With that I mean if you fall short of your goal, don't get discouraged, just stick with it. As your signature says.... "It's not a diet, it's a life change". With that in mind, if you truly mean that,…
  • While that is a good rule for general health reasons, starvation mode is a myth. At least in the sense of a daily caloric requirement. Your minimum net calorie intake is more a factor derived from your personal BMR. It is an individual number not a generic one that applies to all. You will hit plateaus and judging by your…
  • The rule of thumb is I like cardio before as the body hits the fat stores for energy better. Strength training after so you your glycogen stores are up which is needed for better strength performance. For weight loss though I personally think before breakfast for either works well. Strength suffers a little but not enough…
  • The most important thing in that 30 days is the nutrition. Have you been eating well and eating enough? That is something you should look closely at. Also, I don't know whats in the 30 day shred but keep in mind if you add muscle, that scale will not move and it takes a little time to see the inches as well because of…