

  • Lose weight probably.
  • Yeah it is, it's ok to go over your amount for anything (well maybe not Sodium, that's bad for you) as long as your net amount is less than what your body needs.
  • Well let me put it this way. I have twenty burgers here and I want them to all go into my arms. How would I do that? Sounds impossible, huh? Why? Because your body distributes the fat where it needs it? There you have your answer: You can't lose fat where you want to.
  • What exactly are you asking for, replacement for soda or coffee? In any case: cold water.
  • Then my second guess is you're drinking a lot, which is very good and if it is the case I'm proud of you because many people like to neglect that. I've found a link that helps against having to wake up in the middle of the night just to pee.
  • My best bet is you're pregnant.
  • No I'm a virgin and play video games. Please tell me.
  • As a male I am seriously and intensely confused.
  • Nice hotpants. That's all.
  • Because I wasted two ****ing years on my ex and would beat myself senseless if given the opportunity to travel back in time.
  • I just came here to tell everyone I laughed out loud when I read people estimating her body fat to 25+%. In fact I am still laughing.
  • That's what it was supposed to mean :tongue: No, this is my way of telling you that you interpret insults into friendly greetings. Embittered much? Depends on what you've got to offer. Wazzzuuuuuuup! That's the spirit, way to go! Since I'm European and not a native English speaker I'm not all too familiar with slang, ya…
    in Hey ho Comment by andric1 July 2012
  • Perfectly fine by me, but it's not really low carb since you're way above any amount that would allow ketosis.
  • There goes me thinking facts weigh more than personal opinions. But hey, once reality kicks in, you'll find out for yourself that half-assed attempts at trying to change your life don't work. Believe whatever you want, it's your body, but keep in mind that every and I really mean every single diet that isn't revolving…
  • I'll be honest with you, I don't give half a **** about any personal trainer's opinion, not even if it was my own mother. It's 2012, there's free information everywhere for everyone. Paying for a diet/workout plan is close to the most ridiculous thing you can do nowadays. It just tells me you're too lazy to think for…
  • The only thing you will achieve by having such a big deficit is an even bigger yo-yo effect. If it takes people weeks and months to gain weight, what makes people believe it doesn't take weeks and months to lose said weight? I can't suggest anything without knowing how much you really need per day. Fill out whatever MFP…
  • #1) 1200-1500? Well how much now, the difference is 25%. #2) Did you consider that you may have gained muscle mass? #3) 3 Weeks is too little time to expect a lot change.
  • There's so many things wrong with only eating 1200 kCals per day. You'll find that out yourself though.
  • I think most of you people should first check on why and how the low carb diet works. Ketose, refeed, a strict <20-30g carbs per day, etc etc are absolutely non negotiable. You'll easily gain weight if you don't know what you're doing or just yo-yo the **** out of your body. There's people who devote their life to study…
  • Nah, I'm just a spirited personality. Also yeah, must be all that testo.
  • Don't you think you're shoving your opinion down everyone's throat a little? I feel better when I can "insult" myself and tell myself I'm nowhere where I deserve and should be. If I don't push myself no one else's going to do so. This is my opinion regarding losing weight/working out, other than that the theory "mind over…
  • March '12 - 115 kg July '12 - 97 kg Low carb diet 20 y/o 189cm Goal: ~10% body fat