Losing inches from everywhere except boobs!!

I've dropped a good few inches off waist and hips but my boobs are not getting any smaller so the more weight I lose, the more out of proportion I look. I'm wearing UK size 12 jeans but I tried on a size 14 dress the other day and it wouldn't do up over my chest.

I'm doing weight training as well as heavy cardio but I'm worried this will make it worse. I've been using a chest press machine and a pec deck to try and give my chest a lift.

I know I should be pleased that my boobs aren't deflating but seriously, can anyone recommend anything that might help get some inches off my bust?


  • WalterMom
    WalterMom Posts: 12
    I was a 38DDD after having kids. I LITERALLY had to sweat them off with a lot of running. I am now down to a comfortable 36D.
  • nickyjl81
    nickyjl81 Posts: 66
    I need to get them down before I have kids or I'm gonna have a problem of epic proportions! I was a 36G when I started losing weight, now I've lost around 14lbs and my band size has dropped to 34 but my cup size has gone up to GG!!
  • andric1
    andric1 Posts: 23
    As a male I am seriously and intensely confused.
  • dat5053
    dat5053 Posts: 13 Member
    I lost 50 lbs a couple years ago, I have always had a problem with the huge size of my boobs. At my thinnest they were a 40D and now they are a 42DD. Everyone had told me that the boobs would be the first to go. They actually got even bigger. I gained all that weight back, but i'm hopping this time around they will get back down to a normal size this time around. Everyone loses weight differently so for some people I guess those will just be the last to go.
  • taylor5877
    taylor5877 Posts: 1,792 Member
    yeah, another male here confused.

    Losing weight and keeping boobs...I fail to see the problem here...LOL.
  • nickyjl81
    nickyjl81 Posts: 66
    yeah, another male here confused.

    Losing weight and keeping boobs...I fail to see the problem here...LOL.

    LOL yes thanks for that but honestly I look like I need like massive feet to balance me out. I'll have to start wearing clown shoes to stop me falling over!!!
  • Chrysy87
    Chrysy87 Posts: 56 Member
    The problem is that large boobs make a person sore. Your back/shoulders hurt (even with a proper fitting bra) and they get in the way. Not to mention they are hard to strap down when you want to exercise. I have a 29'' waist and am a 32DD. They are a pain...literally. XD
  • sds76
    sds76 Posts: 215 Member
    I'm just at the start of my journey but I really hope to NOT lose my boobs. I am well...blessed...in that dept and though I want the band size to go down...I am happy with their size(amd so is DH)....I would love to firm them up though, nursing 5 kids has taken a toll :)
  • zophiel67
    zophiel67 Posts: 181
    yeah, another male here confused.

    Losing weight and keeping boobs...I fail to see the problem here...LOL.

    LOL yes thanks for that but honestly I look like I need like massive feet to balance me out. I'll have to start wearing clown shoes to stop me falling over!!!

    I love how they think this could never ever be a problem. Till they marry us and have to give us massages every night because our backs hurt and they see the grooves the straps leave in our shoulders. My hubby actually has to be careful not to roll over on top of them if I'm laying on my side.

    Unfortunately, I have no special tips. I'm not far enough along to know if mine are going to change much. So far the measurements seem to be pretty proportionate, but who knows. Good luck!
  • lbetancourt
    lbetancourt Posts: 522 Member
    yeah, another male here confused.

    Losing weight and keeping boobs...I fail to see the problem here...LOL.

    no, *kitten*. wish i had that problemo.
  • jdploki70
    jdploki70 Posts: 343
    yeah, another male here confused.

    Losing weight and keeping boobs...I fail to see the problem here...LOL.

    LOL yes thanks for that but honestly I look like I need like massive feet to balance me out. I'll have to start wearing clown shoes to stop me falling over!!!
    I'm sure if you ask nicely some guy will be more than happy to hold you up through this trying time...

    I think for men women wanting smaller boobs is like a guy wanting a smaller package...it's just counterintuitive.
  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    My chest was the very last place I lost fat. I was so delighted when they finally shrank a bit because they actually 'fit' with the rest of my leaner/fitter body.

    To the men who are confused... when it comes to breasts, bigger is not always better. I would much rather have my perky small C breasts than the fatty, flabby, saggy double-D breasts I had before. My chest looks so much better now than it did when it was bigger.
  • peachyxoxoxo
    peachyxoxoxo Posts: 1,178 Member
    I lost 17 lbs earlier this year and my boobs stayed the same size. ARGH.
  • mndamon
    mndamon Posts: 549 Member
    I just wanted to stop in and say I totally condone and support the title of this thread. We should put our best and brightest towards furthering this cause.

    However, the title and subject don't match where my head's at me thinks.
  • gaerielsky
    gaerielsky Posts: 20
    Granted, they can be uncomfortable to work out with. Not as easy to do push ups, etc. and jogging is a joke.

    But I had the opposite problem. I was 42DD and went down to a 36C(sort of, almost B). However, my thighs would not shrink.

    Everyone loses where their body wants to. You can't spot lose unfortunately. You can only tone the muscles underneath. That could make 'em bigger.
  • CassandraM22
    I've never lost weight in my bust, everytime I do the diet thing I get larger in the bust area, I'm up to an F myself. This time around I may float away if they get any larger and my body gets smaller. lol.
  • nickyjl81
    nickyjl81 Posts: 66
    The problem is that large boobs make a person sore. Your back/shoulders hurt (even with a proper fitting bra) and they get in the way. Not to mention they are hard to strap down when you want to exercise. I have a 29'' waist and am a 32DD. They are a pain...literally. XD

    Exactly. I have bad posture because of them as well. I really hoped dropping weight would make a difference and it hasn't!
  • Weebs628
    Weebs628 Posts: 574 Member
    Lol... typical men! Big boobs are not all they're cracked up to be...
  • ghgs13
    ghgs13 Posts: 27
    I understand this problem so well! I read they are the last area for weight loss to occur because they're made up of a different type of fat. Not sure how correct this is, but keep at it and they may come off. I'm doing chest presses to lose fat from this area and gain muscle, even if they look a little bigger (and hopefully perkier) they probably of not being able to run without they hurting and bouncing around should be lessened!
  • PicNic00
    PicNic00 Posts: 269 Member
    Lost 60lbs and it didn't touch my cup size.

    This time around.... Lost 30lbs.. went from a 42DD to a 40DDD.

    Doesn't make sense.