

  • oats. as previous poster pointed out. check the ingredients. oats are far better for you, fill you up for longer due to the slow burning carbs too. make with skimmed milk and add a bit of cinnamon and a teaspoon of honey if you have a sweet tooth.
  • I've recently started drinking sparking water, I've tried it with slices of orange, lime and lemon. A slice of lemon wins with loads of ice... it's really refreshing. no sugar, no aspartame, no chemicals.
  • Hmmmm. interesting, I do a lot of cycling and do tend to use the electrolyte based products as I tend to cramp up after a few hours. I'll be watching. thanks for the linky.
  • Heart rate can be classed as zones. simplified it is as follows. Zone 1 60 to 75% of max HR will promote fat burn. Zone 2 75 to 90% this is for your Aerobic exercise Zone 3 90 to 100% This your anerobic zone with increases your lactate threshold. All zones will burn fat but zone one is optimal Hope that helps.
  • Also check your bike set up, it may not just be the exercise that's affecting your legs. The bike set up is a very important part of cycling.
  • Always rest your muscles, eat proteins after exercise as well. drinking water is also essential. keep it up. with regards to the 4lb weight gain, I'd try and stick to weighing yourself at the same time every week. weight does fluctuate.
  • Good luck Angie, how much have you lost since you joined? 20 pounds in 5 weeks is definitely going to be tough for you so I would just take it day by day. Keep chatting to people on here as i'm sure they'll give you encouragement and inspiration.
  • Sugars does it for me. cakes, biscuits, chocolate, that sort of stuff. Only way is to eliminate one from your diet for a couple of days until you can determine what's causing it.