Deepa11 Member


  • You have got plenty of good advice here already. In addition to focusing on exercise eat plenty of salads and drink at least 10 glasses of water everyday. It will do wonders to your skin. Stay positive and radiant, it will make a big difference on your D-Day!
  • Wow, that's awesome. You mentioned you were on 1200 calorie diet. Could you also share your exercise regime too? As in how many hours? How much cardio? How many body flow classes etc.?
  • Do you eat net of 1200 calories all the time? Do you mind sharing how much you were eating when you plateaued and how much you started eating after?
  • Thank you for your responses and useful suggestions. I have a question. How do I eat more calories, through more quantity or by eating high calorie food? For example, if I sprinkle more cheese I can easily add like 100 calories? or replace multi-grain bread with say brown rice that easily adds more calories compares to low…
  • SW: 149 CW: 149 GW: 120 Weigh in Dates: 9/1 - 149 9/8 9/15 9/22 9/31 I am stuck....weight loss plateau or whatever. Needle is not budgeting. I am trying to eat more. I usually net 600 calories or below except on weekends when I exercise less/rest. I eat 1200-1300 calories and burn around 600-900 a day. I do cardio…
  • Awesome job! It feels great when losing weight clicks