bapaige Member


  • I have been eating protein bars. The Power Crunch Bars are really good. They are around 200 calories each. That can give you added calories and can be something easy to carry to school. I always carry an extra in my pocketbook when I feel the urge for something sweet (they are good!).
  • I too am doing 1200 calories/day. I have had the same problem with not eating the total calories every day. My trainer said that once a week would be fine but not to make a habit of it as it will put your body into starvation. One days that I don't eat the 1200, I try to eat at least the 1200 the next day. I don't know how…
  • That is awesome to hear!! You should be very proud of yourself. I can't wait to go to the doctor so he can see what I have been doing. I am sure my blood pressure, cholesterol, everything is down! Keep it up. I am sure the next time you go to your doctor he will be blown away with you!! :happy:
  • I know how you feel! My mother-in-law lives with us, and I don't know how many times I have come home from work to find fried chicken, mashed potatoes, or spaghetti, cake or whatever else she has decided to make during the day. Shes know I am trying to lose weight, but gets really offended when I don't want to eat what I…
  • Way to go, girl! However, if he didn't love you with an extra 20 pounds, you don't need him anyway! You use this as motivation and show him and everyone else just how wonderful you are!
  • Way to go!!:smile:
  • I am new at this but my trainer has got me hooked on protein bars for breakfast. I eat the "Power Crunch Bars". They come in several different flavors. I too am on a 1200 calorie/day diet. I eat one for breakfast with some black coffee. The protein keeps my metabolism up and I stay full longer during the day. This has…
  • I have cut out all regular sodas and try to drink water with my meals. My weakness is Diet Sunkist! They are soooo good. Even though they are calorie free, I know they aren't good for me so I am trying. Its definately hard. The headaches get really annoying sometimes. Guess that is all part of "detoxing"!!!
  • Congratulations! That is awesome. 26 miles is a lot of miles. And to think I was feeling good about walking 4 miles yesterday! Way to go. Keep up the good work!!!! Becky
  • Hi, Lizz. I can't say mine is from a baby, since my "baby" is now 11 years old! I have just become lazy and in a rut. However, I am more motivated that ever. My beginning weight was 235 on 9/1/09. I am now down to 224 and feel much better. I don't have the knee and back pain that I was having. I know even getting 10 pounds…
  • Welcome aboard!!
  • Congratulations! That is awesome. Keep up the good work!!
  • Congratulations! Awesome job....keep up the good work!
  • Welcome! I just joined today myself. It looks like we will find lots of support on this site. Good luck accomplishing your goals!!:smile: