Low calorie breakfast ideas



  • angiered
    angiered Posts: 169 Member
    I chop up a banana and dump my yogurt over it. Yum. That's my "out of time" go-to breakfast. lol
  • maple and brown sugar instant oatmeal, packages, it fills you up and gives you lots of energy
  • How about Thomas' Whole wheat English muffin (100 cals), egg beaters (30 cals), 2% american cheese (45 cals), and Oscar Meyer ham (45 cals for six slices...I put only one slice). Whole thing comes out to 188 cals and its delicious. Good luck.

    MmmMM that sounds great!

    I would suggest a slimfast bar (220 cals) for breakfast. I think they go really well with my morning cup o joe.

    Another option would be an egg beater (30 cals) and veggie omelet. I would use spinach, mushrooms, and broccoli sauteed (sounds gross, but its really good) and fresh tomatoes or salsa on top. Very low cal and satisfying.
  • Well, you might all gross out but I take a zuchinni and dice it up, pan fry it PAM, add 2 ounes of soyrizo, and then 1/2 cup of egg sub.

    It is a big plate of food, low calorie, healthy, and I love the mexican flavor. I put salsa over it. kc

    What is soyrizo?
  • katznketo
    katznketo Posts: 323 Member

    Soyrizo is a health food take on the Mexican Chorizo.

    Chorizo is seasoning of chilis into either Pork or Beef glands.

    Buy soyrizo is in soy. I love it and it's vegan. Taste like the flavor of a Chili Dog. (No dog though)
  • Kristi82
    Kristi82 Posts: 80 Member
    I love the banana pancake that people have posted on here. So thank you to whoever that was!!!!
    1 egg white, 1 banana, 1/3 cup oats, mix together and fry like a pancake. I also add a pinch of cinnamon. So good, and so satisfying!
  • I love the banana pancake that people have posted on here. So thank you to whoever that was!!!!
    1 egg white, 1 banana, 1/3 cup oats, mix together and fry like a pancake. I also add a pinch of cinnamon. So good, and so satisfying!

    just those 3 ingredients? No water mixed with the oatmeal?
  • Kristi82
    Kristi82 Posts: 80 Member
    I add a small amount of water and let the oats soak for a min, but you don't need to. I know, sounds weird, but really good!
  • Wecandothis
    Wecandothis Posts: 1,083 Member
    I know this is not at all exotic, but it's real food and it keeps you full for a long time.

    2 poached eggs (147 calories)
    6 (Yes six) Strips of Oscar Mayer Ready Bacon (105 calories)

    Total: 252 Calories

    I bought one of those microwave poachers, entire breakfast is cooked in 3 minutes.
  • I have been eating the same thing with a cup of coffee and it is also getting tiring...im eating 1200 calories a day too...egg beaters is very good...1 cup of that and a piece of whole grain toast with maybe a fruit or a small lowfat yogurt would be good for a change up...thats what im trying tomorrow...i couldnt even finish my oatmeal this morning because i am so tired of eating it...lol!
  • AshleySeay
    AshleySeay Posts: 31 Member
    Alot of these suggestions are low in calories but also low in nutritional content. To convert fat to muscle you must have a significant soucre of protein in every meal, i.e. egg whites, meat, or protein supplement. Want a good protein supp? Try Syntrax Matrix 5.0 only 19.99 @ BestPriceNutrition.com. Low in cals, cars and high in protein. Tastes good too.
  • Ryhenblue
    Ryhenblue Posts: 390 Member
    LeanPocket Breakfasts
    Kashi Go Lean Waffles
  • bapaige
    bapaige Posts: 18 Member
    I am new at this but my trainer has got me hooked on protein bars for breakfast. I eat the "Power Crunch Bars". They come in several different flavors. I too am on a 1200 calorie/day diet. I eat one for breakfast with some black coffee. The protein keeps my metabolism up and I stay full longer during the day. This has worked very well for me. I have lost 12 pounds since 9/1/09.
  • rachi20024
    rachi20024 Posts: 229 Member

    Soyrizo is a health food take on the Mexican Chorizo.

    Chorizo is seasoning of chilis into either Pork or Beef glands.

    Buy soyrizo is in soy. I love it and it's vegan. Taste like the flavor of a Chili Dog. (No dog though)

    That sounds great!! I'm going to try that YUM:flowerforyou:
  • I like a big breakfast, particularly when I'm trying to loose weight... but, for a low-cal breakfast, I totally recommend the Food For Life breads toasted either plain or with a little peanut or nut butter. These breads are really satisfying, and pretty high-protein all by themselves. Now, since I like a big breakfast and my intake is more in the neighborhood of 1600, I like a lot of PB :)
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Egg white omelets are my staple breakfast on the weekends. You can add so many different things it's hard to get burned out on them!

    Mine usually end up having 250 calories, but that's because I add bad stuff like full fat cheese or sour cream. If you leave that stuff off, the two I had this weekend would be well under 200 calories:

    Saturday was 1/2 cup liquid egg whites, chopped spinach, fresh basil (sorry, I'm a basil-holic), diced tomatoes, onions. Makes a HUGE omelet and you'll probably be riding the 100 calorie line with that one. If you wanted to boost the calories a little, you could add a whole egg (I added a whole egg & 1/4 cup full-fat cheddar... which added about 184 calories and I was still under 300 for the total)

    Yesterday I used 1/2 cup liquid egg whites & then filled it with some of the chicken left over from Salsa Chicken night (about 2 oz cooked chicken, sprinkle of taco seasoning, 2tbs Mexican salsa). It was so good, and you'd be under 150 calories with that one (I added a slice of red. fat provolone & 2 tbs sour cream. If you leave that out, you'll be right at 115 calories).

    The omelets are very filling -- I stay full for 3-4 hours after eating them. Plus, they're full of good nutrition. YUM!
  • I chop up a banana and dump my yogurt over it. Yum. That's my "out of time" go-to breakfast. lol

    that sounds good; im going to have to try that!
    I also eat those 90 calorie Special K bars or a low calorie granola bar. Eggs are good too for low calorie. I've also found those 100 calorie yogurt's with chocolate chip cookie pieces.. those are yummy and gets my sweet tooth to calm down!
  • Dive_Girl
    Dive_Girl Posts: 247 Member
    My fav breakfast is 4 whole egg whites and one whole egg, a tablespoon of low fat milk and scramble with some onion flakes. Then I usually toss in about a quarter half tomato, a quarter avocado and maybe left over veggies from the night before like asparagus or green beans. It runs usually under 300 calories. Some times if I have grilled meat from the night before I might toss in an ounce for flavor. Very yummy and low cal scramble and very satisfying. It stays with me until my first morning snack.
  • Love it!! Just got all of those things and they are filling! Thanks for the input!
  • I love Honey Nut Cheerios (1 cup), 1/2% milk (half cup) sugar free pudding and a special k bar.

    310 calories altogether!

    Love it!! Just got all of those things and they are filling! Thanks for the input!
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