jcast92 Member


  • I just wanted to say congrats on your weight loss! :) Cutting out sugars is probably great for your health.
  • Thank you for all the different perspectives and bits of advice! I feel much better about the silly 2-lb increase now. I'll be sure to weigh everything today (including bars!) and this weekend too, and see how that goes for me next week! I really appreciate all the input. It's been too long since I've actively tried to…
  • Haha, I know. After reading everyone's responses I feel much less worried about the fluctuations. I've just gotten away with not logging before and haven't noticed any increases greater than a pound (which usually goes away quickly). I couldn't figure out why it had been steadily going up on the days I felt I was being…
  • Okay! It helps to hear what it's like for other people. It's been so long since I've actively tried to lose weight that I really don't know what it's like anymore. Thanks for all the help!
  • Well I've been walking more this past week, but I've been doing the combination cardio/strength training classes for almost a month now. But since the routine isn't always the same, I guess I can't rule it out as a possibility?
  • I've been doing the interval workouts (it's a class that involves high intensity cardio combined with strength moves) for almost a month now but not including that at all in the exercise calories. My activity setting on MFP is sedentary. I've been following that estimation merely because sometimes when I try not to eat…
  • This is comforting. Water retention would account for the measurements too, right? I think I may try decreasing my carb intake as well in favor of protein or something. All of this talk about water is making me thirsty...
  • Haha, it is! :smiley: Motivation to stick to it in case this is what's happening here too!
  • Thanks! By let it go, I just meant forget about it. I won't give up yet, don't worry! I weigh most of the food on a scale (but not the bars, which I should start weighing now as well). To be honest, yesterday I probably had less water than I should have because I forgot to take my usual water bottle to work. I had…
  • Wow, I never even thought about weighing the bars, thanks! Some weekends I do slack off on the logging if I'm eating at someone else's place or someone is taking me out to eat or something, but I think I'll try my best to log weekends now too. Do you usually log or do you ever try intuitive eating?
  • This week, yes! I bought a little food scale a while back. I think what bothers me is that I wasn't measuring everything as consistently before this week and I was at least maintaining. Now that I am being more strict about it, my weight is going up although I haven't changed anything. If anything, I'm doing a lot more…
  • I've lost an average of about half a pound a week. If I can keep this up... by my vacation time I'll be pretty closet to my goal. It's creeping up on me! :)
  • Count me in!! Anyone can feel free to add me. I'm really determined this time.
  • I totally had a problem like that when I first lost weight 4 years ago! What ended up helping me was doing some cardio first thing in the morning (at a gym, I could never convince myself to get up otherwise), then eating a light breakfast. In the beginning, I did not have any non-exercise days for about a month. This was…
  • haha best post
  • I don't lock my phone. I guess if my SO wanted to see it, sure. But it's been almost a year and he's never asked. As for me, I don't care about what's on his phone either. Sure, sometimes I glance when he's spending a long time on a text, but I usually just try to catch the name, not the content of the conversation. And…
  • Things are a bit better now in comparison to four years ago, but the following still get me: - thigh chafing ESPECIALLY when I run!! This prevents me from going on longer runs because it gets so uncomfortable. - feeling noticeably fatter after eating when around thinner people - trying to hide the fat (when I was fatter, I…
  • This thread inspired me to finally try the apple pie one... OMG. SO. GOOD. Once I finish my pure protein bars, I might switch to these for a while for variability. :) I'm glad the question was asked! Everyone has great input!
  • Hi! My goal is to lose somewhere between 12 and 16 pounds. Anyone can feel free to add me :) I would love the support!
  • Hi! Anyone here can feel free to add me. :) I'm 22. I just finished my undergrad for anyone who's interested, but really if you just want a motivation buddy who logs frequently, I'm here for you!
  • Everyone seems to have good goals in mind! That's awesome. Anyone can feel free to add me too. :) Do any of you know how to balance work with exercise with studying? I recently graduated from college, but I'm studying for a test for a post-graduate program. What's the most effective way to work out in short amounts of time?
  • Count me in!!! I'm looking to lose my last 10 lbs too :/
  • Seriously!! Regarding the hormones though, I have better news. 20 mcg, or 0.02 mg, are released by Mirena initially, and this amount decreases by about 50% over the 5 years. And remember we're talking about release into the uterus, so if any of it makes it into the bloodstream it's only a fraction of those 0.02 mg. In…
  • In comparison to birth control pills and other contraceptives and just hormone concentrations in general, the amount that makes it into the bloodstream is negligible, no? 20 mcg of levonorgestrel a day is released initially. This amount is decreased by about 50% over the five years. In comparison, at least 0.18 MG, not MCG…
  • I just wanted to add to this and say that the release of hormones by Mirena is localized to the uterus anyway, unlike birth control pills. I think if more people understood how Mirena actually works, they wouldn't blame it for problems that have no way of interacting with the Mirena. Seriously, did anyone take the time to…
  • Mirena only releases local hormones, so there's no reason for weight gain to occur. The hormones are only released into the uterine area, so the only thing that's affected should be the uterine lining and similar functions. Unlike BCP, which release hormones everywhere (and thus may affect people negatively), Mirena is…
  • Silken tofu is great!! :) My favorite is morinu. 24 grams of protein for 200 calories of deliciousness!! You can use it in desserts, salads, main meals. You can blend it as a secret ingredient... The possibilities are endless.
  • Arms and shoulders! :) I couldn't care less about abs; if they're fit, usually their stomach is flatter anyway and their hard work shows. But before I read the post about the muscle groups, I definitely thought about his eyes first. And his mouth...
  • Stir fried lettuce: 1 head of lettuce 2-4 tablespoons oyster sauce (depending on your tastebuds and all that) 2 tsp sesame oil You stir it all together until the lettuce gets softer but not wilted (I personally let it get more wilty than usual because I like it that way). eventually it'll all reduce to a manageable, tasty…