didnt want you to anyways
is that creepy?
im going to FO SHO!! YUP, just did
Richard Simmons
if you ever need a hand with that,. let me know!
anything from Journey
this is a setup
That pic makes my wiener hurt!
Just like going down the banzai slide and not keeping your legs crossed!
my @sshole!! sometimes!
Grilling, direct heat with quick cook times. Bbqing, indirect heat with long cook times! When I'm bbqing i use charcoal for the heat and wood for flavor. Some people like to go straight wood,i haven't tried that yet, i don't like my meat over smoked. Tasos foil packet is a good trick on propane grill or if you're using…
yeah baby
Ive done 6 of these bad boys at once!
its the drugs
i like your tummy
Its like taco bell, oh so good but you don't want to actually see what you're eating!
Only one rule, no touching of the face or hair!
That got out of hand quick!
I got some knee pads you can borrow!
If you need a step stool, I have plenty. Dont get to use them much!
I hope so
I would just derail this thread!
that sexy dress
I need a hug!
Since you like hearing harsh things, get a divorce while you're still young. You can start over and find someone that doesn't abuse you mentally. You may not see it but that's abuse!
stop it
parents don't either
@market I think you're very beautiful, the first couple pictures are nice but you need to smile more! I bet you're really pretty when you smile! And I don't like the pics with that guy!!